Life /
Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]
vast majority is more or less against.
How can anyone be "AGAINST" homosexuality? You can be "against" abortion or "against" letting people buy guns or something but you cannot be "against" homosexuality. Homosexuality has nothing to do with anyone. It doesn't effect anyone beside the person who is homosexual. It's not like abortion. Abortion you are killing a living being and, although I am pro-choice, I understand being "against" abortion because it does kill a potential human being. It also can be PREVENTED. I understand being against guns? Because people use guns to kill people. Take away the guns, you take away the human's CHOICE to kill someone with a gun. I also understand why people are AGAINST Gay Marriage. It leaves the tradition between a man and a woman less valid because homosexuals can. It changes a long standing sacred tradition. I myself am all for letting gay people get married but I can see the other side but I think to say you you are AGAINST homosexuality is just ridiculous.
I think that's the key thing here, in order to be "against" something and have an opinion that means something and an opinion that will change the way that human's live their lives, then you aren't AGAINST anything, you are just ignorant. As a woman, I've tried to have sexually relationship with another woman and it didn't work for me. It's not who I was attracted to. Being "against" homosexuality is telling a person who is physically attracted to the same sex to CHANGE and be physically attracted to the oppisite sex.
In order to not be ignorant and not be "against" something that we as heterosexual people cannot change, envision someone telling you that you have to change and start to be attracted to the SAME sex... You just aren't attracted to them are you? That's what it boils down to.
My brother is homosexual and when he came out, nothing changed in our family. He is a beautiful person and has not changed in my eyes. I understand that I cannot change the sex of the other human he is physically attracted to and he can't change it either. He tried for a long time to live the life of a heterosexual but he just couldn't do it... People ignorant people with a pointless hateful opinion of being "AGAINST" homosexuals need to open their minds and hearts and put themselves in the shows of the ones they are persecuting.