4 Aug 2009
Love / Looking for Polish websites for singles [8]
>>I'd like to find a good online free Polish-English translator. I found "poltran.com/pl.php4" , is that a good translator? If anybody here knows one better than that, the information will be very appreciated.<<<
The best online translator I have found is google translate
h t t p ://translate.google.com/translate_t#submit
Most of the time it lets you understand even quite complex stuff but its not perfect so you may need others like poltran.
>>I'd like to find a good online free Polish-English translator. I found "poltran.com/pl.php4" , is that a good translator? If anybody here knows one better than that, the information will be very appreciated.<<<
The best online translator I have found is google translate
h t t p ://translate.google.com/translate_t#submit
Most of the time it lets you understand even quite complex stuff but its not perfect so you may need others like poltran.