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Joined: 6 May 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 28 Jan 2011
Threads: Total: 25 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 429 / In This Archive: 141

Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: carp fish :)

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6 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 4 - Language [66]

It's natural in public to earwig a little in case you overhear someone planning a bank robbery or a murder (that's what I always hope for anyway!)

that's just what I thought - Britons, possibly as a Germanic trait, live in a society that they have to continuously control. They check one another out, eavesdrop on one another. That's why all the houses look the same and there can be only one fashion at the time. Paranoia on paranoia whipping paranoia up

Depends on their reason for going. If going for a holiday, them it is common courtesy to make the effort and learn enough to get by. If going to live, or stay for a long period and work, then it would be essential.

'would be' - so you do or you don't?

I'm too polite to tell foreigners to speak English

You have some basic leftover sense then, but it's still not enough to count as politeness. Britons don't speak Spanish in Barcelona, French in France et c. British workers don't speak Arabic in Oman and definitely did not speak German in Berlin in 1990s, because they still don't.


I hope your brown lady was good.
Yes, I'm sure that you have the authority to tell other people where to live, how and how long.
5 Oct 2009
Genealogy / "You don't look Polish" statement [29]

Polish look is all about those big cheeks, we have very wide faces with round cheeks.

But I get told that I don't look Polish - only once when I was really tired with eyes shining from fever and sweaty hair I was told I looked Eastern European. So I suppose it's about what the foreigners look for to decide that somebody is 'slovenly', and then that they are Slav.
5 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 4 - Language [66]

The English that they teach us at school is not the same English as is spoken. This situation resembles Japanese Heian era - everyone had to speak Chinese, only Chinese people would not have understood this version of Chinese.

One realises that very distinctly when one lands in Nottingham and tries to get a bus. The locals will gurgle something unintelligible which leaves one with the question what language d they in fact speak, for the Mercy of God?

With time the accent will grow more familiar. If one reads the magazines and , it will come much quicker with the greater vocabulary.

The language remains a barrier for a lot of Polans in the UK - generally people who are not fluent will not try to get a better job, even if they have good qualifications.

But as the familiarity increases, one begins to enjoy the better parts of English - as written by Dot Wordsworth in the Spectator, for example.

It would be all a thing of beauty, of not the notorious Daily Mail and their likes, who had managed to convince the locals that speaking one's woen langguage somehow offends them...

This happened to me today - my man and I have lunched in the town, and when we were paying for parking this old geezer with watery eyes of an alcoholic just came to us, and starter staring very intently - like when they want one to move but without saying 'excuse me'. We ingnored him, so he just came straight to us and interrupted us 'I DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT LANGUAGE, I DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT LANGUAGE!!!'.

We said:
And to that he said: 'nie romumiem!'
We said:
'Ha ha ha!'

Points to ponder:
1. Why would I speak so that everybody can eavesdrop?
2. If Brits come to Poland do they speak Polish?
3. Was that polite to interrupt us, even though we were 'just Poles', or 'just immigrants'?
5 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in UK. Ch. 3 - Food [93]

stop lying please.

You obviously have issues with the UK

Fine - get downstairs from where I am sitting now and buy a carton of milk - it might be good because it's a cold day, but I never buy from that rude old chap any more when it's hot.

It may be illegal, but this English chap definitely had sold me off milk.

You are very quick to call other people liars. if that's not crass, i don't know what passes fro crassness in your council estate.

And - stop being so itchy about your island. I will not concentrate on praising you just so you can pet your insecurity - there are good things and bad things. I will tell them all.
4 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in UK. Ch. 3 - Food [93]


haha, that's how good my spelling is! I put the name here to show that it was not ASDA line - ASDA is capable of spoiling even the stuff that they buy and sell already packaged, and even if it's alcohol which by definition does not rot in the bottle.

milk in red caps - never buy that. only buy Dairy Crest from the Hungarians.

And you're right, Wrocław, there are things of sale that are off in Poland as well. Especially in small shops and Carrefour. But I guess small shops are like that everywhere - in England I bought milk that was stinking several time in such shops. I couldn't tell because of the carton box. :(
4 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in UK. Ch. 3 - Food [93]

try Asda

Thank you but never again. Even their Peiper-Heidsick gave me a headache. It oculd have been past the bb date.

Jacobs instant, evaporated milk, demerara sugar. Bliss.
3 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in UK. Ch. 3 - Food [93]

Ha ha, good one, Szkotja!

I'm in Warwickshire, I only went to London for a weekend.

Warwickshire is the English farm region, their Kansas. Like our Ostrołęka.
3 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in UK. Ch. 3 - Food [93]



I agree about the beef in Poland not being very good. But I don't use it for steaks anyway, so I only want the gelatine taste that goes in a soup.

Lamb it's possible to buy in Poland, but only frozen and v. expensive - I wonder if we sell all the lamb abroad? Because there are sheep farms.

Hoop lemonade is v. sweet indeed, but I had in mind the Coke kind of sodas - they taste different in every country.
3 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in UK. Ch. 3 - Food [93]

What do you thinnk of Scotland Ksyia ?

I've never been in Scotland so far - I plan to go to the very top. Past Inverness. Take the car and have a nice long ride through the open.

Scottish shortbreads are awesome :)
3 Oct 2009
Food / What is this? Dark whisky Scottish or Polish? [58]

Naturally, none of the smarties posted a link to Polmos.
of course this, of course that! ech, children...

Also in Poland, created Dark Whiskey (V & S Luxury ) . It is a blended liquor , obtained by a combination of selected species of Scotch whiskey , produced according to the standard set of V & S Luxury , according to a formula developed by Polmos Zielona Gora . Distillates to produce Dark Whiskey aging in Scotland at least 3 years . The Green Mountain is a set which is aged in oak barrels for no longer than a month , then filtered through specially selected filter media and packaged in bottles.

The distiller in Scotland, aged 3 years in Scotland whisky is bought by Polmos and blended in Poland.

'of course it's fake!, yada, yada, yada'
3 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in UK. Ch. 3 - Food [93]

Life is never easy. Thus said Ksysia the Prophet.

Coming to a foreign country, I had to learn everything anew. Which bread is edible, which is good. Where do eggs stand, where do they put flour bags. To go shopping before 5PM, otherwise everything apart from Tesco's will be closed.

After 3 years I'm more-less safe.

Artisan bread comes from Sainsbury's, and they also sell buns for baking at home (Cuisine de France, I think). Breads in foil are to be avoided.

Butter is good - choose any butter.

Milk is very bad, it tastes like water with some powder milk. Sainsbury's SoOrganic is bearable. There's one good brand, Dairy Crest, available from the Kurdo-hungarian shop.

Pork is bad. Avoid it at all costs. Read about how farms are feeding pigs in a closed system, and never buy it.

Lamb and beef are very good, but only the expensive counter meat selection.

There's only one kind of chicken that resembles chicken, the yellow skinned outdoor reared chicken.

Canned drinks are sweeter than in Poland.

Vegetables are good if they come from the cheapest, lowest shelves - not organic or any fancy packagings.

flour is very good, it's drier and finer ground than ours.

Wine is dirt cheap and there are even some wined that are possible to drink - Lussac St. Emillion for example. Champagne is cheaper than in Poland even in absolute values.

Lager is rather tasteless, but there's a wide selection of real ales, like Director's Ale. They taste very richly, like kwas chlebowy.

And soup pasta is imported from Italy - DeCecco. V. good.

It's not possible to buy Jacob's coffee, apart fro the aforementioned shop. Thank God for Kurdo-Hungarian shopkeepers!
3 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish immigrant in the UK. Ch. 2 - Stress [63]

Why do you post under two separate names when you're clearly the same person i.e identical avatars ???

Illiogical - why would I have two accounts? krysia entertains herself with the confusion of similar names, so when I chose an avatar to differentiate myself from her, she immediately selected the same on, to keep entertaining herself.

For all who don't wish to be used as krysia's entertainment - I'm not a gold member.

I was here first

'i was here first so I will steal your avatar'. how impressive! what credit you bring to your nation!
2 Oct 2009
Language / Anyone use "SERWUS"? [46]

I heard it a fair bit in Austria right enough

Sure, Germans and Austrians are into the high culture a lot, they had strong religious life as well - as Teutonic Knights for example. Why would they not know Latin?
2 Oct 2009
Life / Talk-sex in Poland...are Poles really prude? [44]

it seems that sex is still taboo in Poland...

wow, what do you know?

do you know what happened when I wrote about the smell of condoms here once? not? read here:

Polans don't talk to you about sex, because it's never real conversation. it's only so that you can prove to all and sundry about how modern you are. like we used to - in liceum.

I never been to Poland but I can't imagine it being open about sex since many Poles are religious Catholics.

Catholic girls wear their skirts really short, unlike Protestant girls, who are all covered up. What does that prove? simple - Protestants have to explain to themselves that it's Catholics who are pruder.
2 Oct 2009
Language / Anyone use "SERWUS"? [46]

does have a Germanic

It's Latin. Servus is 'slave'. It has originaly meant 'at your service'.
The same kind of greeting as in
'czołem' - 'bowing with the forehead', or
'służba!' - 'servitude' 'service'.

Greetings older than that are:
'pomagaj Bóg' - may God aid you
'daj ci Bóg dzień dobry' - may God give a good day

Farewells were:
'z Bogiem' - 'with God'
'do następnego' - 'till then'
'na razie' - 'for now'
'żegnajcie' - 'farewell'
'bywajcie' - 'farewell'
2 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish immigrant in the UK. Ch. 2 - Stress [63]

Why do Poles always think somewhere else is better than Poland?

good question, Krysiu. I think that some of it is to do with the political failure dating back to the 18th century, some is due to the uprisings - the soldiers went abroad and were missed by families, and avoided jail.

But also a lot is due to the American propaganda fighting with Soviet propaganda during the cold war. We did not want to be on this side of the curtain, so we yearned for the other side. Some people still believe that the mythical West is better. On both sides! Poles believe that England is like in Jeeves and Wooster, and USA like in the Disney films. Britons believe that Poland is a sad dodgy country, Americans believe that Poland is where stupic Pollacks come from.

None of this is true.

Ksysia The Prophet.
2 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish immigrant in the UK. Ch. 2 - Stress [63]

you need explain to people that these are YOUR experiences

Now I do not understand?! Who else's would they be???

similar attitude

Why 'attitude'???

I said that UK is stress free and you say 'attitude', then others say 'so get the fcuk out'. Can you not take a compliment???
2 Oct 2009
Life / Poles that have lived or live abroad are they different? [68]

£1.03, robbing fcuks!

dirt cheap - you get six liters per hour of work at the minimum wage. In Poland - 1,5 liters.

cars are dirt cheap as well. but rent is very expensive. (that is not a pun, defenders of England! that is a comparison!)
2 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish immigrant in the UK. Ch. 2 - Stress [63]

Everyone takes it easy in Britain, you have local newspapers, local radio, football teams and pubs, and that's about it. You don't fret over the politics as much as we do, you're not bombarded with Gazeta Wyborcza and TVN living in a state of permanent catastrophe.

This is what draws people over here, that lack of stress.
This is what makes people not care what job they are in - even if it's 200 pounds per week, at least the petrol is dirt cheap.

It's not stress free for all of us. Especially with the nasty comments: not in the papers, not in the internet, but at work. But definitely your life is easier (and the roads go without saying)