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Posts by PolskaMan  

Joined: 3 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Jun 2009
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 147 / In This Archive: 87
From: Canada
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Polish History and sports

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17 Jan 2009
History / Polish soldier stories [50]

Wow that is one of the best things i have ever read in my life time.
That man was a true hero,Are you related to him or something?If you are you should be proud.
18 Jan 2009
History / Polish soldier stories [50]

Have you read the truly remarkable story of Captain Witold Pilecki

Yes i just cant belive how he risked his life like that.

their only crime was to be fighting for a free Poland

Yeah the Russians to hide this made up lies saying that we killed Jews etc.

Sjam i remember you posting something about your Father who fought in the Pulk 4 Pancerny,Do you know any stories about him that you would like to share?
18 Jan 2009
History / Polish soldier stories [50]

that my grandfather himself tied the noose on a German corporal who had murdered 3 young children in the town.

You should be proud i cant imagine that.

Heres a story of my grandma.She was in the AK and Peasants battalion during the war she was 16 when the war started and was training to be a medic or something like that.She worked in a pharmacy and after she learned about the AK she decided to join and sneak medications to them etc.One day their was a Jewish teenager and some SS men were chasing her she ran in the pharmacy yelling sister help me!But sadly she didnt make it and died right in front of my grand mothers eyes.She also remembers walking home from the forest when she was passing by the cemetry she heard gun shots soo she hid and look in the bushes germans were slaughtering Men,Women,Kids and even babies safely she managed to run away.And my grandfather told me that in 1940 he was 16 yrs old and his brother was in the AK scince late 1939,a couple of of SS men gave their house away to some Romanian Facist i think and made them slaves so they ran away and were wanted soo one night his brother and him and couple of more people from the resistance came to that house quietly whispering to each other we`ll show them soo they threw a couple of mockaloctie cock tails at the house while they were sleeping and a couple of them ran out while they were on fire but they tried shooting but missed and died,Im proud that he did this because those facists beat my grandfather and tied him up and even beat his dad.
18 Jan 2009
History / Polish soldier stories [50]

Thanks for correcting me i forgot about that,Today i was reading somewhere that some Jews welcomed soviets in 39.Sjam you know alot more about Poland in ww2 then me,Do you know if the Bielski brothers took part in the Naliboki forest massacre?

Sjam since your intrested in anti-communist resistance heres a nice site: its all about the so called

``Doomed Soldiers``
10 Feb 2009
History / germany prepares for invasion of Poland [43]

russians and germans have always been making fun of Poles getting beaten

German forces were surrendering and crying to Poles during the Warsaw uprising they gtt owned by a force smaller and badly equipted.

In 1920 we sent the russians crying and begging for mercy in the Battle Of Warsaw

Who should be made fun of now?
10 Feb 2009
History / germany prepares for invasion of Poland [43]

Following the surrender of Polish forces on 2 October, German troops systematically burned the city block by block, leveling another 35% of the town.

Dude stay on topic

Books taught me history not the computer or my neo nazi friends [well yours anyways]
12 Feb 2009
History / German Russian aliance durring WWII - Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact [7]

Without russia germany would lose the war,
Poles would be able to hold of the germans but if we wouldnt,
Poles were planning on escaping to the Romanian boarder get some Romanian troops [Romania wanted to be on Polands side until Germany invaded them they allied with them to avoid war]and start a counter attack from there.
12 Feb 2009
History / germany prepares for invasion of Poland [43]

Wouldn't that be the same as a man with a gun fighting a man with his hands tied behind his back?

Yes it would every war in the 20th centuary involving Poland wasnt started by Poland meaning we were always caught by suprise some people say was prepared for ww2 we only knew there was going to be an attack 2 days before the invasion,what can you do in 2 days?

To the guy above Poland was partitioned by prussia russia and asutria
23 Feb 2009
History / Polish soldier stories [50]

Sokrates you must be proud of having those relatives!Ugh im no nazi but some of the Jews really piss me off they betrayed us in 39 for the soviets we hide them from nazis and rat us out of the war for being in the AK....

Haha your great gramps cheated against germans in poker!LOL

I remember you posting somewhere about 1 of your relatives swords that you own,Do you have any pics you would like to share???
23 Feb 2009
History / Polish soldier stories [50]

Your Grandfather on your Moms side made an impressive escape!Tieing himself under a train!!!!

Brentthruster your probebly hiding behinde the computer screen if you ever said that to a Poles i think you wouldnt have front teeth anymore,And to let you know my GrandFather lived in a undrerground trench or something like that and survived the war your family survived the war hiding in a sub way station hearing bombs crushing there homes!
23 Feb 2009
History / Polish soldier stories [50]

Wow you should be really proud,Do you still have the medal your second greatgramps was awarded?
1 Mar 2009
History / Polish soldier stories [50]

Ohh well thats bad,Do you have any pics of it??

Also i remember seeing somewhere that you can get replacement medals of the ones awarded to the Poles that fought along side the British i think all you need are some of his documents as proof that he was awarded it and served with the britsh if i find it again ill post it

EDIT:Found it! scroll down to POLES WHO SERVED IN BRITISH UNITS IN WW II and theres a link of a site and the stuff you need to have in order to get a replacement
1 Mar 2009
History / Polish soldier stories [50]

I hope you get your replacements

Also today at a Polish militaria show i heard some guy talking about calling a company called spink which made Polish medals for the ones fighting in the west in ww2 maybe you ld contact them and ask im not sure how much they cost though