19 Nov 2008
Real Estate / Selling Land need advice - high voltage power lines on there [3]
I believe that You need to get in touch with a Company witch lay those cables, or Utility Office in this region. I have same problem in Poznan, were "RUROCIAG PRZYJAZNI" pessing my property in about 1/2km, that is what I did. I went to"Soltys" and got all informations. They must know with whom You should talk. Sorry for"my"english"
I believe that You need to get in touch with a Company witch lay those cables, or Utility Office in this region. I have same problem in Poznan, were "RUROCIAG PRZYJAZNI" pessing my property in about 1/2km, that is what I did. I went to"Soltys" and got all informations. They must know with whom You should talk. Sorry for"my"english"