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Joined: 5 Nov 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 27 May 2009
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5 May 2009
News / Chairman of TVP flies the racist flag for Poland [51]

You have to keep in mind, when people blunder like that it makes themselves look far worse than it does anyone else. It just makes Farfal look bad and people will judge him by what he said.
5 May 2009
USA, Canada / Polish stuff vs. American stuff [107]

In America they Mcdonalds their way thru life by eating lots of junk food.
5 May 2009
News / Chairman of TVP flies the racist flag for Poland [51]

Farfał made a blunder during the dinner with representatives of INPUT. There were many officials from many countries and Poland as well, like employees of advertisement or promotion departments. They were eating their dinner when suddenly Farfał started criticising African people – “I knew those black monkeys were losers” – writes “Gazeta Polska”.

Supposedly Farfal said it while having dinner with all of them so, it could have far reaching ramifications if it's true. It's, like, an international scene. Dig? Not just Poland.

Is this man in his day to day working life on a Polish TV station really going to affect the working lives or employment prospects of many/any people of African descent?

Well, there's all these promotional people at the dinner and it involved people from other countries and it took place somewhere in Africa, so, if he really did say it, bad judgment on his part. He says he didn't say it so who knows where the truth lies?
5 May 2009
News / Chairman of TVP flies the racist flag for Poland [51]

No one knows for sure if Farfal said racist remarks or is getting framed by Gazeta Polska for firing people. So, he's not actually guilty until they can produce witnesses who attended the dinner and can confirm he said them.
6 May 2009
News / Chairman of TVP flies the racist flag for Poland [51]

Ok ,in his case,Guilty as charged then,still interested if people think there is a difference between private thoughts and words and public deeds and actions though?

It seems more often than not people take it personally, even if it is not meant to be personal. It's considered worse when someone who has a lot of influence says it, they get more attention. People don't like to see themselves slurred on television or in print.

If an important person, such as a politician, slurs someone publically there's always a lot of reaction.
6 May 2009
News / Chairman of TVP flies the racist flag for Poland [51]

But if it is a privatly held view that ,to the most part,will not affect anyone out side of a small group of probably like minded friends is it anyones right to become the arbiter of private views?

I agree because people are always going to have their opinions but these public figures should know if they say something controversial they will get the muchly publicized responses. Surely, they must be self aware enough to realize that? Which makes me wonder if Farfal did, in fact, say anything or is just getting framed.
6 May 2009
News / Chairman of TVP flies the racist flag for Poland [51]

Why don't you move to Israel?

He would have to convince the Israeli government to let him emigrate. Is it easy for a non jew to emigrate to Israel? I've always wondered about that because Israel has the law of return but what about people who want to live there but do not meet the criteria?
6 May 2009
USA, Canada / Polish stuff vs. American stuff [107]

In the US millions of dogs and cats are euthanized every year by the humane society and the ASPCA and private shelters because of the pet overpopulation problem. Too many dogs and cats and not enough homes.
6 May 2009
USA, Canada / Polish stuff vs. American stuff [107]


We might tell ourselves and the world "Americans are animal lovers" but is it really true? Look at how many unwanted animals there are in the US? I would say it's a half truth at best.
6 May 2009
USA, Canada / Polish stuff vs. American stuff [107]

I was buying cat and dog food and was feeding those poor creatures coming up daily to my house in Mikolajki.

I know you mean well but America really has no reason to be self righteous when we euthanize so many unwanted dogs and cats every year. You wouldn't believe how many in my city are left at the pound every day.
6 May 2009
USA, Canada / Polish stuff vs. American stuff [107]

This whole thread is stupid and it's typical anti-american bs you'll find on the PF's.

I don't see much that's anti-American on this thread.
6 May 2009
USA, Canada / Polish stuff vs. American stuff [107]

Americans are "fat, stupid, culture blah, blah, food is shi.tty".

I live in the US like you and love living here but there are too many fat people here. People have to pay $45.00 for a carton of Marlboros because they cause so many health problems, like cancer and emphazema and the government wanted compensation but what about problems the unhealthy diet causes Americans? Why doesn't the government tax the high fat, empty calorie Oreos, Hostess Cupcakes and Twinkies they are worse than cigarettes? Did you know Dr Pepper is one of the factors in causing diabetes and can lead to childhood obesity?

We should be eating more organic apples.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

The black ghettos in America are also killing fields. There is no living with them.

Thats why America needs no ghettos. If you make everyone fan out and live together, there can't be any dangerous ghettos. Mixed neighborhoods where everyone lives together and are pretty much held to the same standard are a good way to keep the ghetto mentality down to a minimum and it can work. It works here.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

I'm talking about America. You can bring up other examples but since we both live in America maybe we should focus on what we know best, what needs to happen here. Getting everybody together in the same neighborhoods (in the major cities where the bad hoods are the worst) is a good idea because then they can get used to each other influence each other's mentality. Something needs to be done to revitalized the really nasty neighborhoods instead of just ignoring the problem.

Right now, in the US, these all black ghetto neighborhoods are full of disgruntled, disenfranchised minorities who feed off this negative attitude and lifestyle, plus drug problems. They have no self esteem, feel hopeless, surrounded by social ills, feel like there's no way out so what they do is resort to desperate measures and their communities errode and they become these crime infested ghettos that are just as bad for the people living in them as they are for everyone else.

People shouldn't leave these old neighborhoods and give up hope. In my city there are several old neighborhoods with beautiful houses that are worth so much money, you can't just abandon a place and think it will solve problems. You have to work to improve it. If you leave because you don't like it, you are adding to the problem.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

That's not what I'm talking about. I wouldn't suggest anyone move to a dangerous neighborhood unless they want to be there. I am talking about someone letting their neighborhood get bad. It's a shared responsibility. If you sell your neighborhood out and it becomes a crime infested ghetto then you have responsibility in it too. It takes people who are committed to keeping a neighborhood a nice one by making each other take care of their houses and revitalizing when it's needed.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Long story short - the Western culture is in decline and it's doomed.

Only because of fatalistic declarations like this. If you feel so strongly, why not try to change things? You can start by figuring out ways to revitalize run down areas of your community. If you and every one else who says similar things organized and worked to revitalize run down areas, you would be adding so much value to properties here and the bad people wouldn't be able to infiltrate them. They wouldn't be able to afford the houses. Maybe you could hire some of them to help with the renovating? All it takes is some organization, dedication, determination, grass roots campaigning and somebody who works in HUD or knows how to find and buy cheaper houses to get these types of ideas going.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

You don't get it do you?
It's not even about the living conditions but about an entire, global cultural shift. If "culture" is even the right word here. Simply put, we are heading straight into what Middle Ages of the roman catholic church will seem like a golden age of freedom and democracy.

You and I got more power than we realize. The thing you gotta do is focus on your area and how it is there. You can buy up old houses that need work and fix them up and resell them to people with $$$$$ and make a profit on the side. That's what needs to happen in some of these run down neighborhoods. The problem is, people let them decay without doing anything. They give up and move away and then they stuff like "it's getting worse our country is in a state of decline. Western culture is collapsing" Well yah because you are letting it.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

muslim presss gangs

I'm not sure we have those here. Not where I live. We got some run down areas but I think they could be improved if people buy up the cheap houses, fix them and resell them. It's one way to make where you live more valuable. It's an easy way too if you get enough people involved and supportive.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

the times are coming when the only use of your head (I'm assuming you are a female) will be to wear a burka.

I understand where you are coming from but I know for a fact no one is gonna make me do that because I just tell them to go f themselves if they do. Unlike you, I am not worried.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

I'm telling you all this worry and learned helplessness makes you more vulnerable. You should be trying to build your place up and changing where you live.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

- Whitey families decide with their feet and pack their bags -

That is the mistake. Do not run away. If you got a neighborhood and leave it and it becomes a ghetto you have contributed to the problem. You done sold out!!!
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

I see no need for any drastic changes in my living conditions. Those interested in changing theirs are free to do so. I've done my part for them. The roof of my house is being redone next week, and that's pretty much the extent of work I need to do. Oh, and my veggie garden needs some usual work, lkie every Spring.

Yeah but if enough people decided to do their part things could be so much better, couldn't they? There would be less run down areas. It would be easy to turn these things around if you get enough people convinced it's for the best. It will make everything more valuable.

Some countries are already doomed as of today, others have a chance but... are you and most of your friends going have 3 or more kids?

Where I live most have three kids by the time they're twenty but that's changing which is a good thing.

They don't want to be your friend and assimilate. They want to change your way of life - Forever.
Once the tide starts coming in, if you don't move, you drown.

They don't have to be best friends with you but they have to obey the law and stuff. We have neighborhood associations and code enforcers where I live and they keep the property values high. People want their neighborhood to look nice, be clean, grass mowed, house in good repair. If you let that stuff go the property values get lower and low lifes move in.

It's not the worry that makes anybody vulnerable. It's the reality.
And I am personally not worried. I will be dead. The worry is yours.
Btw. the "think positive" slogan is bullsshit. It won't help one bit. May as well spit against the wind or go into the matra of hail marys.

There's nothing to worry about. Life will go on like it always has

7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Well, reality is different.
An ordinary family has neither the time, nor the money nor the energy to play educator or babysitter or policeman for the newcomers...they just want a quiet, comfortable life in a safe, clean environment where their kids can grow up without being mugged, threatened, or killed and get a good education in a school.
That's all they want, so they leave!

Well, yeah, my posts are geared more toward others here in North America. Things are somewhat different where you are but over here people are encouraged to make areas better places to live by buying them up and fixing them. They can make pretty good profits while doing so. It's worthwhile because it would make some of these neighborhoods more valuable and attractive.

This is my home improvement series of posts :)
They were in response to another poster who wrote about black ghettos in the US.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Until they have it changed because it offends their sensibilities.

You can't let them change it. That's where I draw the line. If you are gonna move to another country you can't go changing the laws.

It's clear there's assimilation issues. Ghetto people aren't assimilating. They should have to assimilate and be part of mainstream America and they aren't doing it in run down ghetto 'hoods.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

She is a part of the younger generation that never saw how hard our Grandparents and Fathers had to work so they can live the lifestyle that she has now .

I think the younger generations should preserve the older neighborhoods. We should be working hard to add value. We take too much for granted and that will cause problems. Things will get run down, people won't care and people from other places will come in and buy them up, or they will get so run down they won't sell and will attract low lifes who bring down property values.

Nunczka, your old neighborhood is a prime example of urban decay. We should not allow it to happen. It's irresponsible.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

You can't fight back because you will be labeled a racist.

What I'm talking about isn't so much racial. It's about lowlifes, people without a lot of money and no steady income who move into a neighborhood with low property values, ie: houses that are delapidated, vacant, in bad repair adding to urban decay. These are the types of areas that turn into ghettos because blacks are the ones with the least money and the most social problems in the US. Which is why there are so many blacks in these areas. That, and the whites abandoning them because they don't want to pay to fix these places up.

They tried to stop the onslaught of the so called "affordable housing" (we all know what that really means) and refused to issue building permits.

I'm not sure what "affordable housing" is. Where I live, once prosperous neighborhoods like Capitol Hill are run down now because of urban decay. Whatever is there that hasn't been renovated needs to be or it's going to drag the property values down (which it's already done but some are trying to revitalize such areas now) and vacant houses always attracts lowlifes.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

I would be willing to bet that you live in a white working class neighborhood.

We know all about that here and we know how to keep it from happening. However, this isn't one of those classical hoods with the beautiful old four story houses form the 1920's. If this neighbor went down it's not as bad because these houses are newer and not as elegant and lovely. Why do people let beautiful old neighborhoods get run down? There's a neighborhood in particular that is one of the nicest here and it looks really good because people take care of their properties. The houses are like, around a million dollars each, some less, some more. It would be easy for that neighborhood to go downhill because of it's location in the city but they keep it looking great and it's worth a lot of money when you combine all the houses. There are a few that are run down but people are renovating them so they can sell them for more money. If this same thing happened everywhere, think of how much better off we all would be? Think of how much value we would all be adding to our country.

Bratwurst Boi, are you saying we should let all those houses go downhill? These are heirlooms and your excuse is, because you don't like a few blacks, these beautiful old houses (which they don't make anymore, in the US, anyway) can just go you-know-where? That's not really an excuse to give up on these houses, is it? Why should you let it happen? Think of how valuable these houses are?
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

...if we were to preserve our way of life by being more selective in our immigration policies.

That's another topic entirely. In the US there's no excuse for letting an old neighborhood that was once a thriving place turn into a run down drug den. If people are going to complain about it they should be doing something to fix it or not let it happen in the first place.

I'm actually for doing something but then you will call me probably a racist again..

It depends on what you suggest...if you agree with me, I won't call you a racist, lol.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

HB, You would make a great representative for Acorn.

I dunno what ACORN is. I think there's too much dragging us down. If you lived in an area with a lot of old houses you would agree with me. I think you live in a newer area so maybe what I am proposing wouldn't matter there. But where ever there's old houses, there's value because it's like a tourist attraction, you know? But no one can go visit because it's so run down. We do ourselves a great disservice.
7 May 2009
News / Poland..wake up to a multicultural world [1059]

Selective immigration policy.

It is selective because of Homeland Security. Most of what you are talking about are illegals from Mexico and those are much harder to keep out. They don't enter the country legally and when they get deported they come right back. They find work here because they are willing to work for nearly nothing and people will hire them.