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Posts by mazzastaffordsh  

Joined: 8 Oct 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 29 Oct 2009
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 68 / In This Archive: 48
From: united kingdom stoke on trent
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: learning polish

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19 Nov 2008
News / EU Hypocrisy Regarding Polish Shipyards [30]

Unfortunately we are told that the UK has a special relationship with America so what goes on there the UK follows. It is really stupid. In the UK we say America sneezes and the UK catches the cold. Again it is our stupid politicians they are educated idiots I think. It is time the UK stopped fighting other people's wars and to look after our own people. At our local hospital we had the emergency department so over loaded with sick people that the ambulances had to leave old people outside on a trolley with just a blanket until they could be moved inside. The old people also had not even got a pillow for their head and instead had dirty folded up blankets to use to rest their head on. Believe me it is getting really crap over here in the UK is there room for the Brits in Poland I wonder? Well behaved ones I mean.
19 Nov 2008
Life / Polish Christmas Traditions [19]

Thread attached on merging:

What happens during a traditional Polish Christmas? How is it celebrated by families? Do you expect snow?
18 Nov 2008
News / EU Hypocrisy Regarding Polish Shipyards [30]

Hello again. Yes I understand what you are saying about the dockyards etc, times are a little different now though. Just from around here for example take JCB Diggers for instance, they are making 400 people redundant this is on top of the previous at a guess 400. This has a knock on effect to all the other smaller engineering businesses as the manufacturing of parts is contracted out (JCB only assemble they do not actually make any parts) This brings me on to say that just in such a small area that I am mentioning there will be over 1000 people losing their jobs. Now where I ask are all these people going to find work? All the industry around here has gone. Even the supermarkets are working with minimum staff. All those years ago when it was pit closures, dockyard closures etc the country was at least starting to pick up and there was often retraining schemes. Plus the miners had lucrative pension and redundancy packages (not all I know, my father being one of these) I have friends who lost their jobs in the pits and they have looked after their money and have made investments etc and when they retire they will have a reasonable pension due to the money put into their pension packages. Many many people around here have no such packages. So they will not be having a great Christmas just a letter telling them to not bother to come back in the New Year. Has anyone seen the Gun Wharf Quays in Portsmouth? They have done a fantastic job down there building apartments and shopping complexes together, but the cost of this housing is £250,000 minimum. The same has happened at Poole. Liverpool Docks also has a shopping complex at their docks. How much shopping can people keep on doing. Yes jobs are created but it is all too much all about shopping I think. We are told not to use our cars and yet out of town shopping complexes are still being built. People have to use their cars, how else are they going to get to their place of work? I am sure that Poland has many skilled workers and so has the UK and all the out of work people do not want to work in retail business. We need governments to invest in its own people teach people a trade, when they are trained many could earn a living without being a burden on the state and who knows new business would start again. One other thing I have noticed about Poland they have a transport system that appears to work. Over here it is useless. Too many leaves on the line or wrong sort of snow stops all trains. If you wait for a bus it doesn't turn up and then an hour later we get 3 in a row to the same place - true, no joke. Could I be the next Maggie? Don't think so Mazza doesn't sound the same. Again only joking!!!

On top of the JCB jobs it is now Wedgwood Pottery 346 jobs to go. Royal Doulton went ages ago so yet more bad news. How are things in Poland?These are just local jobs being lost not national job.
16 Nov 2008
News / EU Hypocrisy Regarding Polish Shipyards [30]

Hi lesser, you are quite right that many migrant workers have come to the UK. I welcome them with open arms as far as I can but you see my cousin came here and he was a very willing worker and was doing anything that he could find. I am very happy for anyone who can make a living over here. We do have many lazy people who will never work. Now then to get back to the Polish people. I have seen for myself how some of these people are living. It is very inhumane. Our unscrupulous landlords are having them paying extortionate rents, as many as 10 or more to a flat, some with children as well. The trouble is that our own English workers cannot work for the minimum wage and pay the cost of heating, lighting, feeding families. We have to pay council tax of over £100 per month minimum. Schools do not have the resources to teach the Polish children as they not only have to settle into the school system but they have to master the language too. This is not a problem for me personally but it is hard on the young children.

To welshguyinpoland. I too thought Mrs Thatcher was a very principled lady. Yes the mines probably were inefficient also, but what did she think would happen when we had to close all the mines, how long would import of coal reamain cheap? Why is our energy so expensive now, because she sold off our energy companies, railways, bus services etc. Yes yes I know business has to be efficient which brings me on to the people that have become unemployed by Thatchers policies. Where are all the miners etc going to earn a living? I hear the words retrain coming to mind. Retrain to what? Mrs Thatchers plan was to make England a "service" country. A country of commerce - this means to me banking, insurance, call centres etc. This was fine but these jobs have now gone to a place called India. We make an enquiry at the bank and it can take an hour or so to sort out a problem. Education was then the subject, get everyone to go to university. Well this is already proving a problem because more and more people are getting degree's thus more and more people are going for the better jobs. The degree is devalued because so many people have got one. I think what I am trying to say is that some common sense needs to prevail. Not everybody wants education they want a trade where they can learn bricklaying, plumbing etc.This way they can earn some money without being a drain on the state. Where I live we had pottery companies, steel works, engineering, farming and agriculture. The masses were employed. It is going to need great vision for our country, we are judged by how much money we have. You will always have lazy people unfortunately. Anyway sorry for going on and making this seem like a sermon but please Mrs Thatcher was no angel, and she had a load of "yes men" around her because no-one actually stood up to her and say that some of her ideas were not so good. Also do you know how many people are leaving here now because they can no longer afford to live on the low wages that they earn
16 Nov 2008
News / EU Hypocrisy Regarding Polish Shipyards [30]

Sometimes it takes people who are hard workers who can use their hands (not brain) skills to get countries out of the mire. Where have our educated politicians got us? Education is sometimes a way of keeping people off the dole here in the UK thus keeping the true jobless figures down. We need more people with genuine skills plumbers, carpenters, electricians etc. Instead of educated morons who can talk the talk but not work the work.
16 Nov 2008
News / EU Hypocrisy Regarding Polish Shipyards [30]

You are quite right scorpio. This EU business is just a big "con"trick. We are sick and tired of our "ordinary" men and women losing their jobs and then their homes. Our government keeps telling us that there are jobs out there. Where we keep asking are these jobs? There is a great deal of corruption out there in the many countries of the EU. Large football clubs, business consortiums, wealthy celebrities and they all avoid paying their tax. Why does the Inland Revenue never call in these types of debts? The only people being paid good money now are these footballers and celebs. It is stupid that the same people that are being evicted from their homes are the same people that have had their money sent to help these banks. I wonder why the people that have debt problems could not just pay a nominal rent to the banks and then when things pick up they can come to some other arrangements to continue on with their mortgage. No one needs then to lose their home. Is this too easy a solution or just a no go area?
15 Nov 2008
Feedback / Polish Forums Checker [41]

Hey SeanBM I am a fantastic typist I can touch type and watch tv as well, but am only just learning about computers. I came across this PF site and thought hm I will have a go at that so I think between us we would make a great team.
15 Nov 2008
Feedback / Polish Forums Checker [41]

Oh dear I thought I was the only person not understanding the Checker but thanks for the many replies - will give it a go. Thanks for replying to my question all of you.
14 Nov 2008
Feedback / Polish Forums Checker [41]

Could someone please explain what the Checker is for on this web site. I know I may be classed as dumb but well it doesn't matter?
13 Nov 2008
Travel / About my Holiday in Krakow - the wonderful hospitality in Poland [8]

Hi jackedt glad you enjoyed your trip. If you go to Poland again try to make it early June, we have had some fantastic weather during our trips taken in this month. Don't give up try again it will be worth it. I love the country.
9 Nov 2008
Travel / New Year's in Krakow [22]

The sad thing is that here in the UK the drunken people take up the medical care of our NHS and ambulance service, the people who are genuinely ill cannot get the treatment that they need and have to wait in corridors on a trolley before they can get a proper bed in the hospital. Maybe times will change but I am not too hopeful and am always glad when the New Year has come and gone. I think really it is not just a problem over the Christmas Season it is now becoming normal to get "legless" on our streets particularly in the larger city areas, I just hope that somehow every one can have a great time and that our medical resources are not too stretched - I would love to be in Krakow as I have said before I think it is a beautiful city, I also love Gdansk, having family in that area I have been able to visit and can only say what a warm welcome I and my family have always had and I would love to see the snow and the lights of your Cristmas Season. Maybe one day who knows. Till then All the Best to everyone for Christmas and the New Year, hope its a good one.
7 Nov 2008
Travel / New Year's in Krakow [22]

Thanks for the support Hueg maybe this year will be different. We have recently returned from a long weekend in Krakow and the difference of there and our own city of Stoke on Trent puts this area to shame. There was no chewing gum, take a way cartons or dog mess on the streets - it really was clean and a most welcoming city - hm yes I would really love to spend the NY over there.
7 Nov 2008
Travel / New Year's in Krakow [22]

Hi London Chick I am not harsh on the UK. If you lived in the same area as I do (Stoke on Trent) believe me the New Year is horrendous. I have family in the police force and they have an unbelievable job around Christmas and the New Year. It is safer to be off the streets around here, no kiddin. Anyway to everyone out there hope you all have a great Christmas and that the New Year is even better.I am not a kill joy I like a good party too.
6 Nov 2008
Travel / New Year's in Krakow [22]

New Year in Krakow sounds idyllic. I am so jealous, back here in the UK it is almost a non event except for Scotland of course who celebrate their Hogmonay. Most of our young people just fall around the streets getting drunk and end up in hospital. We don't get much snow here either. Would just love to join in the fun in Krakow as it is a beautiful place to be in. Anyway never mind we will just sit at home here in the UK have a vodka or two and dream of Krakow (even the television programmes for this special night are crap). Anyway cheers to you all in Krakow hope the night is great and that the snow arrives to make a most beautiful scene.
2 Nov 2008

I always thought this photo business a strange thing to do but my Polish relatives here in the UK explained that when a loved one died in Poland the photos were sent here to relatives who could not attend the funeral and of course vice versa. If a Polish person over here died phootos were sent back to their Polish relatives in their native Poland. Also when my father died here in the UK his family back in Poland went to church at the same time that his funeral wastaking place in the UK, that way they felt that at least they could share some of the funeral even though miles apart. I thought this was very nice of them.
1 Nov 2008
Love / Understanding Polish Man [41]

hello Lilianna77 My advice to you is there are plenty more men out there. Forget this one he is not worth the effort!!
31 Oct 2008
Travel / Ostroda to Elblag Canal Trip [6]

My family and I were taken on this trip by our Polish cousin who lives in Lebork. It is a shame you trip was spoiled as we had a fantastic trip but time was limited so we left at Maldyty and caught the train back to Elblag. Please don't think too badly of the Poles maybe this crowd were not so good but in our experience we have only had wonderful times in Poland. If you enjoy travelling in Poland try the area of the Slowinski National Park, or the old fishing village of Kluki, the dunes of Leba, the Hel Penninsula and Westerplatte, the Tri Cities of Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot. Malbork Castle. All areas that we particularly love. Don't give up on the country because of some poor behaviour of a few people. I am from the UK and we have plenty of bad experiences during our travelling here but you cannot allow other people to spoil what should have been a fantastic experience.
28 Oct 2008
Travel / About my Holiday in Krakow - the wonderful hospitality in Poland [8]

A party of 6 of us have just returned from a lovely holiday in Krakow. It is a beautiful city and the people very friendly. We stayed at the Novotel Krakow Centrum and the hotel accommodation was fantastic. Other places we have visited are Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot, Torun, Leba, Malbork Castle and so many beautiful places, a favourite being the moving Sand Dunes at Leba. My message to all Polish people is that as my father was a Pole who settled in England after the war and was never able to return, please try to get many more tourists to come and visit your beautiful country. Your people are warm hearted and kind, the restaurants and cafes serve very nice Polish food (which I have been bought up on because of my Polish connection). I would just like to say Thank You for the wonderful hospitality of you country.