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Posts by luc_cdnpol  

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7 Jul 2008
News / March of Tolerance in Krakow [478]

Well I am in a bit of agreement with you here. Not sure about showing children something called "Ali Baba and the 40 gays"... excuse me but that title sounds pornographic. Straight or gay, suggestive sexual programming for children is not appropriate. I do not claim to know anything about teaching youth about sexual orientation-sensitivity but something positive, tasteful and progressive should be developed in the school systems.

Oh, BTW, I am straight, just disguised with hearing hatred, stupid or racial comments. It is very low-brow dialogue much like the mindless commercials on TV. What a waste of energy!

28 Jun 2008
News / March of Tolerance in Krakow [478]

Apr 21, 07, 14:48 #2

This **** should be illegal. Good to see that there were people protesting against these perverts.

It is quotes like this that make me ashamed to have Polish heritage. I do not follow an alternative lifestyle but liberty and basic human rights should be given to all. Those people just want peace and respect like everyone else.... you don't have to hang out with them directly. Just be civil. Hasn't their been enough blood spiulled in Poland?!

By the way, it is visible attitudes like that that hinder straight, liberal Europeans (i.e. investors) from Poland. Many still believe that Poland is a "backward" country where Poles are puppets of the right-wing Catholic Church and are afraid of change. Stories like the Teletubbie are brought up in mainstream media, and I shake my head... Trust me, I have been told by people in my travels that many do not want to deal with Poland because of this ultra-conservative thinking of government and (it would appear) a lot of people.

If you want to talk about REAL perverts, Grzegorz, focus on the Roman Catholic Church/Vatican. Send the abusive priests and their protective bishops/cardinals to prison.That is justice!