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Posts by Logan McCloud  

Joined: 27 Jun 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Aug 2008
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Logan McCloud   
7 Aug 2008
Travel / Itinerary for trip to Poland - comments/tips? [27]

And which school are you working at in Gdansk Scottie, if I can be so bold as to ask?

Be sure to see ul. Mariacka whilst you're in town Helena. In the evening when the sun is going down and the lights are starting to come on. Magical.
Logan McCloud   
7 Aug 2008
Travel / hotels Gdansk [14]

Aye wee laddie. Well you never know.
Logan McCloud   
5 Aug 2008
Travel / The decline of Krakow due to British drunks and What to see in Krakow? [52]

Aye bonnie wee lassie. That he is.

But I dont think it's fair to blame the decline of Krakow entirely with Britian. There are many who have contributed.

What is sad is that it has been allowed to happen by those in charge of the city's future.

But of course they will have taken their wee cut of the money that has come from the tourists' pocket. Aye. You can be sure of that. Just like this big man in Sopot. There are many more
Logan McCloud   
5 Aug 2008
UK, Ireland / Poles and Poles in the UK = animosity [42]

Plastic-Alert! You forgot to reference dentistry and scones like most Yanks do when trying to insult Brits.

Aye. And haha. This one always makes me laugh. I went to America just a few short months ago and looked for this legendary Hollywood smile. It wasn't there to be seen

there eastern europeans, and eastern europeans will always be on top

Aye. But did I not read someone say that Poland is in Central Europe so it is.
Logan McCloud   
3 Aug 2008
USA, Canada / Young male American Poles [34]

What is it that causes this unpleasant stereotype?

Aye. That's an interesting observation. And if young Dupek is anything to go by it's a worrying stereotype indeed
Logan McCloud   
3 Aug 2008
Life / What nation Poles like the most? [56]

i have met lots of poles who love it here and dont plan to go back to poland. :)

Aye. I am sure you're right. But would that be a reflection on Ireland or Poland?
Logan McCloud   
3 Aug 2008
History / Norman Davies on the Warsaw uprising [50]

Aye. But in Scotland we eat Ready Brek for breakfast each day so you'll be no match for us wee laddie
Logan McCloud   
3 Aug 2008


Aye wee laddie. But did we no segregate the Irish, Poles, and dogs not so long ago. Would you wish on others that what your own people have suffered?

What sort of man are you. Not one I would call a friend. Your mother will no be proud of you and thats for sure.
Logan McCloud   
2 Aug 2008
Travel / The decline of Krakow due to British drunks and What to see in Krakow? [52]

Krakow is also one of the beautifulest cities in all of europe so ive heard

Aye. Krakow is a beauiful city. There are many beautiful cities in Europe, each with its own character. Europe is a wonderful place. We should all see as much of it as we can
Logan McCloud   
2 Aug 2008
Life / The way of life of young Poles in Poland [8]

Aye. The musical creativity of Poland.

I see a group of young men who have written, recorded, produced, made a video, distributed and promoted a song. Aye. Not a particularly good song but a song none the less. An achievement for some so young. Something to be proud of. Aye

What do you see?
Logan McCloud   
2 Aug 2008
UK, Ireland / Tell me about Glasgow [59]

Aye. And it sounds so nice when you say it. Aberrrrdeen. Aye
Logan McCloud   
30 Jun 2008
Law / Paper bag market in Poland [12]

Does any body know some luxury paper shopping bag user in Poland?

i have met many strange and wonderful people in poland and it is quite possible that at least one of them is a luxury paper shopping bag user.