13 Jun 2008
Genealogy / Surname Szkilnik [42]
Check out this link and it kind of puts it all in perspective.
There are Skilnick's/Szkilnyk's/Szkilnik's in Illinois, Michigan, Ontario, that could be related and bear out what he was told. Can we all do a little digging and see if we can come up with some names, dates, etc. ED.
Hi to all fellow father ihor skilnyk was born in 1923 in the town of Drohobicz poland.
Check out this link and it kind of puts it all in perspective.
There are Skilnick's/Szkilnyk's/Szkilnik's in Illinois, Michigan, Ontario, that could be related and bear out what he was told. Can we all do a little digging and see if we can come up with some names, dates, etc. ED.