29 May 2008
Genealogy / people who had grandfathers fight the war [12]
My father fought in the war, his name is Waclaw Dembowski, he came from the Lodz area, his mother's maiden name was Josefa Galla(or Calla),his father's name was Michael and he spent time in 2 different POW camps. He had a bother Micheal and a sister Sophia, he had a total of 13 siblings, we aren't sure of the other names, but we think some could be Jerzy, Henry, Peter. He married Leokadia Gabart and they spent time in 3 different labor camps in Germany; has anyone ever heard of him from their family members? He came to the US in 1952, via Munich. We are trying to connect with family. Any information would be appreciated.
My father fought in the war, his name is Waclaw Dembowski, he came from the Lodz area, his mother's maiden name was Josefa Galla(or Calla),his father's name was Michael and he spent time in 2 different POW camps. He had a bother Micheal and a sister Sophia, he had a total of 13 siblings, we aren't sure of the other names, but we think some could be Jerzy, Henry, Peter. He married Leokadia Gabart and they spent time in 3 different labor camps in Germany; has anyone ever heard of him from their family members? He came to the US in 1952, via Munich. We are trying to connect with family. Any information would be appreciated.