3 May 2008
Language / Polish language problems (orthography) [47]
Excactly :)
Here, most of You are Native Speakers.
So I use that. :)
OK, kazuję is incorrect, and even correct form of "każe" or "nakazuje" isn't very well in that mean, because is suggest, that You demand corrections.
"Chętnie kazuję sie poprawiać od Ciebie/Was!!"
"I demand corrections myself from You"
It's have no sense.
I think, that the better form could be
"Chętnie przyjmuję od Was korekty (uwagi)"
("I recive corrections from you willingly")
"Cieszę się, że mnie poprawiacie"
(I'm happy that You correct me")
Tomasz Czechowski
Most Europeans rarely have the chance to practice their English with educated native speakers
Excactly :)
Here, most of You are Native Speakers.
So I use that. :)
OK, kazuję is incorrect, and even correct form of "każe" or "nakazuje" isn't very well in that mean, because is suggest, that You demand corrections.
"Chętnie kazuję sie poprawiać od Ciebie/Was!!"
"I demand corrections myself from You"
It's have no sense.
I think, that the better form could be
"Chętnie przyjmuję od Was korekty (uwagi)"
("I recive corrections from you willingly")
"Cieszę się, że mnie poprawiacie"
(I'm happy that You correct me")
Tomasz Czechowski