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Joined: 17 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Apr 2010
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From: greece
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22 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

well that proves my point....why try to go against russia when you can go with them. The US is across the atlantic..since when do long distance relationships work ?
22 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

All im saying ebony...is blood should be thicker than water and whatever happened in the past should be recognized and buried in the past. We should mend relations with russia, and team up with them in the energy business...IMO
20 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

So instead of blabbering on, give us the magical solution.

pull out...and stay out of other ppl business. hows that for a magical solution ?

mafia? bin liner? who?

he was probably referring to his family, but your not smart enough to grasp that..

I would say that the only people affected are those in Iraq and those who have lost loved ones serving there. Not exactly the worlds most pressing issue.

Lol! Wrong again..its affecting the whole region. geezus!!..do you even read the news ?!

MichaƂ has a good point here, the Poles do respect a strong hand as they lack the guidance skills necessary to be a regional player on the world stage.

now that is real sad..they can be a world player if they want to. The poles have a
great history, i just hope poland wakes up and see where their interests are.

Giorgos, poland and greece are miles apart when it comes to international alliances and politics. That is something i expressed in my first post. Really interesting for me since I am both :)

And lastly..for those that say your either with them or against them has the same flawed mentality as George W Bush ( the world biggest dickhead )
20 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

wasnt the greatest time for poland when we were teamed up with our neighbors ? Albeit, it was quite a while ago poland - lithuanian union ( most powerful empire in europe in that time )...doesnt that say something ?

There is no point for poland to be US servant for ever...they never did do anything EXCEPTIONAL for the country. I still believe an eastern slav union would be in our best interest..thats probably why the US is pushing so hard for ex commie countries into nato. divide and conquer, as usual...
20 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

AMERICA is a good country. Why does everyone expect us to do it all.

I beg to differ Franek...Nobody wants the USA to do it all. I personally want them out of Europe completely. How long must they stay ? The marshall plan was an ingeniuos way to solidify US influence in europe away from home...in other words..to gain a grip in Europe. The US today is a destabalizing factor on the world stage. Its sad but true. The good ol boys are long gone. Now we got ppl like GW Bush, Halliburton, and reckless Neocons... Maybe Obama can really change it, like the way it used to be...

Kilkline - agreed completely. Those are facts...
18 Apr 2008
History / Ancient Polish History thread [180]

Excellent thread !! i always wanted to know about ancient polish history !

Im trying to discover my polish roots. I dont know that much..im half :))
18 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

The game was already over? Hitler was at the gates of Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad. He had control of all of the European continent from Norway to the Mediteranean Sea, had north Africa except for Gibraltar, Egypt and Malta and Cyprus. You either didn't cover WWII in your high school studies or you skipped a lot of classes.

Ha ! when hitler tried to invade russia.. it was too late. He got bogged down by the russian winter that had set in ( some say it was due to greece resistance against mussolini :) ). Soviets had a bigger impact in defeating hitler than the US. I know that is something that is not well known in the states.

My intention is not too take anything from the US involvement in WW2, just to straighten out the facts.

I vote for the latter since you also apparently skipped spelling as well. The Poles are Slavs. A Pole is a Slav, not a slave. Silent e makes a big difference.

Lol ! read again. i didnt make the mistake..

Franek - Respect !

Ok, so now i know Polish ppl love the US due to their involvement in support against the wars and communism.

But dont you guys think blood is thicker than water ?
17 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

Highly doubt that Franek...the US involvement in WW2 is laughable at best.
Even my US history teacher in high school admitted that.

They came when the game was aleady over..and speaking of which... These same ppl that you think " helped " left us with communism which took another 40 yrs to overcome.

And how long should we show our appreciation ?
17 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

You conquered Moscow....learn "your" history mate...
the reason you in recent history havent attacked anyone(apart from divying up CZ with the nazis in 38 and then sending in troops again to CZ in '68....expat,rose tinted glasses are soooo last season :)) is because you have never had the military might to do anything but defend on the main,nothing more,nothing less.

Dont know much about that event....

would that be its quaint poverty and forced need to drive ancient cars and live in 19th century buildings in cuba?

Who says that luxury is the solution to the worlds problems ? Is that why we have white suburb kids taking out each other in school and ending it by putting a bullet to their heads ?

and i admire your dedication to your home...
17 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

pls dont give credit where its not due. If your referring to the political uprising that started back then....give the credit to the brave poles and leave the other ppl out of the equation

they also bank rolled terrorists in ME...does Saddam & Osama ring a bell ?

oh and i forgot...having russian missles pointing at us ( due to US missle shield )
why do we want to do this again ?
17 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

You really should learn your history better. Both russia and germany screwed us again and again many times before Uncle Sam even existed.

yes...but i believe we won in grunwold or smth battle against the germans. now with the russians...i still dont know why we went after each others throats.

And what has we ever gained from Germany's and Russia's hostilities?

nothing...im not discussing about germany ( i could care less ) but with russia all im saying is trying a different approach. Greece & Turkey tried this " kill em with kindness " approach and to be honest...its working. Albiet slowly...
17 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

yeah....i heard of some " openings " that will happen there :-(
I guess Castro cant live forever....

so...can anybody tell me a GOOD reason why we should be with the US instead with the Beast from the East ?
17 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

^^^ now that would be a shame...i hope those " changes " wont make it lose its charm
17 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

many years of being conquered ?! From who ? wasnt this a deal between US and Russia ? why dont you read the warsaw pact...uncle sam left us high and dry back then...and you talk about good allies ?!?!

where am i ? :))

nice one :))

and no...i would not pefer to be on the side of communism. Communism is dead...But Id love to go to Cuba for a while :))

" rjeden

Ha ha it is only tale. I am above all Polish and don't feel any connection with russian or other slave. They are only our neighbors "

Maybe that is our problem...we should have it good with our neighbors since....like it or not they will be next to us until eternity...
17 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

that is good news....i didnt know about that deal.( if it happens....trying to bypass russia is like an alcoholic trying to bypass a bar )

I just dont get why we have to play into uncle sams game of divide and conquer..

again...what has poland ever gained from their friendship ?

Im not " here "....thus the name " expatriot " I live in europe now...
17 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

times have changed rjeden...

back then it was a war of politcal dominance ( capitalism & communism )
We all know who won...so why dont we patch things up and start a new future.

and being slavs is NOT just a theory. Wasnt there 3 brothers that split up and founded 3 different nations ? Poland, Russian and Czech...

I may not believe that story...but that just outlines how close we should be...
17 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

No Zgubiony...friendship is not enough...

Russia and Germany screwed us out of a pipeline..they will make it to bypass Poland...all because of a " crush " we have for uncle sam. You tell me what is wrong here.

We can be a serious energy player in the region if we team up with Russia...that is what we gain. Poland should think for Poland...and not the US.

and how many counties are in Iraq now Z ?
17 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

i dont buy it.....poland never had issues with iraqis...
We only attack to defend...remember ? what ever happened to that...
17 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

As far a politcally wise speaking ( Iraq,Afghanistan,ect )...
by the way...i was born and raised in the US and yes...you are right they are a ton of greeks in the US that support their country. And as US citizens...it is their duty. I am talking mostly about poles in poland and greeks of greece.

It also pains me to see polish soldier dying in iraq, and poland not receiving anything in return for their friendship and loyalty to uncle sam
17 Apr 2008
News / Why does Poland love the US? [144]

Hello Everyone !

I am from Greek / Polish descent. I think I have the best of both worlds !! And a common history ( They both kicked turkish butt :)) )

I guess, the one thing that divides me is that Greece has to be the most Anti-USA ( for good reason ) country in europe while Poland is the most Pro-USA country in europe.

Now my burning question is this...what on Gods earth have they EVER done anything good to Poland. And secondly...why dont you guys team up with Russia ? We are after all slavs...

I cant figure this one out...

Pls help