UK, Ireland /
Poles in the UK sleeping in toilets [165]
Have they no shame, is this typical behavior in Poland?
desperate situation begats desperate actions and i feel sorry for the people who have had to resort to sleeping in a public loo, especially during this festive period.
The article in the Daily Mail talks about individuals who are destitute
Yes, the aim of the article, as sensational as it may seem, was to highlight the plight of homeless immigrants. (And i say homeless immigrants because the habitual British homeless would rather sleep on the streets than to pay a penny to sleep anywhere else, be it a public loo or not)
I am wondering what the local governments in England are doing to assist these unfortunate individuals
Most of the homeless shelters and free hostels in London are full to the brim due to the mass arrival of people who are arriving without first ensuring that they have somewhere to stay.
I think the mass arrival has caught the Govt & Local Councils by surprise and the social services are struggling to cope.
Hopefully things would get better eventually but in the meantime, i think the polish communities in UK should do more to help shelter their people who are arriving with no where to go.
And i think the Govt in Poland should set up some kind of advise centre for would-be travellers to UK.