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Posts by lilylily  

Joined: 14 May 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 14 May 2009
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
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From: london
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14 May 2009
Law / Tax & employment form - advice for Australian negotiating job in Poland. [4]

Dear all,

I am an Australian currently in the process of negotiation for a job offer in Poland. As part of the employment requirement, the company want to employ me as an external consultant which means I will need to set up a "one person company " (dzialalnosc gospodarcza) and apparently I was advised that it is not feasible if I am not a EU citizen. Does anyone know if this is true and if there is any other options I can explore? I was considering also to set up my limited company in UK and today I was advised that it was against the Polish law for me to set up my company in UK and work in Poland, does anyone know that this is true or?

Also does anyone heard about "a combination of contract forms - labour plus civil (with a sister entity)"??? Does it means if I accepted this form of employment I will be paying high personal tax?

I would really appreciated if anyone can explain to me about these matter or share their experience with me.