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EU Hypocrisy Regarding Polish Shipyards [30]
Hi Topicalpost everything that I have put on my post is very true and not something that I have made up, I do not even need to read a daily paper as I have eyes and experience. If we are one of the richest countries in the world why are our elderly people having to choose whether to eat or heat their homes? This is a true statement. After having worked all their lives the state pensions are a pittance. People are loosing their jobs at JCB, Wedgwood, local engineering business's, shops (oh yes this country is good at building more and more shops).As for me you are right I did not go hungry because my Polish father worked hard all his life and when he needed medical treatment he was let down by the NHS industry that you speak of. He died on a filthy hospital ward. It was that bad that the hospital actually apologised to us. I do not need to look inside myself at all I live my live my life doing the best I can for my family, I have looked after a grandmother until she died at the age of 91 years, my mother is an invalid now after having had a hard life bringing up us - her family. People are losing their homes because they are buying a home on a mortgage and cannot afford the repayments. If other people who live in rented accommodation cannot pay the rent they get it paid by the state - think this is crap. The UK must be seen by some as a very rich country I agree but it is our money that the government have used to bail out the banks - why should this be? I have worked hard all my life and at this time this country is definately not the country that it was. If you would care to check out the papers over here you would read what is happening. I am not telling lies there is no point in that.
A further message to Topicalpost.I have today had a copy of our local newspaper and you will find this on and this is the site of our newspaper The Sentinel. The headline I draw you attention to "The tumour's grown...and I'm running out of time" She requires Sutent treatment for kidney cancer. She has been told that she will have to wait until January to find out if she can have this drug. Mrs Hopkins is 70 years old and has sent the following letter to the care trust about her delay for this drug.
How can a system like this be fair and just? Please consider the people of this country.I have always felt that if I can understand something, and it is morally fair, then I can accept it. But I have not spoken to one person who can accept what is going on with this postcode lottery and I cannot believe the way that I, and others like me, have been treated. It is inexcusable, that people can be treated like this in 2008. If it is happening now, then what have our young people got to come in future years? I think, as do many others I have spoken to to, that things need to change. Our people need to be looked after in a fair, decent and moral way - a way that can be judged as fair to all and not just some.
What she means by postcode lottery is that it depends on which part of the country you live because different areas only supply and fund certain cancer type drugs.
Now then I will also tell you the following conversation when my father was in hospital.
Dad - Oh dear I need a bed pan quickly
Me- right I will find a nurse
Nurse - I am busy (doing what I don't know)
Me = I think you had better sort my dad out
Nurse says to Dad - I am busy just do it in your bed and we will clean you up later
Please don't tell me that I am making this up IT HAPPENED. I have witnesses, this is just one factor of the reason that the hospital apologised to us.I was also going in to the hospital at meal times to feed my father because if I or another family member didn't go he would not have had anything to eat. At one time he wanted a drink and he had to have it through a straw (this had gone missing) I asked a nurse and she said to me Oh look its under the bed, then she left. I had to go to the kitchen to get my dad a clean straw. Needless to say he also caught MRSA
Yes things have started to improve but believe me there is no lie in any of my information - it is so true I would take a lie detector test. Finally could I say that for you to go La di dah or what ever it is appears to me to be very rude. The NHS is not as you say an industry it is a service, there is a big difference in these two words. Everyone in the UK pays National Insurance payments from their wages and we pay all sorts of other taxes for this service. This is just some of the reasons that I feel that this country has gone down bank. The impression of us being one of the richest countries in the world is again down to money and not about the people of our country especially the young and the old. EAT OR HEAT IS A VERY TRUE STATEMENT Lets hope that this does not go to Poland.
Sorry about this guys I know you will probably fed up of my posts now but just to say
Rolls Royce
BAE Systems
Astra Zeneka
Yes even more redundancies. Watch Out It is happening and could be in your country soon.
No I am not lying either