Genealogy /
Brzeskiewicz / Kroll Names [16]
I'm going to post some new information I found today. Look for it.
Thread attached on merging:New information on Brzeskiewicz-Kroll-HapsburgJacob Brzeskiewicz was born Jan. 18, 1895 in Poland (Russia) His parents were Andrew Brzeskiewicz and Josephine Plisnik in Poland..Jacob imigrated to the US in 1914 with his Plisnik cousins. Jacob was the only one of his family to come to the US
Jacob is my grandfather. Henry Walter Brzeskiewicz, his son, is my father. I have just found the family tree Henry was working on before he died
Jacob married Janina Kroll May 17, 1917. Janina Kroll
Jania Kroll was born January 12, 1902. She was the 7th child of Andrew and Victoria Kroll in Lodz, Poland. In 1903 a smallpox epidemic raged through Poland and Janina was the only child to survive.
Janina imigrated with her father in 1905 to the US
Of interest is Baron Josef Hapsburg is listed as the Great-grandfather of Janina Kroll. And Proxeda Hapsburg, listed as the Grandmother of Janina
I can find nothing about Proxeda Hapsburg. But have been told she was dis-owned for marring a russian soldier. Whether this is true and can not find information
Can anyone help me put the pieces together?