6 Aug 2008
Genealogy / Looking for Ewa Jabłkowski in Poland [4]
Trying to execute a will of someone who died here in the U.S. and need to find someone we believe is still living in Poland. Can't find whitepages for Poland online - any suggestions? Person is Ewa Jabłkowski (also associated with a Maciej Jabłkowski). Have 2 addresses: ul. Bracka, £ódz, Poland and
ul. Karpacka, Gdansk, Poland 80-336.
Trying to execute a will of someone who died here in the U.S. and need to find someone we believe is still living in Poland. Can't find whitepages for Poland online - any suggestions? Person is Ewa Jabłkowski (also associated with a Maciej Jabłkowski). Have 2 addresses: ul. Bracka, £ódz, Poland and
ul. Karpacka, Gdansk, Poland 80-336.