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Posts by rohit7400  

Joined: 5 Jun 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Jun 2008
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Posts: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
From: India,Chandigarh
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: swimming

Displayed posts: 2
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5 Jun 2008
Life / Indian moved to Poland [532]

Hello All,
How r u, i m Rohit from Chandigarh,India i have planning to go to krakow
for study(global business) from Tischner European University (
but i don’t know anything about the city, can you help me about my quries
please tell the details if u know

1. How is this university stetus there, is this govt. undertaking or not ?
2. How is the city krakow how is people and infrastructure ,weather and life there ?
3. As a student wht will be the work opportunity for me(kitne der kaam ker sakta hu mai waha) there?
4. How about the people there, is there any racism there????
5. What is currency status there (when will euro coming there) ?

i will wait for ur reply as be good Indian,plz send me ur contact number if possible

Thanks nd Regards,

12 Jun 2008
Life / Indian moved to Poland [532]

Hello Hari,
How r u, i m Rohit from Chandigarh,India i have planning to go to krakow
for study(global business) from Tischner European University (
but i don’t know anything about the city, can you help me about my quries
please tell the details if u know

1. How is this university stetus there, is this govt. undertaking or not ?
2. How is the city krakow how is people and infrastructure ,weather and life there ?
3. As a student wht will be the work opportunity for me(kitne der kaam ker sakta hu mai waha) there?
4. How about the people there, is there any racism there????
5. What is currency status there (when will euro coming there) ?

i will wait for ur reply as be good Indian,plz send me ur contact number if possible

Thanks nd Regards,
