Love /
Polish-Islam Relationship Union [450]
ok this is my final post so try to answer everyone question:
1. Honor killings is not allowed in Islam, it is a evil sin to do such thing.
2. If Islam is so bad with women, why is it so many women, espcially western women convert to Islam. And majority i know such as myself do this way before marriage. I know about 5 Polish people who have embraced Islam.
3. Western women can do what they want and for all we care swim naked if they so wish. For myself, i love covering my body, all the spritual benefits as well as environmental that i enjoy. Also many non Muslims say i remind them of Mary, mother of Jesus, which is a nice compliment. ALthough i am not covering for this reason. WHat i mean by covering, is dressing modestly.
4. @Grzegorz: Why dont Muslims open their mind? Why don't you open your mind? Everywhere u go, some people are open minded, some are closed minded. Please dont generalise and say all Muslims. I give you personal example, some older generation Polish people said to me: "you cant be friends with black person or basically non white" type statement. When some met my husband all they did is backbite his skin colour to my mother (OMG he is not white, shock horror). This happened at my own fathers funeral. How can they be so mean and nasty? They said to my grieving mother how can you let your daughter marry a dark person (because his skin is one shade darker than white and is tan). True, i was so appalled i cut of the Polish communithy at that time from my life except my family (i was very young) for a while, but then realised, hang on, just because they said this, a handful of women (who btw, are so pale u can see their blue veins, so i cant understand why pick on someone tan skin), my other cousins are fantastic and skin color would not even occur to them, and one of my male cousins married a lovely Malay girl and is happy. Well not everyone who is Polish is racist , so not every Muslim is close minded or what the media wants u to believe.
5. Yes i have lived in middle east and had a wonderful time. I had the time of my life, the people are nice, everyone was so welcoming to me, and hospitality was fantastic. I found people and culture warm there, not cold and hostile. I really want to live there permanetly but cant as my mother is alone and in Islam i am to look after her and her wellbeing as she is in her older years and we have very little family and i am the only one who cares about her welfare.
Some parts obvioulsy is not safe to go due to war in Iraq, but many places plenty of tourists around, such as Dubai. I have also been to Poland for several months to.
6. IF women gets raped, she does not have to provide 4 witnesses. This is a false and untrue lie. Four witnesses is required for adultry. This is for peoples own protection, so nobody can just go accuse someone if they are innocent.
I came here to respond to the other Polish man who converted. If anyone has any questions, u can contact me via private message.
I leave everyone with the following verse of Quran in English and Polish translation: Just so u can see a verse, no i am not trying to convert anybody, just sharing one verse with you. U dont have to read it.
Surah Al-Fatiha
In the name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds:
The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful:
Owner of the Day of Judgement.
Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) was ask for help.
Show us the straight path:
The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.
Polish translation:
1 - Al-Faatýhah
In the name of God, most Gracious, most Merciful:
1. W imie Boga Milosiernego i Litosciwego*!
2. Chwala Bogu, Panu swiatów,
3. Milosiernemu i Litosciwemu,
4. Królowi Dnia Sadu.
5. Oto Ciebie czcimy i Ciebie prosimy o pomoc.
6. Prowadz nas droga prosta
7. droga tych, których obdarzyles dobrodziejstwami; nie zas tych, na których jestes zagniewany, i nie tych, którzy bladza.
I am unable to read Polish, so i hope the translation is accurate as possible to the English one u see.