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Polish Anti-semitism - origins? [186]
Puzzler, I've wonder if I should answer you or not, because it seems to me that you could be a troll, and the main rule is "don't feed the trolls". But maybe I'm wrong, so I've post this and will see what happens. It would be great dissapoiment if my concerns will confirm because that thread become quite interesting. So:
First and simple there was (still is) some anti-semitism in Poland.
Puzzler - And what do you specifically mean in the above statement, what facts? Give them.
From personal view: persons in my family which just are against Jews but don't know why. In general, wall descriptions, Jewish cementery vandalizm what happens from time to time. But to make you feel better, from my perspective it is vanishing thing, and is nothing like in France for example but from different reasons.
<1. for them Poland is one big cementery, and in some way we are walking on theirs ancestors graves
Puzzler - And what do you specifically mean by that? IS Poland in reality such a cemetery, or ISN'T? In what way are you and others (you refer to you all as 'we') walking 'on theirs ancestors graves' [sic]? Give facts.
"Poland as a big cementery" - such sentence is called metaphor. The fact is, that almost entire Jewish population was killed on our land, and it is enough of facts to make such metaphor. But if you try read all my previous post you will see that I'm against such view of my homeland, I just understand their (some Jews) position in that matter.
<"they bear a grudge against Poles, I understood because Poles didn't protect them (in general, Jews)
- Is the 'grudge' justified by facts, or not?
Again if you try read all my post you will see, that I don't agree with that view, but I understand emotional background here.
Thats all, now enough of your questions, answer me the same questions you've make to me. Give me some proper argumentation and discuss in cultural manner. Show me that you are not a troll.