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Posts by Puzzy  

Joined: 1 May 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Jun 2008
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 150 / In This Archive: 124

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23 May 2008
Work / Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West [60]


- We shouldn't have come to your country at all. Those Poles who remain in UK must be masochists, to put up with all the hate (spread by media psychopaths), rip-offs and stupidity levelled at them every step they take. By the way, also scores of your fellow British live abroad and there is an acute labour shortage in UK (filled-up partially, among others, by Poles). Do you also go to UK websites and in capital letters tell those British they should show ther love for UK and go back home? Do you understand what I mean?
5 May 2008
UK, Ireland / Anti-Polish sentiment of England [253]

attitude towards immigrants

- Wayman, contrary to the lies by the press psychopaths, we Polish folks aren't 'immigrants,' only temporary workers in UK. The Gerries call such folks 'Gastarbeiters,' which means simply: guest workers. Cheers.
5 May 2008
UK, Ireland / Anti-Polish sentiment of England [253]

In my previous post I grossly exaggerated when writing about the English people's attitude towards us Poles. I wrote the bitter remark out of the sense of frustration at some of the expressions of Polonophobia in England. It's easy to grossly exaggerate in such a mind-frame. I've been feeling bad about my comment ever since, but not had the time to drop in and straighten it up. In spite of the heavy brainwashing of the English people by the press psychopaths against us, Poles, there are still many English people with a fair friendly attitude towards us. These people haven't allowed themselves to be set aganst us; their perception has remained unaffected by the hate propaganda. And this is admirable. I apologise to all the English friends of Poland in this forum (e.g. Osiol, Daisy) for my previous remark (the one about the historical injustice, etc. nonsense). I still say that both the Irish and English are the best most decent peoples I've ever met. Cheers. :)
1 May 2008
UK, Ireland / Anti-Polish sentiment of England [253]

Once more the bizarre creature calling itself 'Blackazilla': 'I am sure that the stupid blacks that live in eastern europe have hardly any legislation in place that protects them...'

- Hence they should get the hell out of there as soon as possible. Leave, please.
PS. Let them go to UK. They'll be loved there and be able to pay back those 'Eastern European' oppressors.

I can see that practically nothing has changed in this forum: the same hate-mongers and crazed Polonophobes are allowed to rage and spread their hatred against the Polish people. That's why it is so unpleasant to come in here. That's why many decent intelligent Polish - and, I imagine, non-Polish people - stay away from this forum. Take the (Jewish?) Polonophobic psychopath calling itself 'Michal.' Why is he still here? Why haven't you kicked him out long ago? Lots of people avoid this forum because of this living crap. Or why the (negro?) cretin calling itself 'Blackazilla' is allowed to rage here? If I wrote as offensively about negroes as he scribbles about us, the administration of this forum would kick me out instantly. I remember a Norwegan guy kicked out on the spot for some negative remarks about Jews. But the worst insults about Poles by the lowest Polonophobic racists seem to be allowed to be spread out with total impunity. Why? What the f...? This 'Polish Forums' is thus, whether some want it or not, a Polonophobic hate propaganda medium, not different than a rag such as the Daily Mail in England. What the f...?
1 May 2008
UK, Ireland / Anti-Polish sentiment of England [253]

The miserable wretch calling himself 'UKGUY' has scribbled: 'Romanains [SIC] don't like the Polish (begging the British people for jobs and money) and I hope that they don't come to Romania.'

- If 'Romanains' don't like the Poles, why the hell do you stick to this forum like a louse to hair? Eh, creep? In this, you resemble another Polonophobic ethnic (Jewish?) psychopath, the one calling itself 'Michal.' Nope, we don't have to come to Rumania, because Rumanians are already in Poland - scores of them, panhandling in the streets. It's a fact. I'll tell you what: historically, it's only fair we shouldn't like you - isn't it you who were on Hitler's side in WWII, killing numerous Poles? And how repulsively, how shamelessly you, Rumanian 'UKguy', are flattering the British -'Come to Rumania, don't come to Poland.' And you dare to criticise us, Poles, for allegedly 'begging the British for jobs and money'? Don't you have any brains left, any shame? As for the British, who cares if they come to Poland? I certainly don't - you, Rumanians, can take them lock, stock and barrel into your grand country. Thanks God, the Poles are leaving UK en masse now - hurraaah! Let the Third World keep on pouring in - and Rhumanians.


Says Seanus: 'The Poles just brought English nationalism back out of hibernation.'

- Nope, it's not the Poles; it's the media psychopaths in England who by depicting the Poles as a major - if not the sole - UK 'immigration' problem have brainwashed the English public into hating the Poles. Well, historically we are used to the English acting towards us with, to use Orwell's expression, 'unheard of meanness' (Yalta, Cold War). Do you believe in the thing called 'karma,' or law of cause and effect? I do, and I really hope I live long enough to see it come around.


A racist psycho calling itself 'Blackazilla' scribbles: 'Eastern Europeans are all mingers anyway. They have no style they are so unfashionable. We just laugh at them especially when they try to act street.'

- Well, and we just laugh at all the 'blackazillas' when they attempt to act whitazilla.