15 Apr 2008
Genealogy / Looking for the Klarnett Family [13]
your metnion of a Jewish conenction makes sense, because roving Jewish musicians had long been a standard fixture throughout the sprawling Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (in Polish: Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów -- once Europe's largest land empire!) and beyond. Music-related surnames such as Skrzypek or Grajek (Fiedler in Yiddish), Cymbalista (Zimbalist), Śpiewak (Singer), etc. were quite common and some form of Klarnet would certainly fit in.
your metnion of a Jewish conenction makes sense, because roving Jewish musicians had long been a standard fixture throughout the sprawling Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (in Polish: Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów -- once Europe's largest land empire!) and beyond. Music-related surnames such as Skrzypek or Grajek (Fiedler in Yiddish), Cymbalista (Zimbalist), Śpiewak (Singer), etc. were quite common and some form of Klarnet would certainly fit in.