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Joined: 9 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Sep 2016
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 1767 / In This Archive: 983
From: Europe
Speaks Polish?: Trying hard (sometimes) to learn...
Interests: Music, sport, history, geography, science, languages...and probably Poland too.

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10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Ok, give this a look ;)

And the [] wikipedia article.
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

But on the map your country is marked by green color though you are rich, am I right?

I told you it's more than wealth. And yes Poland is a rich country, not as rich as superwealth UK, France, Germany or the US, but yes Poland is a rich country.
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

i forget the fact that Poland is one of the richest world's states

Being ranked 37th does not mean that Poland is "one of the richest countries in the world", dude...

ConstantineK the truth is that most of countries which relifed form you, has better situation now than Russia

That's funny ;D Not for the Russians though...but for those who suffered from the Soviet occupation, it is ;)
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

It's not all about money, but about the way of life ! There are a lot of criteria considered, and the ranking is clear, we live better in Poland than in Russia...and as long as i know, Russia is not only Moscow but all the lands that go til Japan (almost), in there, there are a lot of poor people...
10 Oct 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

its hard for the love to sustainas it will be one sided and secondly one elemant of love is to fulfil ones sexual needs and this will be difficult.

Homosexuals love each other, it's not one sided love...
I guess you're right about sexual needs, even though there are people that do it... *_* LoL

You are straight, so you can't understand homosexuals maybe, i'm straight too, but i think there are no risk in letting them live their life, and us our own, we can all live together, independantly of what we like or love ;)
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

If you want more, go onto

Poland is ranked as the 37th best country to live in, while Russia the 65th, do you see now the difference ??! You're far away from us ! ;P LoL
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Watch this :

In green, rich countries, in yellow developping countries, and red, poor countries.

See where is Russia, see WHERE IS POLAND ;D LoL

10 Oct 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

If 2 people of the same sex love each other, what could you tell them ? It's love, there is no weird love, so let them live their own way of life ;) I don't care !
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

1. People in Poland have a better way of live than in Russia, it's proved (Human Development Index)
2. Poland has one of the best school and study system in Europe (and in the world)
3. Poland is developping new technologies (as Russia does maybe)
4. Poland democracy is a real one, not as in Russia where people from the medias are killed for becoming embarrassing for the government
5. Polish culture is very wide and rich, don't think another one is "better", totally wrong
6. Poland loves nature and is fighting for the protection of our planet
7. So Poland is a better place to live than Russia ;P LoL Moscow may be good (maybe not as foreigners...), and except for big billionaires (with money coming from...? oil or mafia), there are a lot of poor Russians.

Well, let it be so, but we are bigger, and this fact is indisputable

I think that being bigger is more a bad point than a really good one... ;)
10 Oct 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

There are enough women/men couples in this world, to let some men/men or women/women couples live ;)
Plus, we think that the world is going to be overpopulated within a century, and not enough food for all !! So it's a "chance" there are homosexuals to limit the amount of new borns each year ! LOL
10 Oct 2007
UK, Ireland / How do you get to Zachodnio-pomorskie from Scotland [19]

Okay ;) I must say it's difficult, but keep learning...don't you have Polish channels, or radios for example to get used to the sound of the language ?

It's not a chance they don't speak English...are they old ? ;)
10 Oct 2007
Language / I know Russian language - will it help me learn Polish? [105]

Hehe, don't know, when you like something, everything's possible ;)

Don't you sometimes, get the words mixed up ?

It depends...Polish and Spanish are not the same languages so no risk ;P But between Norwegian and Swedish for example, it can happen yes, that's why we have to be careful when talking different languages (i'm a beginner in Swedish, Norwegian and German) ;)
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Now we should concetrate to beat Germans in this stats :)) and we are on good way

I agree, if we beat Germany, so it'd be okay ;)

yes but we notice this fact ans try to fight against cooruption, and I feel changes, In Russia they dont see the problem and it is their problem :))) ... so we are on good way in this case as well

He was mistaken, he wanted to say Russia, not Poland ;)
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

it is russia where there is a large scale of corruption

;) Okay i knew there was something weird in this statement ;)
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

is there any point comparing,, with so much corruption in poland there is no comparison.

You mean corruption in Russia, right ?... You're right, no comparison.
9 Oct 2007
Language / I know Russian language - will it help me learn Polish? [105]

Yep ;) In Poland we speak Polish, that's all. During the Russian occupation, Polish young people had to learn Russian at school...Rrrr !
When Silesia was under the rule of Austria, it was "better", cause they had the right to learn what they wanted ;)