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Joined: 9 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Sep 2016
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 1767 / In This Archive: 983
From: Europe
Speaks Polish?: Trying hard (sometimes) to learn...
Interests: Music, sport, history, geography, science, languages...and probably Poland too.

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12 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Hemm, i have seen you profile, so you are not Pole? You are from France! So, live in peace, i like france.....

he is Pole ... :) because he uses "we" when write about Poland ...

Hehe ;P actually i'm half Polish, half French (my mother is from Poland, and my father from France) ;) So i can use "we" both for being French and Polish ;)
11 Oct 2007
Life / Polish Views On Public Nudity [39]

no one wants to see any of that

You're talking for you... it might be interesting ;P LoL
11 Oct 2007
Life / Polish Views On Public Nudity [39]

NIP practitioners seem to be 50-60 overwieght with saggy flesh and generaly scarey to see.. :o)

Yeah.....we should choose who can and who can't practise it... ;P

It wouldn't be my feet I would be worried about when it's minus 20

Okay so you can wear gloves ;) Is it okay now ?... LoL


Hmm...what else ?... :P
11 Oct 2007
Life / Polish Views On Public Nudity [39]

For my part (half-Polish, half-French), i don't care about public nudity. It's cool that people like the way they are, and can show themselves as "God created them", natural way ;P
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Hehe ;p almost perfect. If you're talking about the difference (singular) so you have to say "Vive la différence"
Now if you want to talk about the differences, you'd say "Vive les différences" ;)
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

You see, you just explained that EU won`t work

The EU is the result of all the conflicts of last centuries. We needed to act in order to keep a peaceful continent and world, to work together (as i said), to build together, no matter where we are from, and to make our life better. It's working, the EU is rich and powerful in the world, but each countries are independant. We are Polish, English, French, German before being European. Being French i'm not considering myself as part of a Latin world. I'm part Polish though, but it doesn't matter. I'm proud of being French, i'm proud of being Polish, i'm proud of being European ! ;) Neither Slavs nor Latins in my thoughts now... ;)
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

If you think that all you said is great, so let's think that, but such a union will never happen, do you really think that minds can change so easily ?

If we want to live in a better world, we have to work all hands in hands, not giving a f*ck whose hand it is, we are all the same, with common and different histories, but at then end we are all the same : we suffer from the same pains, we are happy for the same reasons, we all bleed the same, so "races" don't really matter to me. I don't want to choose my friends : if they are German or Russian, Italian or Norwegian, Arab or Chinese, WTF we are all the same, aren't we ?! So let's live together peacefully and free with no unions to make things more difficult than they already are. ;)
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

How long have you been panslavist ?... ;P I just think that it can never happen. Imagine a pan-germanism : a union with Germany, England, Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and so, how do you think it's possible ! People fought twice last century, and died twice as well. Many lives were lost, and now that all this sh*t is done, you think people will simply forget what happened and happily join an utopian union...

You know what ? We should stop creating communities because all differences lead to conflicts (as long as men are so stupid), so the only union that could be helpful in this d*mn world is a union of ALL countries ! That's all i can see where we could benefit something... ;)
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

So, by anology, because of that fact, Russia need to be more cooperative with Slavic world when we talk about enegy/resources.

Russian way of thinking has always been the same : thinking that they are the strongest, and that they own the rest of the world.
Good luck if you plan to change their selfish mind ;)

PS : i'm not talking about ALL Russians, just the leaders, and some others that still can't face the fact that Big Strong Mighty Russia is over...
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Tell that to Russian people, but i'm not sure they would share their oil and gas with you...except if you give'em a lot of money... ;P
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Sure, but they were thinking that Russia was better than Poland in "everything", which is wrong, and we showed them that it's the contrary actually ;P aha
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

You're not quoting me ?...i never said that :P

Quoting: Polson
A new book by Russian and Polish historians sheds light on the Warsaw anti-fascist uprising of 1944. It brings together archive documents about the insurgence and tells readers about controversial aspects of its history.

10 Oct 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

Im not bothered what my dad thinks because he used to hit her about when i was a kid

I understand, don't care about your father, you are much better than him ;)
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

I have greate feeling that we have just smashed Russians on this forum :))))

Hehe ;) First they talk, then they think...we made them think ;p

Bit forward!!

LoL ;P

Because I was at Wembley the night his heroics put England out of the Wolrd Cup Qualifying. I was gutted

Oh, that's football : a winner, a loser, Poland won, that's good, but that's a long time ago now, don't you think so ?...
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Haha ! Now Poland is the 16th country in football ;) Maybe victories against Kazakhstan and the others could lead them at the 13th or better ;)

I had a dream last night :
...Poland, soon 1st football nation in the world...
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

Hehe, i hope Poland will enter the Top 30 (of this ranking) within the next years, it's really possible ;)
10 Oct 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

Bonjour ;) We are an evolved species. At the beginning, men used to hunt and work, while women stayed home taking care of children. Now both men and women work and have the same rights. The time has changed, and people as well. You have to understand that feelings may be different from one person to another. I prefer a gay or a lesbian among my friends, than a serial killer ;P LoL
10 Oct 2007
Life / Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION) [797]

have you ever thought about contoling them

And you jareck, have you ever though about controlling your feelings about women ? don't understand that there are people that love men, as you love women... ;)
10 Oct 2007
History / Poland-Russia: never-ending story? [1341]

in international rankings Poland scores about 50 (give or take 10 - too lazy to look it up) out of 180 plus countries

In rankings of what ? Cause in the HDI (human development index) ranking of 2006, Poland is clearly the 37th country ;)