Love /
Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]
Does it happen often in Poland?I mean do women prefer to have a lover than to get a divorce?
ya. indeed, marriage is something very respected, in meaning, ppl prefer to prolong this even if it doesnt make sense. i know a couple who hate each other,still quarrel, but live together and even share bed, only to show off and not let anybody think that their marriage is comin to and end. ridiculous. me personally , i would divorce-it s a chance for new, satysfaying relationship, than remain in such a sick situation! here is something i found recently in net. . maybe it s a bit too schmaltzy and sticky, but for sure true;
We've been following your thread from work and we couldn't believe how quick people jumped on the band-wagon to slag off us Nigerians - yet, all that time you sat there lapping up the sympathy while you failed to mention that it was you who actually approached the brotha first.
If you had approached a polish guy, would he have told you that he couldn't touch you because he has a family?
it s not fair what u r saying now. i made first step, ok, but does it mean that he was allowed to lie at me brazenly, make a fool of me and finally tell that all poles are b**?? there was no my foult in this situation. and it s not about slaggin off Nigerians, i respect u, i have nothing against. I will not judge all nation basing on experience with one refugee! am i right?;p
If you had approached a polish guy, would he have told you that he couldn't touch you because he has a family?
i ve never met polish guy who would lie so good^^