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Joined: 4 Mar 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Jul 2011
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 3
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From: Somerset
Interests: History/Sports

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24 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

I am not here to condemn Polish people, I am just suggesting that if they want to succeed in England and be accepted (rather than on the margins of society) Mabey be more liberal and open minded... Its some advise from England. The English appreciate that extra bit of effort by migrants.

Puzzler should appreciate the Romanian viewpoint, as we (the Romanians) are migrants too and are in the same boat as Poles.
24 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Shut up you muppet

This person tells me to shut-up, but they do not disagree with what I say - interesting! Well I asked a few polish people on these sites, they are here 'to meet polish people' Why don't they stay in POland then? We don't want ghettoisation. I am from Romania and quite franky I am disspointed with the Polish attitude. Romanians (a) like the English (b) socialise with them and want to be part of their culture. The Poles could learn from us.... Poles should b e more liberal in their thinking. London is crawling with Polish people, now its time for them to make more efforts or return.
23 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Polish people are miserable. Never smile, not friendly at all. They don't like English people much, just come for money...

I put a profile on the dating site. One in Polish and one in English. I got alot of responses from the Polish one and none from the English one. Just go's to show, Polish people only date their own. How inbreed and stupid is that?
16 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

New Zealand has the right policy, only let in those with specific skills and no dependants. My town (of about 30,000) people is crawling with polish people. I think its a bit too much and I can't see why poles would think its wrong for British people to be worried about the relentless tides comming in. Nor do I see why they should think it is racist.
12 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Polish teenager world's best computer scientist

Filip Wolski has won the gold medal at the World Computer Science Contest in Mexico.

12 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

I think the most impressive Polish person for me is Stave Wozniak (founder of Apple) He is an inspiration to all. He is very brilliant programmer and also elctronics engineer. Steve Jobs was his marketing partner, but the technical skills he didn't have Wozniaks techincal skills.....
12 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Integration is very important to remove the sense of isolation and fear, but this has been happening for many years in the UK prior to the arrival of the Poles. Leed and Birmingham for instance are known for their Asian communities.

I'm definitely not saying that its right, but it has been going on for decades. Surely there should be an examination of why that occurs? Fear on non-acceptance? Racism? Contempt?

Yes I agree. However it becomes far more significant in a town of say 20,000 or less people. Becuase its the locals v. the foriegners. etc.

There is alot of "hot" competition in the jobs market now. Suddenly a ready supply of highly motivated and skilled people. If the british don't start getting better they could be"on the scrap heap"
12 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Mabey the pockets of hostility towards poles stem from British jealousy: competing with buildings etc..? I only would like to see more "togetherness" but then mabey I am a idealist with utopian visions! LOL
12 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Before somebody sticks the knife in - I have tried very hard to talk to Polish people, but in my town, they don't tend to meet me half way, so the efforts futile. I cannott talk to blank negative faces. Without being demeaning, I don't think the poles I know know really represent a true example of polish society, becuase people I know that have been to Warsaw etc, say they (the poles) are very hospitable and pleasant. There was no aminosity in Poland at all. This seprartism in my town and divide makes me feel uncomfortable.

Not surprising.

Well Grzegorz you are just very ignorant and can only ever put one line comments. SHUT IT!
12 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

This issue of integration is the crux of the hostility in many ways. If people do not, or are unable (due to various issues) even beyond their control sometimes to integrate, then the hostility and unrest will increase. Its ok for people to stick together if there are limited numbers, but the migration today is unprecedented. When I go to another country I don't normally find such a passion for togetherness with my fellow countrymen/women. I want to talk to the people of that country. Yes its true many Poles date their own and interact with their own, but if this closed society contiues as does the numbers arriving, then its obvious people will become negative towards them. They will become "social misfits" and thus create gettos and enclaves. Why do the poles want to live in a parallel society? o.k its not like that in cosmpoliton London, but I am talking about the really small towns and even villages, where big groups of migrants are now comming into into quite astonishing numbers.
12 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

People can't be positive or optimistic with Poland, when you see so many people leaving all the time.... You might not be laughing so much if the government put restrictioms on new arrivals next year. So "don't look a gift horse in the mouth!"
11 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Yes I'm from Romania. Sorry I know Poles don't like the Romanians lol!

PS. You are yourself from Romania, or Czech Republic, or Hungary, or any other place in that area, aren't you, 'UKGUY'?

Nothing against Polish people, but in my area, you rarely see a Polish person dating or marrying an English person, or generally interacting with them. Is it becuase Catholism does not allow this ?

Where did you take these revelations about Poland from? What is supposed to be 'peasant economy'? And can a 'peasant economy' be based on anything else but agriculture?

Yes Poland and Romania have economies mostly based on agriculture as opposed to the much more advanced Czech R. and Hugnary with more industry and more skills.
11 Nov 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

People don't want to go back to Poland is not good - similar to Romania - peasant econmoy based on agriculture.

I wouldn't say the Polish integrate as well as people from (for example) The Czech Republic or Hungary. They don't appear much to like the English and at times can be very critical of them; however its just a case they come to England becuase its a good economy and thats it.
10 Nov 2007
News / Polish "brainbox" comes back to Poland from the UK for a better education [77]

Its hypocritical of the Polish to condemn the British education system, whilst at the same time bringing in loads of children to the UK. I said before the Daily mail is trying to deter migrants from bringing in children from Poland, becuase it is anti-immigration.
10 Nov 2007
Work / My Polish Teacher's attitude [19]

Polish people don't like Romanians. They see them as extra competition in a time when the labour market is completely dominated by polish immigrants
4 Nov 2007
News / Polish "brainbox" comes back to Poland from the UK for a better education [77]

It is true that the Poles and other eastern europeans are better educated, becuase me friend is a leturer of mathematics in London. They originate from Romania and say that they were doing degree level work of English people at English universities whilst at high school!!!!
4 Nov 2007
News / Polish "brainbox" comes back to Poland from the UK for a better education [77]

As an immigrant, I do find the knowledge and abilities of my British colleagues a little lacking at times.

So can I ask why you came to Britain if your skills and abilities are so much better in your own country. Is it becuase you like the country but not the people? Is it because your own country has a peasant economy? Why are all these superior people degrading themselves with the filfth of the British underclass? Mabey you ought to reflect on the genous from British genius Alan Turing, he proved far more able than the Polish scientist of that time. He even invented the first real computer systems.
4 Nov 2007
News / Polish "brainbox" comes back to Poland from the UK for a better education [77]

The main message, that the Dailymail is trying to portray is that POlish people should return to Poland. If standards are higher, don't bring your children to England - stay in POLAND. So if you move here you can't compain about being in a worse country than yours expecially when Polish people seem to want to leave Poland so badly and not return back again.
3 Nov 2007
News / Poland's Growth Fastest in 10 Years [95]

I wouldn't say poles are "a nation of toilet cleaners" etc. They have good eduction, the problem is they get the rubbish low paid jobs, becuase thats mainly where the work is. We have a massive and I mean MASSIVE population in the UK (far beyound what it needs) and there is not the great demand for skilled, but lots of unskilled low paid jobs that the British cannott aford to do or want to do. So the POles get them. Makes me wonder how long it will be before Poles refuse to be the under-dogs. For example they pay high rent a low pay: just too much of an exploit and the Poles would be more dignified in their own country of origin. The Czechs won't put up with such cr-ap jobs.

Having said that, they are welcome to stay in London where there are ample jobs for all.
21 Oct 2007
News / Positive features that distinguish Poland from other countries? [63]

The survey, carried out at British ports and stations by a Warsaw-based market research firm, indicated that more than 300,000 Poles could stay permanently.


So in this case they don't feel patriotic for Poland, becuase they don't want to go back there.
19 Oct 2007
News / Positive features that distinguish Poland from other countries? [63]

I don't think Poles are as patriotic as people from for example Czech Republic/slovakia and Hungary. 750,000 have fled the Poland. 70% of people from Eastern europe have come from Poland to England, meaning more from this country than all the other eastern-bloc countries put together!
15 Oct 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]


Yes thanks for that article. Don't know if I would really wipe my backside with it, but also is say's:

"Professor Lynn has spent three decades analysing thousands of test results to scrutinise the role of evolution in IQ. He has published his findings in a new book. Britons excel in another area of Professor Lynn's research. He found that university students had, at 109, the second-highest undergraduate IQs in the world, beaten only by their US counterparts on 110.

Professor Lynn ascribes the differences between British and French intelligence levels to the results of military conflict. He described it as "a hitherto unrecognised law of history" that "the side with the higher IQ normally wins, unless they are hugely outnumbered, as Germany was after 1942".
15 Oct 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Well there you go then! if Poland is more advanced and the people are so advanced, then mabey POland is a more advanced country and people won't want to leave it. Well I don't think so somehow..................!!! Well done you creaeted a genetic super-race like they tried to do in Nazi Germany. Make sure you don't get cross contimination from other nationalities :))
14 Oct 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

Some of the Polish girls I was talking to thought they were better as a nation. So then why are these particular show-offs working in the factory and not Doctors?
14 Oct 2007
Life / How much do you HATE POLISH PEOPLE and POLAND [1260]

I don't think it was nice to say Irish people are dumb and uneducated. Infact Germans are probably more intelligent than British and Polish people put together. IF they think Poland is a superior country with superior people then they can live there. It looks like they are stupid can want to make themselves feel better.