UK, Ireland /
Irish Primary schools to teach Polish [223]
I don't really understand why you made this thread.
You oppose this, ok, I could have guessed that.
But you are posting this article on a Polish forums.
Where I expect it to be looked at either with indifference or with contentment at the treatment of Polish foreign nationals in other countries.
Yes, yes, we know you want all Poles out of Ireland RevokeNice and that teaching them Polish will make them feel at home and according to you Ireland was, is and never will be their home.
And after all of that, i still don't know why you bothered posting this.
It's not as though they can increase the number of hours they can teach, so Polish lessons must be replacing something. What will they be doing less of ? Grammar ? Reading ? Maths ? History ? Shorter lunches ?
Polish will be just another option for a foreign language, it will not have to replace anything.
So instead of having just the option of Spanish, French and German, Polish will also be available.