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Joined: 17 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jul 2012
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Speaks Polish?: little

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6 Jun 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish economy threatens UK [17]

Third, there are plenty of Romanians and Bulgarians who would be willing to do it I'm sure.

Who will clean the toilets then?
6 Jun 2007
Love / Rules for dating Polish girls [189]

First of all learn all the superstitions.You may cross a bridge and then have to marry her.

Never fart when accompanying a polish girl.It is considered absolutely not polite.
4 Jun 2007
Life / What makes you proud to be Polish? [150]

It seems to me russians have a totally different view on freedom than catholics.What is freedom for a russian is torture for a catholic.

Byzantine history is very interesting.Do you know that stuff?You think Kremlin corridors look like labyrinths in Constantinopole palaces?
Fourth crusade was terrible.Crusaders against Christians.
But Russians also attempted to capture Constantinopole,didn't they?
And why did they not send troops to fight the Turks preventing the siege?The Poles sent(but were defeated in Bulgaria).
4 Jun 2007
Life / What makes you proud to be Polish? [150]

Not exactly.You think there is more freedom in catholicism or in Russia for example?
How do russians view catholics?
4 Jun 2007
Life / What makes you proud to be Polish? [150]

You are not right, we can chuckle abut them....but we regard them as our brothers...

In Lvov they regard moskoli as oppressors.But in East Ukraine they think they are the real russians,

You are not right, we can chuckle abut them

Why are russians smarter than ukrainians?How did it happen?
And russian girls are considerably smarter than ukrainian.Pity.

but we regard them as our brothers

Do you regard also Poles as brothers?
4 Jun 2007
Life / What makes you proud to be Polish? [150]

Since when you guys believe what monk wrote? From monks we also know that Ivan the Terrible has murdered so many Russians that only Stalin can be compared with his actions. But you don’t seem to be proud of this. I see, that you take from history whatever you need and you like to use it in your own way.

When you read that Stalin murdered over 20 million,there is no point to disagree of course.They are true statistics.And if he murdered 40 million,it would be also true,no doubt.

Do you preffer that there were explosion? And did you ever seen Chechens alive?

Me not.Do not know about the West.
Are there Chechens still alive?
4 Jun 2007
Life / What makes you proud to be Polish? [150]

Nothing moves in Chechenya.Ah,this imperialist,war addict Putin.

They forecast russian weapons will appear in the Middle East.

No, we are too big and good-natured....
Poor, poor ukraine (Little Russia) I think that it's days are numbered....
But our politics are neutral, they are just watching with slight astonishment....

No sympathy for the poor khokhli.
4 Jun 2007
Life / What makes you proud to be Polish? [150]

Well Poland is garding the gate to Europe to not get invaded by beasts from russia.

Not exactly.Poland is vulnerable to tank attacks.There are no mountains and few natural obstacles.It may delay a russian attack but not stop it.
4 Jun 2007
Life / What makes you proud to be Polish? [150]

What, what? Strong personality? Well, mr. Putin has strong personality and Yuschenko just a clown....

Yanukovic is a tiger?

Ha....in that time, may be, may be....well, but we are a good pupils...Swedes and Germas know that....ah, French too

Tsetsenya had no chance to teach..
3 Jun 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

a Western ally, in turn becoming Poland's ally. The Russians declared amnesty for the Poles in Russia .
Amittedly the Russo-Polish alliance was hostile and created angst in the Western Alliance.

Russians were allies to whom?To the exiled polish government in London and the army of Bor Komarovski or to the communist groups of Poland?

Soviets supported in every case the communist parties and not the national,righteous governments(see Yugoslavia,etc).
2 Jun 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

e Russians show peace and goodwill to their Polish Allies- by herding our Officers to a forrest, stuffing their mouths with sawdust, covering their

Wrong.The Russians were never allies with Poles.Russians were allies only with British and Americans on the western front and with noone on the asian,pacific front.
2 Jun 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

do not understand the Polish psyche.

The Russians always claim there is a russian soul.I think there is time to recognize there is polish soul too.
2 Jun 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

I think Puzzler asks.Should Poles remember Katyn or not?
Daffy answers yes in order to avoid atrocities.
O.K. but there is a small problem.The atrocities in Katyn were not made by Poles.
2 Jun 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

ous genocide by 'Ukrainian' bandits associated with the Germans of some 500.000 Poles - including a large number of small children - in the Eastern Borderlands in the 1940's

They are called Banderas.They are national heroes now in West Ukraine.
2 Jun 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

He was the one who discovered and made Katyn worldwide known.He knew what it meant.It is part of his legacy.
2 Jun 2007
History / Katyn- forgiven and forgotten? [111]

The Poles lost their opportunity at August 1944 with the Warsaw revolution.If they managed to throw Germans out,they would maybe join the western world.It was still an open issue til Jalta conference in 1945 where Poland should belong.However Poles heavily depended on soviet interventinon,they waited til the soviets were too close so the german forces would have weakened out and started to retreat,to liberate Warsaw.

When the germans gathered a lot of forces and begann extinguishing revolution,the Poles asked for soviet help which the Russians of course refused.Both Hitler and Stalin knew what was played in Warsaw and had taken their decisions(to press the West).

Katyn was dicovered accidentally be Germans and Goebels organized a well orchestrated campaign for its exploitence.He gathered specialists from all over the world to analyze the findings and testify the identity of corpses.Germans hoped to bring Soviets into a difficult position and cause conflicts between the allies which may drive them to breakdown of their relations and maybe an end of the war in the west.

Soviets understood all this and simply forbid the english and americans any reference to Katyn threatening to stop pressure and let the germans gather forces on the western front where english and americans were under heavy pressure.Allies complied and accepted the official soviet explanation that the polish officers in Katyn were murdered by Germans.

When Krutsev begann accusing Stalin atrocities after the 20th congress of the communist party,Katyn came to surface again.In this case as in many of Stalin's murders there are few remnants and the calculations of victims are always open to upper limits.

I think most russians still regard Katyn a crime commited by germans.

Why did the Soviets proceed to this mass execution?It had to do with SU defense plans in view of an imminent german attack.The same reason why soviets occupied baltic states and attacked Finland in 1939.They wanted a good balance of forces,a way to delay german attacks.They feared that in case germans invaded Soviet Union the righteous officers of the polish army would join them and be very influencial in provinces like Belarus,who knows?Or they wanted to smooth the ground for a future communist Poland with no army resistance possible?We will never know the archives,what were the motives and the goals of the soviet officers who decided the massacre
1 Jun 2007
News / Darwins theory of Evolution in Polish schools [59]

Wasn't adam and eve "created" 4004 BC (accurate?)? What's the churches answer to stuff like this?

That was actually the date,Oktober 4004 BC,that a famous theologist calculated that Creation took place.He made this estimation in the 18th cetury and church accepted it.

In 19th century the catholic church repeated the same mistake by rejecting Darwin's theory.By interpreting holy books as containing information about physical laws,catholic church puts religious belief under control of observation and experiment as it happens with science,that is it expresses hypothses which can or cannot be proven(unlike the God hypothesis) and so after science rejects what church accepted as true,people start to doubt the truth of religion in general.It is a great mistake of catholic church,it is surprising how such intelligent people as those in catholic church made such a mistake.

And it is very difficult to change direction because according to catholic church the Pope is always right.
So whatever he says is true a priori.This means that if the current Pope accepts evolution theory,the catholic church will face a serious contradiction and a doubt of the principle that what the Pope says is always true.Because in this case there will be two Popes saying the opposite(a lot of work for catholic theologues).
30 May 2007
History / What has Poland contributed to the Western civilisation? [69]

carrots.. was up doc???????????

You do not know the whip and the carrot?

[quote=adilski] aint got a clue about what your on about..

It is simple.In 1683 Turks tried to capture Vienna.They started the siege and few days before Vienna would fell,a brand new polish army appeared.

Then sth happened to the Turks.

For the Austrians the turkish army was another attraction that was lost.
30 May 2007
History / What has Poland contributed to the Western civilisation? [69]

Adilksi are you serious?200.000 Ottomans outside Vienna came according to you to inform Austrians about the civilizing benefits of Islam culture?
Or did they come as tourists to admire Vienna?