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Joined: 17 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jul 2012
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Speaks Polish?: little

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7 Aug 2007
Life / Polish people hate jeans? [56]

Polish girls wear jeans a lot.Pity they do not resemble their sisters in Ukraine.However I noticed this year an interesting turn to mini skirts and hot shorts.
31 Jul 2007
Love / I've met a Polish girl, and have feelings for her... [44]

how talking about her boyfriend makes her feel better about having random sex.

It is simple.The logical part of her rejected the action.It is satisfied cause she told about the boyfriend.The emotional part is also satisfied since she commited the action.
8 Jul 2007
Love / Can't Work her out! She's Polish! [40]

I had met some polish girls two weeks ago,one of them invited me to Poznan.Anyway she told me about her friends,one is divorced and found a boyfriend the same day we met,another one is married and has a lover who she meets every summer and the list goes on.She told me she does not approve married polish women having lovers cause she is different.After meeting her and her friends I cannot make any comment.Bless the open polish girls.

Another married begs me to visit her.
8 Jul 2007
Travel / Ukraine - A New Destination of Vacation for Poles [27]

No,it is not racistic.The problem is that all this race analysis gained bad publicity through the actions of some scientists in craniology who supported ideas about superior races.

So craniology was banned from science.Now genetic analysis offers a more solid background for race investigation.
7 Jul 2007
Life / Is there anything worse than Polish rap? [148]

Blues,classic rock mainly uses the minor pentatonic scale which was popular in folk songs all over Europe and is the main scale in blues.You can instantly recognized it.B.B. King and other artists added more notes and built some blues scales.Hendrix did other interventions.

Heavy metal uses simply the classical scales the ones used by classical composers.Malmsteen,Van Halen play classical harmony on guitar,that is all.Nothing that Beethoven could not recognize.
7 Jul 2007
Life / Is there anything worse than Polish rap? [148]

a subjective word and you still seem to be living in the past -

German composers have still not been surpassed.Nobody has yet discovered any form they did not know(exception is the jazz music which uses different harmony).What kind of scales do you think heavy metal uses?The classical ones.The Beatles,the blues,the rock 'n' roll have added nothing in particular in terms of harmony that was not known.Only drums use is different.

Jazz is a completely different story.
7 Jul 2007
Life / Is there anything worse than Polish rap? [148]

It is strange politicaians have not started to make speeches in hip-hop background.If they danced a bit as well,they would seem more lively.(I guess some black politicians already rap).
6 Jul 2007
Life / Is there anything worse than Polish rap? [148]

In my opinion only russian rap sounds good among slavic language artists.Maybe because russian language is more harsh and primitive.Czech rap is the most ridiculous.(maybe because czech is rather soft and has elegant intonation).
5 Jul 2007
Life / Are Poles happy with their sex lives? [33]

nstance here is very normal that some girls go around with small vibrators in their purse :)

I hope it is only vibrators and not live stuff.
5 Jul 2007
History / Did Ukraine really "steal" Polish land? [302]

didn't know that Southern. In the UK that would be classes as an insult.

In Ukraine it is not an insult.Girls think they offer western men what they want in the best way.
They are generous and expect the men to be generous as well.
5 Jul 2007
History / Did Ukraine really "steal" Polish land? [302]

and roadside hookers.

This would be a compliment for ukrainian girls since there it is supposed that a prostitute has to be beautiful.
Many ukrainian girls think themselves as open-minded persons,not hookers of any kind and find normal what they do.
5 Jul 2007
History / Did Ukraine really "steal" Polish land? [302]

our Kyiv has been already the state of the most powerful country in the Europe. 10th century.

As a capital of russian empire.
5 Jul 2007
Travel / Ukraine - A New Destination of Vacation for Poles [27]

In Lviv a taxi drivesr tried to convince me that the real Russians are the ukrainians that russians are a mix with Tatars.It is strange Lviv is considered to be the center of ukrainian nationalism,the only region where ukrainian language is actually spoken while the Poles claim this is polish land.
5 Jul 2007
Travel / Ukraine - A New Destination of Vacation for Poles [27]

and girls are seemed to search for the opportunity to sell themselves better.

Actually polish girls go abroad to work and not to sell themselves unlike most of their russian counterparts.

whar do you mean?

She means that ukrainian girls have the real slavic mentality that men want and not polish girls who are tough like german ones.(in ukrainian opinion).
5 Jul 2007
Travel / Ukraine - A New Destination of Vacation for Poles [27]

Attention, market demand is caused by the cheapness of the product and not by its quality :)

By the law of demand and offer the price in competitive market is set by the balance between offer and demand.So if polish girls are cheap there must be a big offer of them and less demand.In Ukraine the prices are fixed,the economy is not very free yet and this leads to the overpriced ukrainian girls in Kiev who try to get from foreigners as many presents as they can.
5 Jul 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

Actually I did not find any similarities between Poles and Germans or between Poles and Russians either.There are some similarities between Czechs and Germans and many between Russians and Ukrainians.
5 Jul 2007
Love / Matrix says that POLISH GIRLS= NOTHNIG SPECIAL [279]

Demand is a function of price, quality and availability

Then what is the problem of ukrainian girls?Are they deficient in any factor?

She probably works for the Kiev tourist office.

Or for some Kiev based marriage agency.
5 Jul 2007
Love / Matrix says that POLISH GIRLS= NOTHNIG SPECIAL [279]

And increased market demand is caused by the cheapness of the product.

According economics increased demand is driven by the quality of the product.
5 Jul 2007
Love / Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies [304]

112 - is it the old 111 cos I used to go there a lot a few years back.

No,the old 111 has closed.Pity it was such a great place for ...knowing Kiev better.112 is inside Arena complex.I would not suggest it to a female foreign tourist.