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Where did the stereotype of Polish people being stupid come from?

polishcanuck  7 | 461  
21 Oct 2008 /  #31

Where are the dumb-russian jokes then? Or the "insert any enemy of the Nazis"-dumb jokes??? Why should the Germans have singled out the Poles and busied themselves with inventing jokes about you?

Conclusion: Crap theory!

You germans HATE poles. Always have. Still do. And probably will always feel this way.
I'm not sure how the germans view other nationalities, but poles are treated poorly. I've been to your doucheland a few times, i've seen it. Besides ask any pole how they feel in germany...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12008  
21 Oct 2008 /  #32
I'm not sure how the germans view other nationalities, but poles are treated poorly.

Well, didn't hinder millions of Poles in the last hundred years to come over and settle here...they still do! Why should we hate you??? Don't you think we have better things to do? What's so special about you?

Is the "We poor victimized Poles"-paranoia kicking in again??? Do you like that so much???
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
21 Oct 2008 /  #33
I'm not paranoid, you kraut. I'm just stating a fact.

Don't ask me why krauts hate poles, ask yourself, your parents, or your fellow krauts. Maybe it is a superiority complex??

I'm curious, what is your purpose on this forum? I don't think you live in poland and are clearly not polish. Have you ever even been to poland?
gtd  3 | 639  
21 Oct 2008 /  #34
Maybe it is a superiority complex??

That is ironic coming from a Polish guy.
gtd  3 | 639  
21 Oct 2008 /  #36
OK...I think Poles have a huge superiority complex. I have mentioned before they love to tell you how smart they are and how much better they are at things. That is what I mean by your comment being ironic.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12008  
21 Oct 2008 /  #37
I'm not paranoid, you kraut. I'm just stating a fact.

Okay...we detest you...we can't stand you....you are all just blah!

Feel better now?


I'm curious, what is your purpose on this forum? I don't think you live in poland and are clearly not polish. Have you ever even been to poland?

Well...my family lived for centuries in Silesia!
My ancestors are buried in this soil...
Of course I have a huge interest in the development of the once border territory...

And on the other hand Germany is such a big part and such a recurring object of discussions one german voice is absolutely needed here! :)

A canuck as you has which reason to be on this board?
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
21 Oct 2008 /  #38
OK...I think Poles have a huge superiority complex. I have mentioned before they love to tell you how smart they are and how much better they are at things. That is what I mean by your comment being ironic.

Interesting. Do you live in the UK?

Okay...we detest you...we can't stand you....you are all just blah!

Feel better now?


Yes, thank you.

gtd  3 | 639  
21 Oct 2008 /  #39
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
21 Oct 2008 /  #40
Where did the stereotype of Polish people being stupid come from?

From Jews and Gerries.
gtd  3 | 639  
21 Oct 2008 /  #41
Grzeg you wear those little rectangular glasses and gel your hair up into one of those quasi mohawks don't you? You can admit it here....it's ok.
theblueenigma  3 | 188  
26 Oct 2008 /  #42
Ive never heard of that 'Stupid Polish' stereotype. If anything the stereotype of the present generation is 'Highly Educated Polish'. Then again Im Irish, and we still get the 'drunk stupid Irish' stereotype' also, regardless of us being one of the most educated people in Europe :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Oct 2008 /  #43
Highly educated Polish? I think that is sth fronted by the Poles themselves. I'm not aware of many other countries people who would state that as a stereotype.
gtd  3 | 639  
26 Oct 2008 /  #44
Exactly...it is the kind of thing I have said and then been accused of hating Poland. I do not hate Poland at all but there are a lot of self propelled myths here.

I understand why a lot of them occur but denial of them and lashing out as those who point it out is common.

Why can't people be satisfied with who they are rather than pushing images on the world?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Oct 2008 /  #45
Well said gtd!! The fact is that most countries people don't know much, nor even care, about Polish stereotypes. I have asked people to give me some Polish stereotypes and they really are at a loss for words, they just don't know.

When I was growing up, vodka drunks were Russian and sausage munchers were German. Now I KNOW better, I don't need stereotypes. They are a shortcut to thinking
theblueenigma  3 | 188  
26 Oct 2008 /  #46
Highly educated Polish? I think that is sth fronted by the Poles themselves. I'm not aware of many other countries people who would state that as a stereotype.

Well its how they are perceived in any country I have lived in. I have never heard it from Poles themselves. It might have something to do with the fact that 80% of those Poles you see working in the catering and services industry abroad all have masters and degrees. Other stereotypes I have heard about the Poles are vodka drinkers, catholic, very beautiful women, very ugly men, poverty...funnily enough never stupid and as I have said I have lived abroad in other countries.

The fact is that most countries people don't know much, nor even care, about Polish stereotypes

I doubt anyone anywhere live their lives caring or contemplating stereotypes, be it about Polish, Irish, American people etc, why would they. Usually its just the people who are feel agrieved about the stereotype of themselves that know and think about it.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
26 Oct 2008 /  #47
Look at me.... I AM POLISH ... and am I stupid? .... NO.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
26 Oct 2008 /  #48
Where did the stereotype of Polish people being stupid come from?

I have never heard of such a stereotype, is this only in America? or is it in England too?
There used to be the same stereotype for Irish people in England but apart from me, that has changed.
gtd  3 | 639  
26 Oct 2008 /  #49
and am I stupid?

Oh Oh I know this one!!! Call on me! Call on me!

Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Oct 2008 /  #50
Yeah, they have Masters and degrees but weren't smart enough to find gainful employment. They seem to rest on their laurels and not convert it into a meaningful career.

Also, we were discussing stereotypes. U seemed to be discussing general impressions gleaned from people rather than fixed stereotypes.

All of the above stereotypes have more than a grain of truth to them but only by going and finding out for yourself will you ever come close to the full truth.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
26 Oct 2008 /  #51
Oh Oh I know this one!!! Call on me! Call on me!

I knew you would jump on that one :D
mbiernat  3 | 107  
26 Oct 2008 /  #52
Germans were jealous of the Poles. Polish culture evolved faster, with democracy and Spiritual focus.

Look I am an American born and raised. Every race I have ever heard of was called dumb by the next wave. I have heard it about the Irish, Spanish, Italian, Mexicans, Canadians, Quebecqois, Southerners from the USA, people from Texas etc.

Poles are some of the brightest people I know. I would forget the sterotype and if someone ever says it in public I would ask them if they are a facist.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12008  
26 Oct 2008 /  #53
Germans were jealous of the Poles. Polish culture evolved faster, with democracy and Spiritual focus.

Erm...you are catholics!!!

One poster thinks Germans hate Poles, the next one says Germans are jealeous of Poles...you really seem to think the sun turns around Poland only, don't you? :):):)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Oct 2008 /  #54
And? What is ur point BB? I am interested
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
26 Oct 2008 /  #55
Bratwurst Boy

The Germans are coming....the german is coming.......RUN FOR YOUR LIVESS :( :(
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12008  
26 Oct 2008 /  #56
And? What is ur point BB? I am interested

I wouldn't call catholics be especially enlightened, democratic or spiritual...but maybe that's just me...:)
gtd  3 | 639  
26 Oct 2008 /  #57
And the Russians are coming so guard you arseholes.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Oct 2008 /  #58
On what basis do u form that opinion?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12008  
26 Oct 2008 /  #59
Do you really want discuss religion now? Some things are better left alone...
theblueenigma  3 | 188  
26 Oct 2008 /  #60
I have never heard of such a stereotype, is this only in America? or is it in England too?
There used to be the same stereotype for Irish people in England but apart from me, that has changed.

Nor have I SeanBM, never ! I once heard there was a stereotype about Irish people haveing big ears. Now while my own ears arent exactly tiny, they are hardly NTL sattelite dish :|

Yeah, they have Masters and degrees but weren't smart enough to find gainful employment. They seem to rest on their laurels and not convert it into a meaningful career.

Also, we were discussing stereotypes. U seemed to be discussing general impressions gleaned from people rather than fixed stereotypes.

All of the above stereotypes have more than a grain of truth to them but only by going and finding out for yourself will you ever come close to the full truth.

Hm thats a ridiculous and ignorant assertion. The reason they cant perhaps find gainful employment is because of the language barrier. By the same token are you suggesting the thousands of British and Irish graduates teaching english in Poland and elsewhere throughout the world arent smart also ? Another reason of course is the fact that during the more difficult economic climate in Poland, a pole with a masters was more than happy working in an Irish hotel earning more money than the career he/she was qualified at back home. Resting on their laurels ? thats absurd...so I guess thats why millions left home and worked their butts off to make money in sometimes three jobs at the same time until the economic reality had improved back home. Of course now many are returning to Poland having earned enough money to build houses, start businesses etc . . . thats resting on their laurels in your world is it ?

No, I think its pretty clear Im discussing stereotypes.

I agree all do have a grain of truth in them, and its only from spending a lot of time in Poland that I can decypher the myths from the reality.

Look at me.... I AM POLISH ... and am I stupid? .... NO.

I doubt it has anything to do with your nationality, but if you feel the need to question your stupidity, ok.

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