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Question related to Jews during Saturday night in II Rzeczypospolita

Del boy  20 | 254  
18 Oct 2008 /  #1
Do the Jews in II Rzeczypospolita during Saturday night had a right to go out and enjoy night out?
pawian  226 | 27509  
18 Oct 2008 /  #2
If they were orthodox religious pious people, they had to observe Sabbath.

If they weren`t pious Jews, they could do what they wanted.

OP Del boy  20 | 254  
18 Oct 2008 /  #3
so, who was a Jew? a pious one was only a real Jew?
pawian  226 | 27509  
18 Oct 2008 /  #4
There were many Jews, especially in the inteligentsia class, who didn`t follow the religious principle in life. They spoke Polish instead of Jiddish, lived in Polish districts, had Polish friends.

They were looked upon with contempt by other religious Jews, that`s for sure.

But were they worse or unreal?

I don`t think so.

When Germans came, all Jews, whether religious or not, were treated as real.
OP Del boy  20 | 254  
18 Oct 2008 /  #5
There were many Jews, especially in the inteligentsia class, who didn`t follow the religious principle in life. They spoke Polish instead of Jiddish, lived in Polish districts, had Polish friends.
They were looked upon with contempt by other religious Jews, that`s for sure.

Who was the Jew then?
pawian  226 | 27509  
18 Oct 2008 /  #6
A person born to Jewish parents.
Krzysztof  2 | 971  
18 Oct 2008 /  #7
Do the Jews in II Rzeczypospolita during Saturday night had a right to go out and enjoy night out?

What do you mean by "had a right"? The religious, moral or political sense of the word "right"?
18 Oct 2008 /  #8
Do the Jews in II Rzeczypospolita during Saturday night had a right to go out and enjoy night out?

On Saturday night the Sabbath is over so whether they were religious or not they could do whatever they pleased.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Oct 2008 /  #9
Jewish men, regardless of their appearance (strongly Semitic or more Nordic/Slavic) were regarded as Jews if they were circumcised. In that respect many fair-haired Jewish females could pass for Aryans with no tell-tale stigma to set them apart.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
18 Oct 2008 /  #10
Tak Dobrze.
jonni  16 | 2475  
19 Oct 2008 /  #11
Do the Jews in II Rzeczypospolita during Saturday night had a right to go out and enjoy night out?

Do you mean Saturday night or Friday night?
Switezianka  - | 463  
19 Oct 2008 /  #12
afaik, Jews had the same rights as other citizens in this respect. And on Saturday night the Sabbath is over :)

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