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Who lost WWII (besides Poland)?

Amanda91  1 | 135  
12 Aug 2009 /  #31
How about a few success stories, looking to the bright future, etc etc?? wouldn't go a miss

how true. Nothing really more to add to it.
sadieann  2 | 205  
12 Aug 2009 /  #32
'actually yes, your right in one sense, why not look forward (or more positively) than in this continual negative fashion' I've just been down to the bookies for the odds.....................


Nothing can be done about the past yet you still bang on about it so much, its like Poland has nothing else to offer apart from a few sad stories and 'victimisation claims'

True! A fitting quote came to mind..

" I like the dreams of the future
better than the history of the past". -Thomas Jefferson
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
12 Aug 2009 /  #33

the sad thing is though it should not be funny, its funny because you know nobody is going to say that and mean it, just goes to show what the Polish (representation on this forum) are like in general, or at least what they show us here.

" I like the dreams of the future
better than the history of the past". -Thomas Jefferson

yeah i like that one, If Poland were a business, it would have it as part of its mission statement :)

how true. Nothing really more to add to it.

I know, its rather sad really, things should be changing/moving forward, however it seems a lot of Poles are stuck in the past with UMP gunfire rattling around their heads.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
12 Aug 2009 /  #34
the sad thing is though it should not be funny, its funny because you know nobody is going to say that and mean it, just goes to show what the Polish (representation on this forum) are like in general, or at least what they show us here.

Poland is fokked the only consolation is that rest of the so called western world is fokked as well....
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
12 Aug 2009 /  #35
lol, is that a negative/positive or a positive/negative??? hahaha
frd  7 | 1379  
12 Aug 2009 /  #36
How many more of these 'we were the victim' threads are we going to say

I think you're slightly exaggerating.. he just started the thread and stated that he doesn't want to talk about Poland, just about other countries that could have lost something due to WW2. It looks more like you are a little bit biased and allergic to word "Poland". Come on, what do you suggest we should be talking about in a ww2 thread. Sad stories? Yeah, All conflicts were about having a coco and visiting theme parks... I dunno where those sad stories are coming from... I'm pretty sure you can bring something valuable to this thread instead of being whingy : o
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
12 Aug 2009 /  #37
I think you're slightly exaggerating.. he just started the thread and stated that he doesn't want to talk about Poland, just about other countries that could have lost something due to WW2. It looks more like you are a little bit biased and allergic to word "Poland". Come on, what do you suggest we should be talking about in a ww2 thread.

talking about the war is fine, there is nothing wrong with that, however like you said the name of the thread does not help 'who lost WWII (apart from Poland)' lol i think that is my point, why could it not have been 'who lost out in WWII'???

Yeah, All conflicts were about having a coco and visiting theme parks... I dunno where those sad stories are coming from... I'm pretty sure you can bring something valuable to this thread instead of being whingy : o

instead of being whingy, that is laughable considering what a lot of this forum is 'Poles moaning' lol, i'm sorry but i do find it funny you calling me a winger when there are so many on here doing that all the time.

As for my overall contribution to the forum i think you'll find i do an awful lot more than moan :) As for this particular thread, there is one obvious conclusion 'Everybody lost'.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
12 Aug 2009 /  #38
Ukraine - lost 7.5 million people. My country was completely devastated. If you take that the total death toll was 60-70 million people killed (incredibly horrible number), more than 10% of these were Ukrainians.

I hope nothing similar will ever occur again. It is horror.
Amanda91  1 | 135  
12 Aug 2009 /  #39
valuable to this thread

tornado is right about that, it's been way too many threads about WWII. We all know what has happened and how sad it was. How about something more positive, something to make us all feel happy.
frd  7 | 1379  
12 Aug 2009 /  #40
As for my overall contribution to the forum i think you'll find i do an awful lot more than moan :) As for this particular thread, there is one obvious conclusion 'Everybody lost'.

I think you bring a lot of resourceful posts to the forums, that's why I was a little bit baffled when I saw your post. There's also a lot of people being whingy about those whingers I suppose :)

It's easy to summarize like that "everyone lost" but you can summarize each thread like that "politics" - "pliticians are liers eot". Maybe somebody wanted some more precise detailes than "everyone lost"..

Beside there was so many threads about Poland during WW2 created by whingy Poles that somebody finally named one "beside Poland" to underline that fact that he doesn't want to hear about Poland in this thread.. ;)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
12 Aug 2009 /  #41
There's also a lot of people being whingy about those whingers I suppose :)

i can accept that point, its a pretty fair comment actually, how else could i have put it though??

It's easy to summarize like that "everyone lost" but you can summarize each thread like that "politics" - "pliticians are liers eot". Maybe somebody wanted some more precise detailes than "everyone lost"..

i guess thats down to the OP, what he/she decides to post and what points he/she wants to bring up or even create.

Beside there was so many threads about Poland during WW2 created by whingy Poles that somebody finally named one "beside Poland" to underline that fact that he doesn't want to hear about Poland in this thread.. ;)

You did a good job of turning a negative into a positive there :) i like it
Ironside  50 | 13046  
12 Aug 2009 /  #42
lol, is that a negative/positive or a positive/negative??? hahaha

Well, seriously now:

Was it positive or negative ?
In my opinion is sad but beautiful :)
There is also positive factor in something beautiful yet sad.
Do you catch my drift ?:)
Well, maybe is continental thingy not excluded to Poland?:)

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