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Some names to the faces of brave Poles during WW2 German Invasion

JuliePotocka  5 | 188  
9 Mar 2008 /  #1
It is long, heartbreaking, and yet you can see that Poland was filled to the brim with Martyrs, during the German Invasion and Occupation during WW2. Starved, beaten, humiliated, they never gave in. Many German Poles stood up, only to die like fellow Poles, rather than join in the wholesale slaughter.

Read on, with a brave heart...


German Invasion WW2
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
9 Mar 2008 /  #2
Terrible but great read, Julie. Such suffering, but important to know. Thanks for posting.
Szczery  - | 22  
9 Mar 2008 /  #3
Only to be controlled by communism :(
OP JuliePotocka  5 | 188  
10 Mar 2008 /  #4
But finally, finally free now. I just wish so many of those who endured nearly a century of nightmares could feel the freedom. I hope they are smiling down from above, and know that their descendants, Poland's children at home and abroad, are doing something to keep her free this time. This is why some of us keep reminding the world of the travesties, not to keep reliving the nightmares - but to keep them from happening again. History is terrible about repeating its mistakes, unless learned from.

Long live Poland!

I find this sooo important of a read, because it shows that every day people were tortured at the drop of a hat, solely on the whims of any German Soldier, not just the Gestapo!

In my history classes in the US, even in college, the focus was on the Genocide of Jews. This paper is so very important, in that it reveals the true focus: Genocide of ALL POLES! The Nazis equally defiled the churches and synagogues, and all the Priests and Rabbis, along with all the intellectuals, local leaders, even that 70 year old mayor who was crippled! They tossed him onto the pile of bodies last, and dispatched him there.

I had to simply shut out the horrors to sleep last night; I haven't had to do that since High School.

Whereas I knew much of my grandmother's family was in Auschwitz, I now see all Poles and not the 1/3 of the Jewish population I was told that perished; 18 million Poles were MURDERED, and I sure as hell don't see any NATIONAL Monument to them!! Just to the 6 million Jews.

This is a wrong that must be righted in History! All those Poles were Martyred. I knew some of the techniques used to kill the prisoners in the past, but the sheer Sadism exhibited...the Nuremburg Trials only caught a fraction of the murderers. I am at least glad that the killers, though old men now, are still being brought to justice, even if Israel are the ones pressing charges.

I'm still wrapping my mind around all this. See, I knew in theory it was true; I had a Catholic Priest in grade school, who was a child in WW2, and then was tortured by the Communists, before he escaped. He told us the milder versions of torture he endured, which was being hung upside down, water poured into his nostrils, and choking on it.

"According to a deposition that reached us from Lancut (Southern Poland), 5,000 war prisoners were held in a country house park. A cold rain fell day and night. The men were forced to keep on their feet and were famished. Their moans were heart-rending. Count Potocki, proprietor of the park, and the inhabitants of the town of Lancut, did all in their power to provide food for this multitude who had not tasted anything for several days. Each morning the bodies of many who had succumbed to these hardships were removed."

In doing research on my family tree, I ran across this article, which is from a book. Count Jan Roman Potocki AND the locals of Lancut risked much, in helping those prisoners!

I think that's the one thing pervading the entire war inside of Poland: people CARED, and DARED to try and help! Even the Nazis admired the tenacity of the Poles. I can't say how I feel, with these newly discovered layers of inhumanity of the German soldiers. On top of that, either your German/Polish neighbors died with you, or turned against you, and became part of your death! I can't imagine living in that time of nightmares.

I suppose I should have posted a rather inflammatory thread title, to get people hot under the collar...seems to be the only way to have people participate in a discussion on here.

SAD. Very sad.
Eagle20  16 | 119  
11 Mar 2008 /  #5
Just come across your post.
Thanks for pointing out the website.

Have you read "The Forgotten Holocaust - The Poles Under German Occupation 1939-1944" by Richard C. Lukas?
OP JuliePotocka  5 | 188  
11 Mar 2008 /  #6
Eagle, no I haven't. Thanks for pointing it out, I'll take a look at it.
eddiewop  - | 16  
12 Mar 2008 /  #7
Never trust the barbari niemz . I fear that they will buy up land/property in Poland, and achieve by economics what they could not do by force of arms.
celinski  31 | 1258  
12 Mar 2008 /  #8
Julie, great post, we should combine this as German/Soviet invasion.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
12 Mar 2008 /  #9
Never trust the barbari niemz . I fear that they will buy up land/property in Poland, and achieve by economics what they could not do by force of arms.

Theres a big difference being buying some apartments and planning the genocide of 10's of millions of people.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
12 Mar 2008 /  #10

Or who else will buy our goods....killing consumers baaaaaad!
Kilkline  1 | 682  
12 Mar 2008 /  #11
Basic economics- dont murder your target market.
TripTic  3 | 95  
12 Mar 2008 /  #12
It is long, heartbreaking, and yet you can see that Poland was filled to the brim with Martyrs, during the German Invasion and Occupation during WW2. Starved, beaten, humiliated, they never gave in.

My family suffered a lot from them.
My grandpa's first wife and his two kids (daughter age 5 and 1 yr old son) were slaughtered among of 360 others villagers of small village Jezierce nearby Lwow (currently in Ukraine).German nazis done it with massive help of Ukrainian Police.

For forum members who can read in polish:

OP JuliePotocka  5 | 188  
12 Mar 2008 /  #13
I am sorry, TripTic. Thank you for sharing this, his first wife and two children.

I am only now learning Polish, and I did save that link. I see the map and such, and the names.

That was one thing that I saw in that transcript, that the Police helped.

Thank you for coming forward, and sharing this, about your grandfather's first family, and the 360 villagers who were slaughtered. May they never be forgotten, may this never happen again!
franciszek  - | 4  
12 Mar 2008 /  #14
Franciszek Bryszkiewski
Born in Poland(Suganjo)1924
Hitler invades 1939
My dad was 15 when he fought for his life and Polands.He died in the 1980s with grandchildren and people to remember him i will always remember him cause im 2nd born male from him
Eagle20  16 | 119  
15 Mar 2008 /  #15
It is long, heartbreaking, and yet you can see that Poland was filled to the brim with Martyrs, during the German Invasion and Occupation during WW2.

I've read about half way through. Some of what I have read was pretty harrowing.
Szczery  - | 22  
15 Mar 2008 /  #16
Che was a great man, he gave his life away for the ideas he truly believed "Hasta La Victoria Siempre!!!!"

Che was a pile of communist garbage. The loser was also down on his hands and knee's begging for his life when captured. Some "hero" LOL. He was also a racist. Poland suffered enough from communism so who are you to come here and put a communist in your avatar as if they are a good thing? You know nothing of it.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
15 Mar 2008 /  #17
"Hasta La Victoria Siempre!

Cuba Libre !

He was also a racist.

LMAO yep,coz Angola's full of his fellow hispanics isnt it .......
Szczery  - | 22  
16 Mar 2008 /  #18
isthatu is a retard. Che was also not hispanic but WHITE. I laugh at all these idiots who sport CHE crap while they don't know a damn thing about him. Bunch of idiots.. you two are no exception.

"The Negro is indolent and spends his money on frivolity and drink, whereas the european is intelligent and forward looking."

"Mexicans are a rabble of illiterate indians. South American peasants are nothing but animalitos (little animals)"

TripTic  3 | 95  
16 Mar 2008 /  #19
To Szczery:

I didn't say that communism is a good thing. I just said that Che truly believed what he was fighting for.

...don't you ever dare say what should i do or no. THIS IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS!!!

...he didn't beg for his life when Bolivians captured him, he said: "don't kill me i'm Che!"

That's a big difference you dumb f.u.c.k!!!

...and finally: you inputed your post which is nowhere near the subject.
Eagle20  16 | 119  
16 Mar 2008 /  #20

So lets hope they get split off and put somewhere else.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
16 Mar 2008 /  #21
That was my point,I was trying to be outrageous to provoke them into bining the lot....ah well,maybe tommorow eh?
TripTic  3 | 95  
16 Mar 2008 /  #22
Nah... it's not that easy to pick on me :):)

Thanx anyway :)
Szczery  - | 22  
16 Mar 2008 /  #23
so? its PF,home of the random charector assasination and small genitled peeps forcing right wing trash down people throats....

I think you mean left wing. Besides your reply was typical of a lefty no facts just ********... besides you can shutup now. Another dumbass brit on a polish forum. So hush hush now dont say things you would never say in the real world.
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
17 Mar 2008 /  #24
Iam attempting to send a photo of my dad in ww2

Please do. There's no more fetching a picture than a relative in Polish army regalia. We should have a gallery of these photos. I took the liberty of having my grandfather as my avatar.

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