For sure? The only fact is obvious, that poland began WWII provoking Germany by the act of aggression against some local german radio station near the border and killing all its personal. Only this fact is sufficiently obvious. Certainly you will ask me how do I know that it is a truth? I read it in articles.
In America, there is an old saw that goes like, "...
if it walks likes a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck - it's a duck." Now, I realize that America is not perfect and our history has some bad things in it like
eminent domain with American Indians, the Civil War, racism,
etc., but I can say with confidence and honesty the USA has not "purged" >50 million of our own people for the political gain of a tryannical leader
du jour. Especially when those political systems continually seem to deny freedoms, control the masses with fear, and fail miserably. That being said, ConstantineK, are you really serious about the beginning of WW2?! If it is a joke, good one, you got me! If not, you are the model Soviet and Uncle Joe loves you... after killing your family for the better of the State, of course.
Here's another saw for you I read in an article, "...
denial ain't a river in Egypt."