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Jews...and their Polish experience

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
16 May 2007 /  #271
More severe punishments should be inflicted upon those who dare question The Holocaust, utter Seig Heil, Heil Hitler and all that rubbish, sport Nazi paraphernalia and insiginias. Being thrown in jail is mild in my opinion. Severity, harshness and an iron fist for those who dare question THE TRUTH!


hes for it or against it?
TheKruk  3 | 308  
17 May 2007 /  #272
Sparrow once again you make a grand point. And as painful as it is I agree too.
Crazy Horse RV  
17 May 2007 /  #273
To those who would deny that the Holocause ever occured, I would point out to you that recently the Swiss banks acknowledged that they had money and assets from Jews who were victims of the German death camps. They paid back retrobutions. Do you think for one minute that a Swiss bank would part with one cent if it were not true?
southern  73 | 7059  
17 May 2007 /  #274
Swiss banks have money not only belonging to Jews who deposited their money before moving to concentration camps but from german nazis as well,sho probably made this money blackmailing Jews.Since Jews vanished in camps,legally there are no people who have right to take this money.All the papers and IDs were destroyed and nobody can prove his rights.After enormous pressure from Israel,Swiss governement accpeted that this money exists and gave about 2 billion dollars to relatives of Jews who died in holocaust.Jews claim amount of money is huge and want the Nazi money as well.Of course the Swiss will never reveal what happened with Nazi money.Maybe a part of it was used for operation Odessa to send former nazis to Argentina with falso cover.Another part was supposed to be used to rebuild the third Reich.

Some studies showed lots of Hg in swiss banks' gold,pointing out that Hg comes from the golden teeth of the Jews who died in concentration camps and their teeth were brought to Switzerland to become gold again.
A Communist  
17 May 2007 /  #275
But is it worthy of punishment? I one wants to rewrite French history, he can.. but if one wants to rewrite Holocaust he gets imprisoned in some countries. I cannot state enough that I despise these people.. however, you should be able to write -whatever you want- on a sheet of paper & not be imprisoned for

There is no parallel in human history to compare with the atrocity knwon as The Holocaust. There are some things above questioning. This is one. Those who dare question The Holocaust are filthy vermin who have an alterior motive. Only harshness and severity should be meted out to those who dare make a mockery of the 12 million dead!
18 May 2007 /  #276
Didn't I say that various wackos and fascist hate mongers are allowed to haunt this board?

- The wacko using the nick 'A Communist' is one of the most recent examples of this ilk.

Have you noticed and comprehended what this fascist has scribbled? - 'Only harshness and severity should be meted out to those who dare make a mockery of the 12 million dead!'

That's what so-called 'communism' is about, and what types are attracted to it.
By the way, the suffering of the Jews during WWII isn't any greater than and superior to the suffering of other nations. And certainly the suffering that stalinist Jews inflicted on other nations, e.g. Poland, is equal to, if not worse than the suffering inflicted by the Germans.
18 May 2007 /  #277
Those who dare question The Holocaust are filthy vermin who have an alterior motive.

OK – say it! Everybody is guilty! Even 60 years after II WW! To your information nobody here denies holocaust. But if you are jewish and if you want to put sign of equality between Poland and Nazi Germany, there is one thing I want to say to you: you are stupid a.s.s.h.o.l.e. Go and talk to Jews who still live in Poland. Marek Edelman for example. He has great respect in Poland and he is treated like hero. I bet you don’t know who he is.
18 May 2007 /  #278
Hm, I don't think at all that Marek Edelman (reputedly one of the commanders of the Warsaw ghetto rising) has any 'great respect ' for Poland. Facts seem to show he has at times a great disrespect for us. This can be said about numerous Jewish people in Poland, particularly those grouped around a rabid Zionist newspaper 'Gazeta Wyborcza' (published in Polish, alas); Edelman is one of their darlings, attempted to be made by them, ridiculously, into a 'moral authority.' Re: the expression 'Jews who still live in Poland.' Contrary to the media reports (I mean the media e.g. in America) there have always been lots of them, many with adopted Polish surnames. and more have been arriving still, with Polish passports, from Israel.

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 May 2007 /  #279
There is no parallel in human history to compare with the atrocity knwon as The Holocaust.

Yep. And killing tens of millions in gulags, starving like in Ukraine etc. was probably a great step in progress of humanity, wasn't that ?
daboos  - | 10  
27 May 2007 /  #280
Actually, there are many people in poland who don't like jews,unfortunatelly( i don't know why ?).
And the poles didn't kill jews - during the IIWW most of polish ppl used to help them, because nazis hated them more then poles. And the nazis killed those jews(and tons of poles), for exemple in the concentration camps(have u heard about Auschwitz-Birkenau?).

It's a long story with that war... ;]
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
27 May 2007 /  #282
Espana It's about football, not about real Jews...
espana  17 | 951  
27 May 2007 /  #283
ok i didnt know ,,,sound sad but i m not going to cry
28 May 2007 /  #284
Jews are as, or even more, Anti- Polish as we dont like them. I've witnessed it on several occasions - one of them having to travel to Israel with Polish passport. One of the questions they asked me was: how come you are a anti-semite. Ive blanked out for a moment as this question came out of the blue. They blame us for holocaust - I guess Germans have paid off their guilt, now they want to establish a money flow from us. I think David Irving writes about that dilemma. My grandfather was sent to Russian camp and worked as a slave, but nobody have paid him a dime. Later our “allies” – brits and Americans sold us knowingly to pig Stalin. Does anyone pay for this? Nope, Teddy Roosevelt is still considered a walking miracle in US. Here are some mind ticking examples: Salomon Morel - the jewish/communistic Himmler that Israel protects from being brought to justice (google him). Numerous attacks on Polish community in US by mostly Jew controlled media - last one of them being some jew boy writing poems, in one of the NYC paper, about parks in NYC describing Poles as cockroaches etc. Did you know that brother of precursor of Gazeta Wyborcza Stefan Michnik was a communistic judge that sentenced several anti-communists to death, by they way they both survived the war because Polish anti-semite did hide them… Now he resides in Sweden as he is hiding from justice. Examples are endless, my question is: if they hate us as much as they claim why do they come here? They have their own nation, stay there!
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
29 May 2007 /  #285
As a Polish-American hoping to move to Poland in a year or so, I certainly hope that
Poland has minimalized it's Jewish problem...As I understand from American sources,
there is a relatively small Jewish community in Poland at present...but, wasn't 'Krasnewski' Jewish?...and how about Polish media?...what ethnic group has profitted from 'free market' reform?...how about the banks?...you see, Jews form about

.025% of the world's population...but through long-established networks, their own ob-
noxious greed & agressiveness & their totolitarian 'religion', they have attained dispro-
portionate power in many nations, hence the almost universal suspicion of them...they
tortured have Poland, Russia, Germany & they now effectively run Great Britain & the USA thru their money & their Janissaries...this is to our great shame as Americans...

true, they no longer spit on crucifixes or when passing a church (except in Israel), but they don't have to...now they make laws outlawing the display of Christian icons or celebration of holidays in the name of 'celebrating diversity'...whether you are a Christ-

ian or not, I think there is truth in the sayings of Apostle Paul about the 'Jews'...'.....they
are contrary to all men & pleaseth not God'.
TheKruk  3 | 308  
29 May 2007 /  #286
oi vey back to the stone age again. This is why Polish people have problems in the world TheKruk cries in his beer.

Seriously I think this forum is really depressing. only Nazi's and anti-semites anti gays anti this anti that. who is allowed to live as they like?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
29 May 2007 /  #287
Re: post 312,

Do people still believe this stuff. Who cares ?

If you're coming to Poland please leave your misconceptions at home.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
29 May 2007 /  #288
Yep.I came across Poles in Chicago with this types of views (Maslana, joepilsudski). Very depressing. Luckily, they are not the majority.
southern  73 | 7059  
29 May 2007 /  #289
How long will people have to apologize for the Holocaust?The whole Israel policy is still based on that.What about the Poles experience from the Jews presence?
adilski  2 | 105  
29 May 2007 /  #290
i believe a hint of evolution theory and nationalism with a touch of fascism were the roots of the holocaust... we should leartn from the last centruy.. people shouldnt have differences between them.. just pure humanity
southern  73 | 7059  
29 May 2007 /  #291
The roots of holocaust was the antisemitism.However there would be no antisemitism if there were no semitism.Jews failed to integrate and be accepted in almost every european country.They were expelled in the past from a whole lot of cities of many countries,for example 3 times from Prague between 1700 and 1850.

The Greeks eliminated them in Alexandria,the Romans destroyed them completely,the Egyptians threw them out and hunt them to death,the Babylonians exiled them and tried to extinguish them.There has to be some reason for this behaviour.
adilski  2 | 105  
29 May 2007 /  #292
reason is that they thought they were the chosen people... integration is very important, at the same time people should maintain their culture and identity.. but discrimination is not good and it shouldnt be promoted.. souther u sure know ur history..! a good source of knowledge cheers
TheKruk  3 | 308  
29 May 2007 /  #293
However there would be no antisemitism if there were no semitism.Jews failed to integrate and be accepted in almost every european country

So your message is kill everybody who is different? Or since these nations killed or expelled them hey its ok we have precedent. I have long hair no other man at my work does so I should be sacked.

Elvis didn't assimilate he was white and sang black music, kill him.
Maybe its time to evolve mankind has used this way of thinking since Cain offed Abel maybe its time to try something new like another guy who didn't integrate so well during his time who preached "love thy brother" now what was his name again?
southern  73 | 7059  
29 May 2007 /  #294
reason is that they thought they were the chosen people... integration is very important, at the same time people should maintain their culture and identity.. but discrimination is not good and it shouldnt be promoted.. souther u sure know ur history..! a good source of knowledge cheers

If you read the Bible you will understand why Jews were hated so much.Read what the God told them,how to treat their enemies,why everybody is against them,how to gain power,jew mentality is all over.They simply never wanted to integrate.They refused mixed marriages and kept distinct from every folk they lived with.This led gradually to an accumulation of hatred towards them.Also their greed for power.
TheKruk  3 | 308  
29 May 2007 /  #295
and he was Jewish too and didn't know anything about the word Christianity
adilski  2 | 105  
29 May 2007 /  #296
Also their greed for power.

money power and jealousy - nicht gut
southern  73 | 7059  
29 May 2007 /  #297
So your message is kill everybody who is different? Or since these nations killed or expelled them hey its ok we have precedent. I have long hair no other man at my work does so I should be sacked.
Elvis didn't assimilate he was white and sang black music, kill him.
Maybe its time to evolve mankind has used this way of thinking since Cain offed Abel maybe its time to try something new like another guy who didn't integrate so well during his time who preached "love thy brother" now what was his name again?

I do not tell that.I say that the Holocaust is used as a tool by Israeli policy.It is the constant alibi for everything they do in Middle East.European historians who tried to doubt the Holocaust like the british David Irwing were persecuted and are now in prison because they made research!By law of many states everyone who doubts holocaust is an unwanted person and has to leave the country.Irwing was expelled from England and Germany and was prisoned in Austria.Others like the french Roge Garontee were heavily attacked and avoided imprisonment due to their fame,connections and some protection of the church.

Is it right a historian being hindered to do research?How will people learn the truth if they listen only to the one side?
TheKruk  3 | 308  
29 May 2007 /  #298
Yeah only jews hunger for power any more enlightenment tonight
adilski  2 | 105  
29 May 2007 /  #299
for the future lets learn from the negative qualites in jews... lets better ourselves
TheKruk  3 | 308  
29 May 2007 /  #300
They blamed the plague on Jews too, when people need a scapegoat they choose those who are a minority and are different to rouse the common man against them so they won't rise up against the king or president etc. and the most common target was jewish people because they work together earn money and help each other and thus they have power its called business if the rest of the world followed the model they could be rich and powerful too, maybe.

And not all jews are rich and powerful. Someone said jews run America did they steal it? and who helped form Israel ONLY JEWS no. Many troops who fought to form Israel were trained by Polish officers its in Microcosm by Norman Davies (most recent version i could find) Well I do agree you shouldn't be imprisoned for research no matter how idiotic.

for the future lets learn from the negative qualites in jews... lets better ourselves

I think I'm going to puke please tell me your not Polish

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