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Germans Exiles & Museum in Berlin in the eyes of Poles and UE nationals.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #61
Well...we will have to agree to disagree! :)

A beer?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
21 May 2009 /  #62
The borders were not decided by Poles.

I wish some more people on this planet remembered that! Specially Germans! Or Israeli for that matter!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 May 2009 /  #63
A beer?

Just one?:)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #64
Hey...I'm paying...don't complain! :)
21 May 2009 /  #65
trying to sell herself as an exile when her father was part of the invading army

Her father was sent to occupied Poland in 1941. The Polish army couldn't manage to hold out for two months, let alone two years. He wasn't part of the invading army, he was part of the army that was sent to invaded and pacified Poland.

And as you refuse to admit, she is an exile: the pre-war home of her family was in pre-war Germany. Do you let Germans buy land near Breslau these days?
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
21 May 2009 /  #66
BBoy, I know how tempting it is to play on adversaries' nerves, but honestly, admit it:

Gerries started the war, the slaughter; they lost, they were punished.
These days they are turning the tables and posing as the BIGGEST fvcking victims.
Erica is one hell of a fvcking, lying *****.

No offence to you.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #67
Erica is one hell of a fvcking, lying *****.

Oooooh I love polish dirty talk!
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
21 May 2009 /  #68
Easy tiger! ;0)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
21 May 2009 /  #69
He wasn't part of the invading army, he was part of the army that was sent to invaded and pacified Poland.

Ohhh, riiight, of course, we take everything back. We are sometimes too blind to spot those subtle nuances.

Since we are at the subject, do you guys know if Goebbels and Hitler were counted in the expellees list? I mean, they didn't come with the invading army but to an already occupied Poland, which obviously makes a tremendous difference. :D
Salomon  2 | 436  
21 May 2009 /  #70
As for me Bratwurst likes when sobody calles them Nazis...

Well I wouldn't say so... For me there are many signs that ... Germans are back ...

Lets say 1st reich not 3rd reich...

Which alwyas played dirty games. Well ... "dear" Germans ... there are many voices form your neigbourhood - not only form Poland. It is only question of time when you will not be able to form coalitions in neigbourhood.

You want to build museum of people who expeled Poles form their land ... it is your choice and it is sign that again if you stay on this path ... you are going to have as alwyas problems and as alwyas at the end you will cry like maniac when he realizes what he has done durring previuous night.

This museum is just symbol ... of the change in German mind.

At the end as always :

21 May 2009 /  #71
According to "Der Spiegel" among the top activists of the Federation there were more people tied with nationalistic socialism than believed thus far, from the investigation revealed that more than a third of 200 high ranking members of BDV were members of NSDAP, they're also revealed by other sources.

You lying little ****! I missed this bit first time round but now am happy to point out that you, like Polska magazine, are lying. "Der Spiegel" was writing about an organisation which was not the BDV and which was dissolved in 1957!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #72
Which alwyas played dirty games. Well ... "dear" Germans ... there are many voices form your neigbourhood - not only form Poland. It is only question of time when you will not be able to form coalitions in neigbourhood.

ROFL...better start soon or you will be to late.
Why don't you start an "alliance" with Crowie??? You both are such a match!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 May 2009 /  #73
Why don't you start an "alliance" with Crowie??? You both are such a match!

See thats our major weakness, while Erica Steinbach is selling some immoral shite she packs it pretty and Germans buy it, we hold a sound position from both moral and logical point but its defended by raving idiots.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
21 May 2009 /  #74
Steinbach was born on a territory annexed by Germans in 1939. Her claims to the area of her birth are legit as long as she decides she wants to live in Poland, since that's where Rumia is located and has been for quite some time.

In general, the Germans claims look like this:

Daddy has a son, let's say a little Johnny. Johny wants a bicycle and daddy has the $100 to buy it. On his way from work daddy breaks into Mr. Brown's house and steals a bicycle. Johnny gets what he wants and is very happy.

A few days later two cops come over and arrest Johnny's daddy. Daddy goes through court proceedings, and he is sentenced to a $100 fine. He also has to return the bicycle he had stolen from Mr. Brown.

Now Johny is suing Mr. Brown for both the bicycle and for the $100.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #75
See thats our major weakness, while Erica Steinbach is selling some immoral shite she packs it pretty and Germans buy it, we hold a sound position from both moral and logical point but its defended by raving idiots.

since that's where Rumia is located and has been for quite some time.

Who cares...borders and populations can change as you very well know!
(...and very quickly at that...)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 May 2009 /  #76
Yes the point is she's not exiled, loads of people in her little cult were not exiled, she's not representing interests of exiled Germans rather than a desire to rewrite history in the worst possible way, history rewritten by former nazis and their sympathizers can lead to repeating your mistakes and remember that last time the only thing that saved Germany from annihilation was East/West conflict, otherwise you'd be a small agrarian state with thousands executed, sterilized or worse.

You asked Solomon if he was scared, its you who should be frightened because the road from rise of imperial ambitions to Germany existing only as few pages in history books is very short and straightforward.
21 May 2009 /  #77
A fact Poles love to ignore about Steinbach: her family is from Silesia. Which for hundreds of years was part of Germany, another fact which Poles love to ignore.

If we're going to go on birth place alone, your daughter needs to marry me before she can call herself Polish.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #78
You asked Solomon if he was scared, its you who should be frightened because the road from rise of imperial ambitions to Germany existing only as few pages in history books is very short and straightforward.

Also scared chicken??? Germany rules already without one bullet fired...what do you think "imperial ambitions" mean?
Do you think you need war to fulfill your goals nowadays??? :)
21 May 2009 /  #79
this is stark proof she is a pro nazi activist with an agenda, if its not proof to you its only because you're highly biased yourself.

Is Poland in the habit of making pro nazi activists honourary citizens of its cities?

I only ask because Herbert Hupka was vice president of the organisation Steinbach heads but he was awarded the title of a honorary citizen of Racibórz. Bit odd to give him that honour after he'd worked and in such a high position for what you call a pro nazi organistion.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 May 2009 /  #80
Also scared chicken???

Not really no, personally i believe that in the next 30-50 years Poland and France will supplant Germany as the regional centres of power, we might have some political or economic sparks but we're well beyond an armed conflict in any forseeable future.

Germany rules already without one bullet fired...what do you think "imperial ambitions" mean?

IF EU survives the coming political crsis with Russia, IF Germany survives incoming social and economical crisis stemming from Turks and overblown social then Germany will become an undisputed political leader of Europe.

Except i dont believe Germany is poised to recover or EU is poised to survive, you've dominated an effective but inherently unstable international organization.

Do you think you need war to fulfill your goals nowadays??? :)

No and if not for your problematic economy, failing population and problems with history that will mess up your foreign policy and internal unity i'd tell you that Germany would unite Europe for good, there's still a tiny chance that it will but personally i dont think so.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #81
Not really no, personally i believe that in the next 30-50 years Poland and France will supplant Germany

Wishful thinking! :)

PS: So the millions of french arabs are no problem for you or the future of France? You see them still strong enough to overtake Germany??? Interesting...:)

IF EU survives the coming political crsis with Russia, IF Germany survives incoming social and economical crisis stemming from Turks and overblown social then Germany will become an undisputed political leader of Europe.

We have 3 Million Turks to 80 million non-turks...what is it with you and the Turks?:)

No and if not for your problematic economy, failing population and problems with history that will mess up your foreign policy and internal unity i'd tell you that Germany would unite Europe for good, there's still a tiny chance that it will but personally i dont think so.

Well...soon the world will buy our products again and we are just about to stop "having problems with history" so you can uncheck that.


I know Sokrates you dream of a Poland as mighty as Germany but you need much more than only a big mouth for that.
Become a developer, inventor and manufacturer like Germany is and you will have a better chance...
(not to mention you better grow your population around another 60 million or so)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
21 May 2009 /  #82
A fact Poles love to ignore about Steinbach: her family is from Silesia. Which for hundreds of years was part of Germany, another fact which Poles love to ignore.

A fact you like to ignore is that her father was born in Hanau (West Central Germany), and her mother was born in Bremen (North West Germany), hundreds of miles from Silesia.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
21 May 2009 /  #83
Well...soon the world will buy our products again and we are just about to stop "having problems with history" so you can uncheck that.

we already do, my brother works at German run company, and he likes it, the only
part he dont like is the swing shift.. but he was used to that, now since the
economic crisis, hes on regular hours and they cut back the weekends and shift

I trust german Products.. more then China and I will pay the extra buck or two
if its safely made and my family wouldnt get sick from it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #84
A fact you like to ignore is that her father was born in Hanau (West Central Germany), and her mother was born in Bremen (North West Germany), hundreds of miles from Silesia.

Hmmm...my family stems from Silesia...in and around Breslau, Liegnitz etc.....centuries back...maybe I should take over? :)

I trust german Products.. more then China and I will pay the extra buck or two
if its safely made and my family wouldnt get sick from it.

z_darius  14 | 3960  
21 May 2009 /  #85
Read my story about little Johnny's bicycle ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #86

But otherwise it's good for me...when centuries can't be seen as claim to ownership, mere decades can even less....it's okay by me! :)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
21 May 2009 /  #87
The only thing to decide is which centuries we should consider. The ones before Germans came to Wroclaw or after? The borders are what they are. Your ancestors screwed up big time in more ways than one.

Not only did they loose the lands they had already controlled, but also they also helped ensure that you will loose the lands that were left over. In reality why should Poles and Germans fight over those lands? The dispute is purely academic. After all Germans as an ethnic group, the uber Alles blonde and blue-eyed ones, are a dying breed anyway. There ain't gonna be 1000 Jahre Reich anymore. Possibly not even 100 Jahre. Poles to follow suit soon. So it is really ridiculous how ethnic Germans would want to screw up what remained of their lives in order to ensure Lebensraum for Turks.
Borrka  37 | 592  
21 May 2009 /  #88
But otherwise it's good for me...when centuries can't be seen as claim to ownership, mere decades can even less....it's okay by me! :)

Boring, boring !!!
Even as a bad joke.
First suggest some innovative solution for successful elimination/expulsion/Germanization of 11 millions Poles living there.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #89
We will just borrow some polish experts...

Not only did they loose the lands they had already controlled, but also they also helped ensure that you will loose the lands that were left over.

Well..look in the mirror!
Poles like to argue about that just as much...it needs two to tango.
Actually for me and most Germans it's a moot point anyhow...it's not as if there is a border hindering us to re-settle in our old homes but most of us can't be arsed...liking it where we are.

But that still doesn't allows to accept polish "it always belonged to us and more of Germany too...if possible till France" - kind of crap to stay without a likewise answer.

So when you stop downtalking german history in these lands (or outright denying) we can move on.

Oh and the germanic people are well over 3000 years old...we are now spread over the whole Earth (North America, South America, even Africa), Germanics even were on the moon.


Son of Stephen Koenig Armstrong and Viola Louise Engel, Neil Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio.[1][2] He is of Scots-Irish and German descent.

Oh and he was put there by another German, Wernher von Braun btw...:)

We will never die out! :):):)

PS: And this blonde/blue eyes is definitely a foreign obsession, not even Hitler was or propagated that sh*it!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
21 May 2009 /  #90
Poles like to arge about that just as much...it needs two to tango.

They respond to German arguments. That's different. I don't think there are any organizations trying to get Berlin incorporated into Poland because a few Poles took a leak in a park after a few beers.

Oh and the germanic people are well over 3000 years old...we are now spread over the whole Earth (North America, South America, even Africa)

The same with Poles.

Germanics even were on the moon.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_Twardowski - Long after Poles :)

Archives - 2005-2009 / History / Germans Exiles & Museum in Berlin in the eyes of Poles and UE nationals.Archived