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Germans Exiles & Museum in Berlin in the eyes of Poles and UE nationals.

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 May 2009 /  #31
What evidence???

Evidence that Steinbach is a Neo-Nazi????

Cut the crap Sokrates!

She's not a Neo-Nazi, she's a nazi symphatizer, if 1/3 of HER organization that SHE runs is made up of formerly active nazis then yes she is a nazi symphatizer and no "cut the crap" is going to change the facts.

Now please tell me why else would Steinbach had such a large number of formerly active nazis, some of them proven murderers in her group? No "cut the crap" your own newspaper published that, its not like we cant find the fact in other sources but i figured you wont question the "Spiegel" since its a prominent German newspaper.
Salomon  2 | 436  
21 May 2009 /  #32
Yeah...can't wait!

Oh well If you decided to use power to push project which are not right ... but you calim that you are just stronger ... Sorry :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
21 May 2009 /  #33
Who cares what you think or doubt Dog!

Definately more people than about your smelly crap spread around here, kraut.

That's also the point of the center...you aren't asked, you would be lying anyhow!

I don't give a damn what you do there, you may even claim that 20 millions gerries were "victims of explussions" and creat a 100 movies about "german opposition" (lol!).

and how many Poles were members of PZPR?

And how many Yanks are retards ?

You're lying yet again.

Oy ! So will you enlight us with the really real truth ?
21 May 2009 /  #34
expeled from house which has been stolen by her father.

And another like from Luki.

Steinbach herself is not exiled but came to Poland with her father who was a Luftwaffe technician during the war.

Two lies for the price of one! Steinback is Polish born: she did not come to Poland with her father, she was born in Poland. She is exiled: the pre-war family home was near Breslau (that famous German city which has since been taken by Poland) and as of 1945 Germans haven't been welcome there.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #35
She's not a Neo-Nazi, she's a nazi symphatized, if 1/3 of HER organization that SHE runs is made up of active nazi then yes she is a nazi symphatized and no "cut the crap" is going to change the facts.

So..now you retract your "neo-nazi" statement already...well..it's a start!

Now when you would now bring me some evidence that the organzation is to 1/3 Nazi that would be great...really...

Definately more people than about your smelly crap spread around here, kraut.

As I said...who cares what you think anymore???
We not!

...so scared! Luki the polish chicken!!!

I don't give a damn what you do there, you may even claim that 20 millions gerries were "victims of explussions" and creat a 100 movies about "german opposition" (lol!).

We will make some more, no doubt!
Can't wait to see the Poles spitting and throwing tantrums about every one of them....heh
freebird  3 | 532  
21 May 2009 /  #36
Are you an idiot? Wait dont respond you are an incredible idiot, you're comparing a post war communist party with an organization that had Nazis in it? Many of whom were murdering civilians during the war?

no you're a freaking idiot with your truth about Germans and Poles. The truth is that Germany lost the war and paid billions for reparations and is now in the top 5 strongest economies in the entire World. You just can't live with that fact you maggot. I lived in both countries and met many people on both sides and I know why I take up for Germans. They are honest and hard working and the most important, realistic thinking people, something you have to learn before start criticizing anyone.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 May 2009 /  #37
I dont have anything against Germans and BB knows that best, i have a lot against pro nazi people German or otherwise, Steinbach clearly supports nazism by harboring dozens of confirmed active nazis and creating a policy that makes members of an invading army into "exiles", its not only anti-Polish but clearly a pro nazi organisation, whether Steinbach is an actual nazi or not is irrelevant, she's their active supporter.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #38
Steinbach clearly supports nazism by harboring dozens of confirmed active nazis


she's their active supporter.

Well, so is Merkel...that would make her too an active Nazi supporter! Hmmm...

Two neo nazis:

Salomon  2 | 436  
21 May 2009 /  #39
Well, so is Merkel...that would make her too an active Nazi supporter! Hmmm...

It doesn't make her neo - nazi ...

It shows that Germans are BACK :-) with their old policies. :) Lithen to Switzerland ... listen to Holland :-) ... Your lovely neighbours noticed the change :-)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #40
Yeah...did you clean your pants after you scrapped in again you scaredy chicken Luki???


eastwards if possible, ja?
Salomon  2 | 436  
21 May 2009 /  #41
every time when you talk like this :

Roosevelt asks of Hitler not to invade a list of countries. It ends in the same way ... :-) You should have your pants scrapped!
21 May 2009 /  #42
It ends in the same way ... :-)

You mean Poland getting invaded by Russia? I don't think that is something for you to boast about Luki.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #43
Next time we share Poland with our best friends the Russians and DON'T invade them so we can keep it all...we will be smarter next time..mwaaahaaa ...oh and I will make Luki my personal household slave when I'm the new Gauleiter...ha! That will show him!!!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 May 2009 /  #44

I gave you proof, Spiegel 2006 august article thats so you could not weasel yourself out of it, here's some more:


President of the "Federation of Expellees" worked as a Nazi judge, among his death sentences was one for harboring gypsie refugees, all sentences were given out under occupation law (which means those he had murdered either gave food to refugees, painted "independence" symbols or otherwise broke nazi imposed occupation regime).

Lets go further:

"The federation of expelees does not want to come clean with its nazi past"

Some quotes:

According to "Der Spiegel" among the top activists of the Federation there were more people tied with nationalistic socialism than believed thus far, from the investigation revealed that more than a third of 200 high ranking members of BDV were members of NSDAP, they're also revealed by other sources.

And here BB we have an interesting part.

"Steinbach powiedziała, że nie ma sobie nic do zarzucenia. Jej zdaniem trzeba odróżnić sympatyków od osób funkcyjnych, które są nie do przyjęcia dla związku. "

Steinbach says she cant accuse herself of anything, in her opinion you need to see a difference between sympathizers and active people.

This is all quoting Spiegel who investigated into history of BDV, this further shows Steinbachs pro nazi sympathies since many of these people who active members of administration carrying out executions, one of the former presidents was responsible for transports of Poles into 3rd Reich and is accused of organizing jewish death trains, there's more.

I'm sorry BB but you're lying to yourself and us, this is stark proof she is a pro nazi activist with an agenda, if its not proof to you its only because you're highly biased yourself.

Next time we share Poland with our best friends the Russians and DON'T invade them so we can keep it all...we will be smarter next time..mwaaahaaa

Just make sure not to use former nazis in your whining circles when we reclaim another bit of Poland afterwards mwaaahaaa :)))
Salomon  2 | 436  
21 May 2009 /  #45
our best friends the Russians

Yes they like your women...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #46
I'm sorry BB but you're lying to yourself and us, this is stark proof she is a pro nazi activist with an agenda, if its not proof to you its only because you're highly biased yourself.

What lying???

Sokrates...this women has a high profile position in the CDU and get's support from many famous people in the country and even the chancellor.

Would she get that if she would be seen as neo-nazi or Nazi sympathizer/supporter?

But then...you also believe Bismarck was a "failure" so...yes...maybe you believe that...*shrugs*

Just make sure not to use former nazis in your whining circles when we reclaim another bit of Poland afterwards mwaaahaaa :)))

Nope...we won't make the same errors again! :)

PS: Hans Krüger died 1971...don't you have something more recent to blame Steinbach for?
21 May 2009 /  #47
President of the "Federation of Expellees" worked as a Nazi judge

Yes he did, 45 years ago! And, to quote the source you link to he “lost that job in 1964 after it became known that he was involved with war crimes and crimes against humanity”. Funny how you don’t quote that bit. And he died 38 years ago, does Steinbach still harbour him?

You’re so pathetic. What, are you worried that the German who rightfully owns the land on which your parents’ house is built will on day come back to claim his property and you’ll be forced out of your basement into the daylight?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 May 2009 /  #48
But then...you also believe Bismarck was a "failure" so...yes...maybe you believe that...*shrugs*

From historical perspective, i never argued against him being an awesome and impressive leader though, i might not like him since he didnt like Poles but i'm still impressed by the guy, i'm however thoroughly disgusted by Steinbach the only thing is i wonder whether she's an actual nazi or just a supporter.

Sokrates...this women has a high profile position in the CDU and get's support from many famous people in the country and even the chancellor.

Obviously because she's trying to deal with history, you're human beings, whenever peope speak of Germany there's Hitler in the background, whenever Germany speaks of Germany there's Hitler in the background, it a psychological issue for you and you need to deal with it but a nazi symphatizer running a show for ex nazi officials is not the best person to do it.

Nope...we won't make the same errors again! :)

You said after WW1, after WW2, i bet they said it even in 1410, you always make a big show and land on your face, just to come back with "no more errors".

PS: Hans Krüger died 1971...don't you have something more recent to blame Steinbach for?

I said by now these people are dying off but they were/are present in her organisation which is a clear indication of her sympathies, i'm sorry but thats pretty solid proof, unless you're waiting for her to spray deodorant on a local rabbi in a lame attempt at gasing him?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #49
From historical perspective, i never argued against him being an awesome and impressive leader though, i might not like him since he didnt like Poles but i'm still impressed by the guy, i'm however thoroughly disgusted by Steinbach the only thing is i wonder whether she's an actual nazi or just a supporter.


For the rest...just think if a smart and sensible women like Merkel would be friends with and support a Nazi...

You said after WW1, after WW2, i bet they said it even in 1410, you always make a big show and land on your face, just to come back with "no more errors".

Ja gut...*shuffles feet*...but this time really...I think...
pawian  226 | 27509  
21 May 2009 /  #50
I wonder what is real opinion on the subject of Poles and others nationalities too, as we are one big happy family in the EU.

Let Germans have their museum. I have nothing against. Hundred thousands of innocent people died and other lost homes. Of course, a proper historical and factual context should be provided, especially the reasons of expulsions: crimes that Nazi Germans committed in Poland and all Eastern Europe during the war. Only then will the museum be a fair enterprise.
freebird  3 | 532  
21 May 2009 /  #51
Yes they like your women...

I'm glad you admit the fact of German women were raped by the members of the Soviet Army (not only Russians).
What pisses you off guys about some Germans still talking about their long lost Motherland? I've met some Poles born in Lwow talking about them losing their Motherland too. If you want me to feel for this people, you have to accept other people feelings about their losses too.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #52
unless you're waiting for her to spray deodorant on a local rabbi in a lame attempt at gasing him?

Oh that was mean!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 May 2009 /  #53
For the rest...just think if a smart and sensible women like Merkel would be friends with and support a Nazi...

Merkel is a politician first and foremost and nazis are making a slow comeback in places (Saxony) also like i said i doubt Merkel is an actual nazi, she's a nazi apologetist and symphatizer but she's quiet enough about it that Merkel can afford the association.

Right now the most important thing is she's trying to do something with your history, your history has been itching you for the past 64 years, and here comes a woman who wants to do something about it (rewrite it) so of course she'll have support.

Let Germans have their museum. I have nothing against. Hundred thousands of innocent people died and other lost homes. Of course, a proper historical and factual context should be provided, especially the reasons of expulsions: crimes that Nazi Germans committed in Poland and all Eastern Europe during the war. Only then will the museum be a fair enterprise.

And not by einsatzgruppenfuhrer Steinbach.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
21 May 2009 /  #54
We will make some more, no doubt!

Good. They are quite funny actually.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #55
Right now the most important thing is she's trying to do something with your history, your history has been itching you for the past 64 years, and here comes a woman who wants to do something about it (rewrite it) so of course she'll have support.

So just leave us alone and we leave you alone and all are happy.

If it weren't Steinbach it would be somebody else and him/her too you would call neo-nazi and what not...I have no doubt about it!

And not by einsatzgruppenfuhrer Steinbach.

She is born in 1943...a bit to young to reach that rank, don't you think?

Oh...wait...just another meaningless, factless, brainless try at defamation!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 May 2009 /  #56
If it weren't Steinbach it would be somebody else and him/her too you would call neo-nazi and what not...I have no doubt about it!

Actually no, i think that if it weren't Steinbach the entire matter would never even get out, contrary to what you believe Polish bone is mainly with Steinbach and the entire enterprise was tainted by her personally.

try at defamation!

She defamed herself enough with her associates and family history, trying to sell herself as an exile when her father was part of the invading army, i dont really need to help her.
Borrka  37 | 592  
21 May 2009 /  #57
Lithen to Switzerland ... listen to Holland :-) ... Your lovely neighbours noticed the change :-)

I'm pretty sure Switzerland has noticed the change. lol
However it's rather of economic nature and not any kind of German chauvinism.
The key issue between Helvetia and Reich are German gastarbeiters, cheap labor force overflowing Switzerland.
There are so many rumors going around about discrimination of Germans and anti-German rasism (language related).
The best known case is Kathrin Wilde from Saarbrücken.
She had a job at Swiss Energy Radiostation but after nervous break down she is back in Germany now.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
21 May 2009 /  #58
Actually no, i think that if it weren't Steinbach the entire matter would never even get out, contrary to what you believe Polish bone is mainly with Steinbach and the entire enterprise was tainted by her personally

I frankly don't believe that!
The whole expulsion issue is still a kind of a "red rag" to many Poles.
Seeing themselves firmly in the brave and upstanding victims role this just doesn't fit in!
The other way around is more correct...searching for any small hint which could make your denial and anger more reasonable...as in:
"Look, she is a Nazi - the whole center is Nazi!"
You would try the same with ANYBODY!

You are not better than Russians trying to deny Katyn!

But we came around to accept that and I'm glad we are not waiting any longer and just go forward.
For that alone Mrs. Steinbach earned herself a firm place in the german history.
It IS important for us!

Any further polish-german discussion/dispute about it is quite pointless actually and could only hurt future relationships...
z_darius  14 | 3960  
21 May 2009 /  #59
I don't see a problem with the museum. In Berlin they also have the wonderful Pergamon Museum. Should we be expecting a return of Ramzes III?

The whole expulsion issue is still a kind of a "red rag" to many Poles.
Seeing themselves firmly in the brave and upstanding victims role this just doesn't fit in!

The borders were not decided by Poles. They were decided by Soviets, Americans and Brits. Those who moved to what is now (and used to be, centuries ago) Western Poland did not do that exactly voluntarily. The resettlement was forced on both Germans and Poles.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 May 2009 /  #60
But we came around to accept that and I'm glad we are not waiting any longer and just go forward.
For that alone Mrs. Steinbach earned herself a firm place in the german history.
It IS important for us!

Fine but she's still a nazi symphatizer, are we supposed to bend over for a woman who's clearly out against Poles just because she's the first to seriously tackle the issue of your history?

Any further polish-german discussion/dispute about it is quite pointless actually and could only hurt future relationships...

They were fine untill Steinbach came around, in fact they'd still be fine if you built a bloody city to memorize exiled Germans without Steinbach around, she herself is not a big deal unless she becomes a rallying banned for the re-emerging nazis and nazi apologetics.

The whole expulsion issue is still a kind of a "red rag" to many Poles.

Its "red rag" for Kaczyńscy, we have showed them in the elections what we think about them and in extention about their anti-German retoric as well.

Archives - 2005-2009 / History / Germans Exiles & Museum in Berlin in the eyes of Poles and UE nationals.Archived