I gave you proof, Spiegel 2006 august article thats so you could not weasel yourself out of it, here's some more:
President of the "Federation of Expellees" worked as a Nazi judge, among his death sentences was one for harboring gypsie refugees, all sentences were given out under occupation law (which means those he had murdered either gave food to refugees, painted "independence" symbols or otherwise broke nazi imposed occupation regime).
Lets go further:
"The federation of expelees does not want to come clean with its nazi past"
Some quotes:
According to "Der Spiegel" among the top activists of the Federation there were more people tied with nationalistic socialism than believed thus far, from the investigation revealed that more than a third of 200 high ranking members of BDV were members of NSDAP, they're also revealed by other sources.
And here BB we have an interesting part.
"Steinbach powiedziała, że nie ma sobie nic do zarzucenia. Jej zdaniem trzeba odróżnić sympatyków od osób funkcyjnych, które są nie do przyjęcia dla związku. "
Steinbach says she cant accuse herself of anything, in her opinion you need to see a difference between sympathizers and active people.
This is all quoting Spiegel who investigated into history of BDV, this further shows Steinbachs pro nazi sympathies since many of these people who active members of administration carrying out executions, one of the former presidents was responsible for transports of Poles into 3rd Reich and is accused of organizing jewish death trains, there's more.
I'm sorry BB but you're lying to yourself and us, this is stark proof she is a pro nazi activist with an agenda, if its not proof to you its only because you're highly biased yourself.
Next time we share Poland with our best friends the Russians and DON'T invade them so we can keep it all...we will be smarter next time..mwaaahaaa
Just make sure not to use former nazis in your whining circles when we reclaim another bit of Poland afterwards mwaaahaaa :)))