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Famous Polish Russians.

Borrka  37 | 592  
28 Nov 2008 /  #1
Sorry to say it but I know one person only.

Sokrates Starynkiewicz, Russian mayor of the occupied Warsaw: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokrates_Starynkiewicz
Prince  15 | 590  
28 Nov 2008 /  #2
Sasha Strunin
Crow  154 | 9561  
28 Nov 2008 /  #3
i do believe in Slavic Union
Prince  15 | 590  
28 Nov 2008 /  #4
Crow  154 | 9561  
28 Nov 2008 /  #5
let`s spread it

spread ;)
Prince  15 | 590  
28 Nov 2008 /  #6
let`s spread itspread ;)

welcome in Poznań (she lives here).
Crow  154 | 9561  
28 Nov 2008 /  #7
now Poles don`t complaint that Russia didn`t give you anything
Prince  15 | 590  
28 Nov 2008 /  #8
She has been born in St Petersburg.... so I don't know if she is perfect example but I'd say it is interesting example.


BTW If you are in Poznań you can go on Slavic party and met a lot of people from countries like Ukraine or Russia.

We had Ukrainian culture festival this year and it was very interesting event. I've been on part about history and cusine.
Crow  154 | 9561  
28 Nov 2008 /  #9
Poles and Russian should support unique path of Ukraine

You don`t have right to be selfish and let that to Ukrainians happen that what happened to Serbians

or else, one day... what would you with your glory and powerty if there are no other Slavs arround you to confirm to you... `yes you did best for Mother Slavija, glory goes to you`

what is the beauty in sight, when one spot how evil strangers mutilate his own kind

I am worried that Poles and Russians have different vision of the best path for Ukraine ... Ukrainians have problem with it too...

i only see how elites of Russia and Poland faced their failure. Other Slavs, even Slavs of Russia and Poland would know how to grant that failure

Slavic piedmont aren`t Russia and/or Poland. In this very moment Slavic piedmont is ``little`` Slovakia (Slovakian elite).... and Serbs (Serbian elite)... Serbs play their role- that`s enough to them,... for now


Prince  15 | 590  
28 Nov 2008 /  #10
You should join this (Polish - Russian) forum: forum.polska.ru/index.php
Crow  154 | 9561  
28 Nov 2008 /  #11
thanks for invitation :)
Sasha  2 | 1083  
28 Nov 2008 /  #12
You should join this (Polish - Russian) forum:

Prince, do you post there? Me don't but I read it occasionally.
Prince  15 | 590  
28 Nov 2008 /  #13
I don't but I often read it.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
28 Nov 2008 /  #14
welcome in Poznań (she lives here).

Can you arrange a meeting with her? ;)
Prince  15 | 590  
28 Nov 2008 /  #15
I don't have number to Sasha :(
Filios1  8 | 1336  
28 Nov 2008 /  #16
That makes me very sad, too...

Sasha Strunin

She shows very characteristic traits of a woman from St. Petersburg. They seem to have a lot of blonde bombshells over there. Perhaps it is because of the Swedish influence.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
28 Nov 2008 /  #17
I don't have number to Sasha :(

Every time I run onto my name in this thread I feel like "hey guys... hope it's not about me this time..." :)

That makes me very sad, too...

Don't be sad Filios. We've got better ones both in SP and in Moscow. :) Sasha Strunina seems to have artificial boobs which is no good.
Prince  15 | 590  
28 Nov 2008 /  #18

It was coincidence :)
Filios1  8 | 1336  
29 Nov 2008 /  #19
Sasha Strunina seems to have artificial boobs which is no good.

I can make exceptions... ;)
23 Feb 2009 /  #20
Alosza Awdiejew

  • Alosza Awdiejew
Trevek  25 | 1699  
23 Feb 2009 /  #21
The writer and artist Witkacy was a Russian citizen. When WW1 broke out his friend Bronislaw Malinowski, famous anthropologist, was threatened with internment in Australia because he was an 'Austrian' Pole. Witkacy was a 'Russian' Pole and returned to Europe to join the Russian army.

Malinowski sat out the war on the Trobriand Islands, doing anthropological research.
Juche  9 | 292  
23 Feb 2009 /  #22
Felix Dzerzhinsky famous Russian-Polish and very good!
McCoy  27 | 1268  
3 Mar 2009 /  #23
Lew Rywin
George8600  10 | 630  
18 Jun 2009 /  #24
That Sokrates fellow is also part Greek according to some history books I have read. ^_^

Anyway, take Dzerzhinsky off the list, he was a self hating Pole, administered the Katyn Massacre into action and monitored it (being the leader of the NKVD) and purged and killed 20,000-50,000 Poles during the Great Terrors of Stalin (again, being leader of the NKVD and signing forms to purge certain foreign ethnic gorups-one being Poles) until Stalin the Poles deported. He was a criminal in Poland and was put in the Warsaw Political Crimes Prison, until it was bombed by the Russians in 1935 and he escaped. Other thank Poles, being the leader of the NKVD, he monitored the starvation of over 3 millions to 7 million innocent Ukrainians in the Stalinist famines of 1937, requested HIMSELF that the dog tags of many red army soldiers be pulled off to make the unidentifiable to the Germans and so lower casualties could be supported (no country in the history of mankind has treated their war dead like this), likewise he aslo ordered NKVD officers to shoot and kill any Russian soldiers whom were seen retreating or surrendering. I also got his pre-NKVD history off of an encyclopedia here:
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
18 Jun 2009 /  #25
Dzerzhinsky off the list, he was a self hating Pole, administered the Katyn Massacre into action and monitored it

Are you for real? He died in 1926, Katyn happened in 1940 how could he administer this massacre and monitor it? He was dead for 14 years.

to purge certain foreign ethnic gorups-one being Poles) until Stalin the Poles deported.

Now here's an oxymoron, Poles deported themselves to Russian far east.

He was a criminal in Poland and was put in the Warsaw Political Crimes Prison, until it was bombed by the Russians in 1935 and he escaped.

Once again we have a miracle on our hands, shall I remind you one more time He died in1926 in Moscow. Dzerzhinsky served several prison terms, the last time he was serving his prison term as a political prisoner was in one of Moscow's Prisons. BTW he never escaped, he was released from there when Tsar abdicated, that was in 1917.

Other thank Poles, being the leader of the NKVD, he monitored the starvation of over 3 millions to 7 million innocent Ukrainians in the Stalinist famines of 1937,

Once again he was dead, dead, dead as a doornail by this time in history. Black Famine in Ukraine happened in 1932-33, this happened 6 years after he died. Yes he was a Pole by ethnicity but he was first and foremost a Russian Communist born and raised in part of Poland that was under Tsarist Russian control therefore a citizen of Russia. What are you trying to say here? That it was not the Russian communists and Stalin himself that were responsible for the famine in Ukraine but somehow Poles were involved?Even if you are making this connection here through Dzerzhinsky because of his ethnicity forgetting everything else you know about the man, like I said he was long dead before this happened.

requested HIMSELF that the dog tags of many red army soldiers be pulled off to make the unidentifiable to the Germans and so lower casualties could be supported (no country in the history of mankind has treated their war dead like this), likewise he aslo ordered NKVD officers to shoot and kill any Russian soldiers whom were seen retreating or surrendering. I also got his pre-NKVD history off of an encyclopedia here:

Here you are talking about the events that happened during WWII, once again long after his death, so how did he “requested HIMSELF”? As you put it. Perhaps it's not the fault of the source that you try to learn your history from but your reading comprehension skills that fail you.

Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin regarded Dzerzhinsky as a revolutionary hero, and appointed him to organize a force to combat internal political threats.

Other than the fact that they were both fighting for the same cause Lenin and Dzerzhinsky rarely
saw eye to eye on many issues. His appointment came about not because Lenin liked him or even admired him but simply because he was one of the powerful grass root leaders of the communist movement and as such he could not have been ignored or overlooked by Lenin. It's obvious you learned your history in Russia or Ukraine during the Soviet times. What's couple of years this way or that way? It's around the same time so what's the difference? I had enough, no more, please.

Just checked the profile, your a Yank, this explains it all.
The title of the thread is Famous Polish Russians.
Is he Polish? Is he Russian? Is he famous? SO why you want him off the list? He was an SOB, we all know that, be it good or bad it dose not matter he fits the title. You on the other hand have to learn a great deal.
George8600  10 | 630  
19 Jun 2009 /  #26
Well I suppose your right, sorry about the false history, this is why we don't use Wikipedia.


and no I am not a Yank, I am a Pole having immigrated here a few years ago. I am a Pole.

Archives - 2005-2009 / History / Famous Polish Russians.Archived