looking for any information about the Tracz family in Olchowiec and Samocice
Tracz family in Olchowiec and Samocice
first you can try to search nasza-klasa.pl (must be registered). i found 4 ppl from samocice with the name Tracz. hope you'll find this direction helpfull.
19 Mar 2009 / #3
My grandmother was a Tracz from Samocice. Please email me at BeeMail27@aol.com
Tracz = sawyer
but also:
tracz nurogęś
pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracz_nurog%C4%99%C5%9B Polish
and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mergus_merganser English version
other birds called tracz
tracz nurogęś
pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracz_nurog%C4%99%C5%9B Polish
and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mergus_merganser English version
other birds called tracz