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jeandarren  6 | 30  
26 May 2008 /  #1
Hey people

Anybody know if Rogalski is a common name in Poland, my granfather moved to scotland during WWII (he was a polish soldier working in scotland & married my grandmother)

He changed his name to Rogers when he moved, wish he didn't!!

Thanks :)
Polson  5 | 1767  
26 May 2008 /  #2
Rogalski is a Polish name, i don't know if it's common though...
Polson  5 | 1767  
26 May 2008 /  #4
You're welcome Jean :)
Puzzy  1 | 150  
26 May 2008 /  #5
Hey people

- Another racist trollie? Pretending to be Scottish, but being just a (non-Polish) ethnik, whose own family shamefully changed their name to sound local? I suppose I know what ethnik mob you belong to. They frequently change their names in a foreign milieu.


- Purposeful mispronunciation, to ridicule the Poles? What is your own real name, I wonder? Let me make fun of it a bit.
OP jeandarren  6 | 30  
26 May 2008 /  #6
- Another racist trollie? Pretending to be Scottish, but being just a (non-Polish) ethnik, whose own family shamefully changed their name to sound local? I suppose I know what ethnik mob you belong to. They frequently change their names in a foreign milieu.

Excuse me?? My grandfather fought for the poles during world war II, so please do not make fun of him! I have all of his Polish army documents!

If you want to know the real reason why he changed his name to Rogers, it was because he was angry with Poland as they wouldn't accept my scottish gran into the roman catholic community & yes i am Scottish.

Please don't ridicule something you know nothing about, especially when it concerns my family which i am very proud of!
Puzzy  1 | 150  
26 May 2008 /  #7
Excuse me??

- Did you ever screw your granny? How about screwing your grandpa? Did you ever screw g--d?
OP jeandarren  6 | 30  
26 May 2008 /  #8
Not funny, i don't appreciate your unkind remarks
Puzzy  1 | 150  
26 May 2008 /  #9
Not funny

- No, I'm really curious. Do you screw g--d every day?
ForsakenOne  - | 38  
26 May 2008 /  #11
Just ignore that troll, jeandarren. Rogalski is Polish surname and I know some Rogalski people so I guess it is quite popular.
Puzzy  1 | 150  
26 May 2008 /  #12
Weirdo, get a life!

- Oops, isn't it weird to screw g--d on an everyday basis?
espana  17 | 951  
26 May 2008 /  #13
a lot of Polonophobe in this forum , most from the british my good friend puzzy
OP jeandarren  6 | 30  
26 May 2008 /  #14
If i was polonophobe i wouldn't be visiting the country a few times a year (as that's all i can afford), i am the total opposite, it's no wonder some people are with people like you judging them!

Just ignore that troll, jeandarren. Rogalski is Polish surname and I know some Rogalski people so I guess it is quite popular.

Thanks ForsakenOne, nice to know somebody has an open mind :-)
Jova  - | 172  
26 May 2008 /  #15
The name (and its variations) is pretty common in Poland... You'll find a lot of relatives when you start to search :D
espana  17 | 951  
26 May 2008 /  #16
If i was polonophobe i wouldn't be visiting the country a few times a year

cheap holidays
Puzzy  1 | 150  
26 May 2008 /  #17
If i was polonophobe

- Does your g--d have a big a$$?
OP jeandarren  6 | 30  
26 May 2008 /  #18
The name (and its variations) is pretty common in Poland... You'll find a lot of relatives when you start to search :D

Thanks Jova :-) x

- Does your g--d have a big a$$?

Do you?
Puzzy  1 | 150  
26 May 2008 /  #19
Do you?

- So does your g--d have a big a$$ or not? Why are you evading to answer this?
ForsakenOne  - | 38  
26 May 2008 /  #20
Go visit your psychiatrist and stop trolling here, Puzzy.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
26 May 2008 /  #21
If i was polonophobe i wouldn't be visiting the country a few times a year

Don't take puzzy's comments seriously. He appears to be a mix of a Polish version of a nazi and a schizophrenic. Nothing you can do about it really. There are people like that in all countries and you will meet a few here. If they only remembered to take their meds as prescribed.

Other than that welcome to PF.

Oh, and there was a Rogalski who married someone in my extended family. A pretty popular name in Poland.
OP jeandarren  6 | 30  
26 May 2008 /  #22
He appears to be a mix of a Polish version of a nazi and a schizophrenic

Thanks z_daruis & forsakenOne think you might be right :-)

Oooh wonder if we're related z_darius! lol
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2008 /  #23
More than 10,000 people in Poland and possibly another 2,500 world-wide are surnamed Rogalski.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
26 May 2008 /  #24
Oooh wonder if we're related z_darius! lol

ya just never know, cousin ;)
OP jeandarren  6 | 30  
26 May 2008 /  #25
He he!

I thought it was very common in Poland, i remember looking up my scottish phone book & there was only about 5 in the whole of the UK :O
26 May 2008 /  #26
there was only about 5 in the whole of the UK :O


there was one listed of the polish surname in my family in the derbyshire in the phone book and that happened to be my grandmother and grandfather :D
darek112  1 | 2  
26 May 2008 /  #27
puzzy anymore of your **** i will ban you from this forum enough said

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