It's possible that someone can help if you post the Surname. Also, there are many topics having to do looking for family or reseraching family names. You can click on the "sililar threads" link at the bottom or use the search function.
The People I am looking for are named Agnieszka and Jaroszław Bąk last known address was in Lublin. My name is Dariusz Bąk and they are my half brother and sister. If anyone can assist me please email me at
If you've got their last known address but cannot go to Poland yourself and have no-one there who can track them down for you, you might try a private detective agency. Google: agencje detektywistyczne
look at (our-class) This web site helps members find, and connect with friends from school. it has over 12 million registered users. Maybe you'll find your family?
Sorry for any mistakes I made, i don't speak english very well, but I very want to help you :)