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Need photo from Wrzeszcz of childhood home.

OP tatt2dmoon  3 | 27  
2 Aug 2009 /  #31
my cousin is 48 and I have spoken to 1 of her boys via email. He is just as bad. They don't see the importance of it, because they grew up there. Where as my dad missed out. War time tore the family apart.

So I do my own research. It's kind of hard being in another country too.
I'll check out that link. The last name has so many different spellings. I don't understand it but it is spelled 2 different ways on 1 polish document for my grandfather. The old German way was changed and I can't keep up with the Polish ones.

This forum is my first contact with people from Gdańsk or Poland, that I can actually communicate with. Thank God !
It has taken 10 yrs just to locate the cousin. Sad that relatives don;t wanna help out. We are all Blood.
So when I visit Poland it ought to interesting to visit them and see the reaction.
tj123  - | 85  
2 Aug 2009 /  #32
So when I visit Poland it ought to interesting to visit them and see the reaction.

If they have been this indifferent to now they will likely pretend to be nice f you go there...as its expected in the home. But as soon as you leave they will start complaining and comment jealously on your life and what you have. It's sport here to envy others...Just don't expect honesty and deep connections. Take the hugs and smiles for what they are...superficial gestures. Focus on the real reason for the visit...to see your father's home and walk in his footsteps...don't get too caught up in thinking about the current situation or you will be disappointed.
OP tatt2dmoon  3 | 27  
2 Aug 2009 /  #33
Mmmmmmmmm that link found the name but I can't read Polish....

Sirotzki was the name, Sirocki or Sirocka is the name now
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
2 Aug 2009 /  #34

It's Germanized version.
OP tatt2dmoon  3 | 27  
2 Aug 2009 /  #35
don't get too caught up in thinking about the current situation or you will be disappointed

Thank you.
I will be happy enough to be in my dads home city.
I planned on letting the cousin know I was coming and if the invitation is given I will go. but it is not the basis of my visit. And if I do not see them that's fine to. I will not push.

I learned to take what I can and that relationships with lost family is a hard thing for some.It satisfies me enough to know that I have put the puzzle of my family together. !

They think that because we live in the USA we are rich.. Ha. I am far from that, we grew up very poor. I work just as hard as everyone else in the world for the life I have.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
2 Aug 2009 /  #36
And Polish version is a different one for a man and for a woman...
tj123  - | 85  
3 Aug 2009 /  #37
So absolutely NO chance dad could fly even with a medical escort who cares for him before,during and after the flight? They move him in wheelchairs and have advanced equipment and training. I would look closer at this option. When a normal doc says 'no flyin' they mean alone. Taking a medical team along counters that worry. If we can get him there let's do it! I can find you a service of you are interested.

tatt2 I wanted to say also I understand its not always possible to take such a trip for a variety of reasons...didn't mean to come across as if you were not doing enough as you have clearly gone above what most would do and I think its great of you! I just wanted you to have factual options as this is not a normal situation and lots of docs say things like "no flying" and they don't consider options.
OP tatt2dmoon  3 | 27  
3 Aug 2009 /  #38
I understand its not always possible to take such a trip for a variety of reasons.

Medically is the first reason. Financially we can't afford a team of medical workers or I would be on the next plane out of this hell hole USA. I would have to look into getting him a current passport from Germany. He is not a US citizen. When we traveled to Germany in 1977 he was not granted a visa to come into Poland??? I do not know the reason, I was to young. Crushed him to be so close but yet so far.

I am sure the paperwork is an issue and it would take some time. But then there is the $$.

If I could get my father back to his home I would, believe me. But I can't.
So I do what I can for him by bringing his home to him. His eyes still tell you the pain of being drafted at age 14 , captured and spent 5 years as a POW and then never allowed to go home. he is a tough old man but that child I see ! Breaks my heart...........

If anyone knows that cematary name in Bretow ( he says that was the name) let me know?
Maybe I could contact someone to see if graves exist.
caprice49  4 | 224  
21 Aug 2009 /  #39
photo of his old home

I found an old photo of the Old Market place in Wrzeszcz - alas, I'm doing something wrong and the thing just won't attach. Sorry. Good Luck! Do google the place there are lots of photos of the old parts there.
cjj  - | 281  
21 Aug 2009 /  #40
If anyone knows that cematary name in Bretow


Bretow - change the e to an ę and then decline the word so the ending changes and you get
"Cmentarz w Brętowie" ? Bretow Cemetery?

See this link - it mentions the "Herz Jesu" Church that you were talking about earlier


but also says "Cmentarz funkcjonował do 1946 r. " (closed in 1946)

My Polish isn't good enough to read this through today but maybe it's a step in the right direction.

21 Aug 2009 /  #41
My Polish isn't good enough to read this through today but maybe it's a step in the right direction.

Not very encouraging story though ... about cemetery I mean
caprice49  4 | 224  
1 Sep 2009 /  #42
The cemetary is attached to this church:-

Parafia Rzym.-Kat. Pw.Matki Bożej Nieustającej PomocyParafia Rzym.-Kat. Pw.Matki Bożej Nieustającej Pomocy
Słowackiego 79
80-257 Gdańsk, Poland

There is a lot of controversy over the destruction of many graves whilst in the process of building of this equally controversial church - being built in the shape of a ski jump!!!

An undertaking had been made to build a new church to replace the old one and the Western section of the cemetary was destroyed. Although skeletons were placed in a coffin and placed within the new church some question whether it would have been possible to fill just one coffin with the remains which came from 1500 sq.metres. Moreover, it is said the headstones had been sold to neighbouring allotments. On the south side of the cemetary there remain around 100 headstones. The northern part of the cemetary is cut off from the remainder by the new church, parking facilities and the parish house. This side of the cemetary has been (and may still be) in a state of total neglect. The parish priest had explained this away, by pointing out there were insufficient funds to rebuild the roof.....

Horst Meller - a child mentioned in Gunther Grass' book has had a new cross erected. One would hope this would inspire others to take example and tidy up the cemetary offering their services for nothing!!!
OP tatt2dmoon  3 | 27  
2 Sep 2009 /  #43
It makes very sad and angry to read the above post. My Uncle died at the age if 6 and "was" buried there. I was hoping I could locate the grave, or maybe a record.

How can anyone allow the destruction of sacred ground. Unbelievable.
Thank you for the information.


who has the records for that cemetary, the church listed above?

I need information on
Clemens Sirotzki born 1930-1936 no exact dates father August Franz mother Anna

Can anyone help with this?????
caprice49  4 | 224  
2 Sep 2009 /  #44
I need information

In theory the church should have records of all buried in the cemetary. But from what I can gather this church isn't up and running.

The spelling of the name may be incorrect - so please clarify is it Klementy Sierocki or Sirocki?
Come on guys we need some help here. I do believe on the northern section of the cemetary there are some children buried - and some of those graves are tended.

Does anyone know how to contact Piotr Jakubiak as he erected the new cross mentioned in my previous.
OP tatt2dmoon  3 | 27  
4 Sep 2009 /  #45
I do not know how they spelled Clemens in 1930, since it is in German I think it would by Klemens but at the time of his death it would still be Sirotzki, today it is Sirocki

his birth was around 1932 death 1938 approx. dad was young then.
he was buried there because my grandfather was the caretaker of the cemetery and was for 40 yrs.

the funeral was held at the family church

Katolicki Najświętszego Serca Jezusa
ul. ks. Zator Przytockiego 3
80-245 Wrzeszcz
Telefon (0-58) 341-01-41 Fax (0-58) 344-05-86

i realy wish I spoke polish so I could call
caprice49  4 | 224  
7 Sep 2009 /  #46
Clemens in 1930, since it is in German I think it would by Klemens

Ok, will keep digging.
OP tatt2dmoon  3 | 27  
10 Sep 2009 /  #47
Sep 11, 09, 02:58 - Thread attached on merging:
Where do I get records for Wrzeszcz & Orunia Gdansk from 1920 to 2004?

My family is from Wrzeszcz and Orunia -Gdansk.

Does anyone know where I can write for Birth and Death records from 1920 up to 2004 ?

I understand there is a place that is an "archieve" for older records and another place where more current records are kept.

I really need the address and phone number Please if anyone can help I would really appreciate it.

TheOther  6 | 3596  
10 Sep 2009 /  #48
For records older than 100 years the state archives are responsible, for all others you have to contact the local civil registration offices. Yours is

Urząd Stanu Cywilnego
ul. Nowe Ogrody 8/12
80-832 Gdańsk

I don't know if this address is still valid. Just check it online.
caprice49  4 | 224  
14 Sep 2009 /  #50
Urząd Stanu Cywilnego

Tatt2dmoon! I'm working on it.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
14 Sep 2009 /  #51
If anyone knows that cematary name in Bretow ( he says that was the name) let me know?Maybe I could contact someone to see if graves exist.

I think it should be Brętowo now - uphill from Wrzeszcz/Langfuhr - there is some big cemetry there as far as I know but only a person there can check if old graves still exist - I am not a Gdańsk native

sorry I didn't read all of the thread before I wrote my entry
caprice49  4 | 224  
17 Sep 2009 /  #52
tatt2dmoon I'm back on line!!! See my email. This may be the route.
cjj  - | 281  
1 Nov 2009 /  #53
Is this the same cemetary - (the first one covered in the article)? My Polish really isn't good enough to pick out full details but maybe someone with decent language skills could comment.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Genealogy / Need photo from Wrzeszcz of childhood home.Archived