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Origin of "Kempczynski" Polish last name

12 Jun 2008 /  #1

I heard it said that a Polish name which ends in 'ski' refers to the origin of its name, ski=origin. It can refer to a geographical location, royality, or etc. If this is true, can anyone tell me what the name "Kempczynski" may originate from? I know it's asking a lot, but thought I give it a shot.

Thank you in advance.
plk123 8 | 4,138  
12 Jun 2008 /  #2
Polonius3 993 | 12,357  
14 Jun 2008 /  #3
The root of Kępczyński (the original spelling) is the Polish word "kępa" meaning a small grove or cluster of trees. Since the adjetival -ski ending in most cases indicates a toponymic surname (derived from the bearer's home locallity), the ideal match here would be a place (town, village, noble estate) called Kępczyn (Grove, The Groves, Groveton, Woodville, Clusterton). None such exists present, but there are a dozen places called just Kępa and several dozen more with adjectival qualifiers such as Kępa Polska, Kępa Rybacka, Kępa Kujawska, etc. that migth have generated teh Kępczyński nickname. There are also numerous other Kępa-rooted localities such as Kępno, Kępie, Kępice, Kępeczki, Kępino and many more. 1,750 Poles currently sign themselves Kępczyński. For a complete custom-researched anaylsis of nearly every Polish surname please conatct: research60@gmail

Archives - 2005-2009 / Genealogy / Origin of "Kempczynski" Polish last nameArchived