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Krauzowicz, Krauza

7 Jul 2006 /  #1
Please help me find what the name Krauzowicz means! I have been told on one site that anything withthe suffix -owicz means "son of" and yet what does the prefix mean?? I am interested in being able to teach my son about his Polish heritage and I'd like to be able to find out as much as I can about our Ancestry. Please help! :)
7 Jul 2006 /  #2
It seems it's more like German name (sounds Polish but "Krauz" does not mean anything in Polish; "owicz" does not mean anything either..)
18 Nov 2006 /  #3
Not so good..I was really hoping we could figure this out.. I am assuming during the war when people were coming over to America the Polish name was altered into something German then?

Related: Looking for Krauza family from Sebestyanowo Poland

Looking for informaiton about the great great grandparents Michael and Thecla Krauza. Their son Joseph married Frances Marciniak about 1873 and then emigrated tothe USA around 1889-1890, with 4 children, Walter Marianna, Vincentius (Wenzel) Ladislaus (Lawrence). Lawrence went back to Poland about 1921 and has been heard from since. Any Help would be appreciated.

MARCINIAK: patronymic from Marcin (Martin) = Martinson
KRAUZA/KRAUZE: from German adjective kraus (curly-haired)

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