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Bula surname

28 Jun 2007 /  #1
I recently started to do some genealogy on my family and i can not find much info on my surname. Any information would be greatly appreciated! My surname is Bula.
2 Apr 2008 /  #2
My surname is Bula as well, Bula is Hebrew which means "Bride" T
Czerwony Lis 1 | 33  
3 Apr 2008 /  #3
According to surname map:

Statystyka: Liczby do nazwiska 'Bula'
W Polsce jest 1565 osób o nazwisku Bula. - 1,565 Bula's in Poland (2002 census)
Zamieszkują oni w 74 różnych okręgach i miastach. Najwięcej zameldowanych jest w Lubliniec a dokładnie 158. - 74 different locations in Poland with 158 located in Lubliniec.

Other towns include see below
Dalsze okręgi/miasta ze szczególnie dużą liczbą osób o tym nazwisku Katowice (156), Tarnowskie Góry (124), Bieruń i Lędziny (97), Chorzów (91), Tychy (88), Bytom (83), Siemianowice Śląskie (74) i Piekary Śląskie z liczbą wpisów 50.

Hot spots are in Southern Poland for that surname.

So are you sure its Bula and not Buła?
Polonius3 993 | 12,357  
15 Apr 2008 /  #4
It might be Buła (with a barred £) which in Polish would mean a large bun, loaf or by extension any large bulge. It can alłso mean an uncouth clod or bumpkin (redneck in Americanese). Entirely by coincidence the term is also used as a translation of bull (papal bull), meaning an authoritative document issued by the Supreme Pontiff. That latter seems the least likely soruce of your name.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Genealogy / Bula surnameArchived