My partner is Polish and we are always in Poland every 2 months or so for 3 or 4 weeks at a time - the trouble is I know it may sound daft to some of you as I know everyone is aware Poland is a meat loving coutry unfortunately, I am vegetarian and I have a big problem with the food as everything contains meat and there are no restaurants that cater for vegetarians so I find myself eating pizza, chips, bread, cheese, potatoes and salad all the time which is bloody gruelling! Can anyone help!
I love all the Polish salads (sałatki, surówki) I can eat those all day long! Many types of vegetable salads. Pierogi come with cabbage and mushrooms, potatoes, cheese, blue-berries. Kluski śląskie are made from potatoes, served with mushroom sauce (Yummy) Soups like barszcz, mushroom, pickle, tomato are without meat. Naleśniki, potato pancakes, beets with horse-radish, etc. Poland has a lot of delicious vegetable dishes, prepared differently than in America.
Thanks for the advice - Have thought of that but the problem is no fridge and a 15 hour drive through holland and germany ! :)
sorry I was referring to the post from member UK- who suggested taking frozen food. Not great as we have a 15 hour drive !
Krysia - as for the salad I do like it and the pankakes etc but find that the vegetarian dishes are a bit limited and as for those perogi pasta parcel things - I cant stomach those!:)
Wroclaw - We go to Kalisz which is on the same side as Wroclaw so we might have to visit your town - maybe you could sugest the name of a good restaurant!
I'm Polish, 26 yr. old female and I have not been eating meat for more than 15 yrs. now. I live in Warsaw, where you can find some vege restaurants too. And even before we had them, I was shopping a lot at the small open market ( "bazarek" :) not far from my place. I was able to find there healthy food i.e. tomatoes from Mysiadło etc. etc.
Also, I do not eat bread, pizza and chips . I do not like soya too much... And yes, I'm in perfect health. I do not know where you are now, but there is plenty vege food here.
Ups, I see you are in Kalisz. I have no idea about vege places in this town ... You may have to cook for yourself and I'm sure you will find lots of organic food at the local markets.
Where in Warsaw do you live? I lived in Żolibórz. Many bazars all over. Good home-grown vegetables, very tasty, smell good. In the US too many are genetically modified and artificially fertilized.
i do not want to hurt anybody's feelings but when i was in the states i lost about 10 kilograms , because even eating vege food was like eating plastic to me.
i used to live in cambridge ma , not far from harvard sq. and i used to go to the "harvest store" on central sq. to buy food there for myself, but even their food wasn't too tasty... sorry.
but at least, i looked like kate moss when i came back to poland :)
Jan 5, 07 [11:06] - Attached on merging: vegetarian polish food!!!!!!!!
hey, just wondering if anyone knows of 'soya chops' i used to live with 3 polish guys and 1 was a vege, like me and he used to bring these back with him when he went back to poland, but neither of us could find them anywhere in the uk!!!
so if anyone has any clue s to what im talking about please get in touch thanks!
sorry .. but there was no such thing as a veggie diet back at home where the Polish mother took charge in cooking :) ... but I suppose that's slowly changing.
What's the point of switching to vegetarian food besides the hope for animal cruelty elimination anyway?
If we all become vegetarian there will be no need for livestock. So, all the cows and pigs etc will go straight to the slaughter house. All to make room for more crops.