This Polish guy I knew would not eat at McDonald's but when the burger was brought home and put on a plate then he would eat it.
Kishke, kaszanka
Why would you buy that man McDonalds anyway? Cruelty :)
McD's isn't really popular anymore and no one I know eats it. It's made for moms on the go with a minivan full of kids, people with no taste for food or foreigners with McDonalds in their country. yuk
McD's isn't really popular anymore and no one I know eats it. It's made for moms on the go with a minivan full of kids, people with no taste for food or foreigners with McDonalds in their country. yuk
OP Maciej...
29 Feb 2008 / #33
my dad makes czarnina all the time its okay
my dad makes czarnina all the time its okay
FL polish girl
13 Mar 2008 / #34
I love czernina...moved to Daytona Beach from Chicago 21 years ago and can't get any..
look in on the Cubans and Puerto Ricans as they eat very similar things actually. I know the PRs make kiszka, not too sure about czernina but i'll ask my bud at lunch today.