Is eating horse legal in all of Europe or is it just France and Poland? I can't believe something so barbaric can be legal in all of Europe? I can't believe it's legal anywhere.
I don't see how you can call it barbaric? They are slaughtered in the same, humane, way as cattle, sheep, etc. It is just different, you think of horses as pets and, as such you think it's wrong to eat them. Not so in a lot of continental Europe. You need to set a boundary between animals as pets and as food. Horse meat is very low in fat and high in protein. It has a stronger flavour than beef and is recommended to be slow cooked on account of the low fat content. I can't believe that people are actually so offended by different is it to eating a cow to be honest?
You know, if you eat horse meat, you have no moral right to complain to Koreans about them eating dogs, because you are as barbaric for eating horse as they are for eating dogs.
I don't think you have a moral right to complain about the Koreans anyway. The dogs that they eat are farmed for that purpose, no different to cows or sheep. But again the fact that you are calling it barbaric for people to eat these things, to me, makes you seem really rather closed minded to other cultures.