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Blueberry Pierogi's

donnagk1946  2 | 5  
7 Nov 2007 /  #1
I serched on the site for Blueberry Pierogi's and couldn't find one - does anyone know how to make them. I would love to make them for my Husband. Also does anyone know if you can freeze the dough and than thaw before needed? Thanks, Donna
7 Nov 2007 /  #2
I did a quick search on google and there is lots.......
7 Nov 2007 /  #3
i just mix blueberries with sugar in a bawl and live it for a couple of hours...
that's it, very easy...
i don't freeze the dough, i like it fresh and like a play dough...
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 Nov 2007 /  #4
I would think that you just put blueberries inside.
osiol  55 | 3921  
7 Nov 2007 /  #5
This had to be started after the last of this year's crop of home grown Blueberries has been finished.
I am considering buying a second bush to balance out my garden plan.
Nothing to do with eating, of course.

don't freeze the dough

Unless you buy some sort of frozen dough, why freeze it?
OP donnagk1946  2 | 5  
7 Nov 2007 /  #6
We make around 800 to 1000 (which is probably not many to some of you), but I thought if I make the dough ahead, we could move quicker making the pierogi's instead of having to wait while I make the dough when needed.
Ronek  1 | 261  
7 Nov 2007 /  #7
lol its easy, its like making normal pierogi you just put blueberry inside.
OP donnagk1946  2 | 5  
7 Nov 2007 /  #8
I just was wondering if you used blueberry pie filling or fresh blueberries and added something.
Ronek  1 | 261  
7 Nov 2007 /  #9
they must be fresh blueberries with a bit of suggar on the tops of em.
dont use filling! that sort of awful staff can be bough at stores and nobody like is! home made pierogies are with fresh fruit!
Ronek  1 | 261  
7 Nov 2007 /  #11
oh and when the pierogi are ready and you put 'em on a plate for you love, add some cream on them.
neelie  3 | 12  
23 Nov 2007 /  #12
I really like the polish style salads (surowka I think) like white cabbage, beetroot, carrot etc, I've tried making them at home but there's something missing. I've been told to make the dressing with oil, vinegar and sugar, does anyone know where I'm going wrong please?

Blueberry Pierogi's

Hey there, sorry I put my question about salads on your thread, I'll get used to the system eventually!
PinKoalabear  - | 3  
26 Nov 2007 /  #13
To make the filling, my mom uses fresh blueberries and sugar. She keeps the blueberries whole and uses 75% of the amount of blueberries to be the amount of sugar she uses. And then she simply rolls the dough, cuts out circles, and wraps the pierogies. They are insanely good!
Forever  - | 3  
28 Nov 2007 /  #14
Mmmmm pierogis are so good :P One of the many benifits of having a Polish girl as your partner is that you're never hungry!! haha
melnay  1 | 29  
28 Nov 2007 /  #15
I just add sugar to the tops of the fresh blueberries. Never tried freezing the dough, but wouldn't want to do that. Rather work with fresh products to guarantee great quality!

Mmmmm pierogis are so good :P One of the many benifits of having a Polish girl as your partner is that you're never hungry!! haha

Come on now Forever! I cook more Polish food than my Polish friends!
15 Dec 2007 /  #16
We actually freeze the fresh blueberries...when we are ready to make pierogi, we take the blueberries from the freezer, sprinkle them with sugar and put them in the pierogi. If you do this while they are still frozen , you do not get all the juices all over the place - and it is easier to pinch the pierogi since the dough sticks better when it is not wet from the blueberry juice.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Jul 2009 /  #17

I love blueberry pierogi this time of year, served with metled butter or sweet cream or confectioner's sugar and sour cream, but the ones we get in the States cannot compare with the Old World variety. Those are made with wild berries (czarna jagoda, czernica) which are much smaller than the American blueberries but less watery and more favourful. Anyone agree or disagree?

Anybody recall seeing li'l old babcias selling the jagody they've picked in a forest at Polish roadsides?
krysia  23 | 3058  
14 Jul 2009 /  #18
I remember in Warsaw once a lady was walking by the blocks yelling and selling "jagody! jagody! jagody!" and people would go and buy from her. You can make blueberry pie, blueberry waffles, blueberry muffins, blueberry yogurt, blueberry icecream, then you wonder why you have blueberry poop. Just like here in Wisconsin we have all these AYCE corn roasts where it's grilled or boiled then the toilets get plugged with corn poop.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
14 Jul 2009 /  #19
Old World variety

What the hell are you talking about..Pol, you do sound rather silly at times..When was the last time you went to Poland?
bunia  1 | 134  
14 Jul 2009 /  #20
You can still see people selling jagody on roadside and market places.
Pierogi z jagodami - OMG yummy !!!!
mafketis  38 | 11219  
14 Jul 2009 /  #21
I agree that polonius3 often sounds .... out of date, but he does have a point here. For my money on the whole fresh fruit grown and sold in Poland is better than any of the overprocessed and bland fruit I've had in the US. I just had some black cherries bought on the sidewalk of Warsaw that were amazing.

I'm just surprised that Polish people are so into blueberries (too papery and harsh around the edges for me) and not as fond of blackberries (jerzyny) as I am.
bunia  1 | 134  
14 Jul 2009 /  #22
Pawian your cruel for posting those pics !!!
I want pierogi z jagodami so bad !!!
Time to go on holiday home and visit my babciunia!!!
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
15 Jul 2009 /  #23
I love blueberry pierogi

if they're made from freshy picked blueberries, umm they're soooo good
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Jul 2009 /  #25
Pawian -- Those look like żurawina (cranberries) of borówka (bilberries).
marye  - | 3  
5 Aug 2009 /  #26
has anyone got a recipe for pierogi's
Robert A  1 | 102  
5 Aug 2009 /  #27

Found this:

ona  2 | 17  
6 Aug 2009 /  #28
Reading this topic just made my mouth water....
If only I didn't have to eat ramen noodles :(
ChrisPoland  2 | 123  
20 Nov 2009 /  #29
Louicky-That is a brilliant idea about the frozen berries. I have terrible problems sealing up the fruit pierogi. For meat pierogi, I make something like little meatballs (pre-cooked) and I find it much easier to get the pierogi sealed. Next time, I will try your idea.
polkamaniac  1 | 482  
26 Nov 2009 /  #30
Here is a suggestion on keeping the berries from running :

Wash, drain, and drip dry 1 pt. blueberries. Some cooks sprinkle the
blueberries with sugar before filling pierogi, but that makes the filling quite runny. We feel it is better to fill them with just the blueberries and then sprinkle the cooked pierogi with powered or granulated sugar on serving platter. This is a great summertime favorite, the more so that the small wild blueberries found in Poland's forests are far tastier than the commercially grown variety available in America. Note: Your blueberry pierogi will be less runny if you sprinkle the berries with 1-2 T. flour or potato starch.

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